South Africa 2024 election – The Election That Could Change Everything in Africa

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South Africa 2024 election – The Election That Could Change Everything in Africa

South Africa 2024 election – In 2024, numerous African nations have either completed or are gearing up for pivotal presidential or national elections. By year’s end, more than a third of African countries will have participated in this vital democratic exercise, selecting leaders to steer their nations forward. While each election holds…



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  1. Another white man is president ? Really ? I’m pretty sure Black people in South Africa are still traumatized 30 years after a apartheid ended

  2. Vote Julius Malema, Vote EFF
    Vote Julius Malema, Vote EFF
    Vote Julius Malema, Vote EFF
    Vote Julius Malema, Vote EFF
    Vote Julius Malema, Vote EFF

  3. Malema 🙌🏾 if you want to live what is a real freedom.

    There's no need to think about it!

    This message is to our brothers and sisters from 🇿🇦

    If we have Malema at the head, Traöré in Burkina Faso, Goïta in Mali, Tiane in Niger, Museveni in Uganda… the motherland of humanity will one more time come to life.

    This world in which we are living needs to change. We MUST absolutely take back our sovereignty.

  4. No more leaders who have passed 60 years. Let alone 70s. Time for a new generation of Black african leaders. Let all the old carcasses go and reside in care homes for the elderly. Hope they have electricity, running water and toilets there…..

  5. EFF Said they want SA to be like cuba oh banana africa will never get it right haha bye bye africa yall will starve 😹😹😹😹😹

  6. South Africa National IQ Test on the 29th of May 😹 wanna be communist fascists or free market economy with entrepreneurs and capitalism we shall see 😹👍

  7. Malema is a big mistake. NPC humans have the memory of a gold fish. Malema is working for the WEF, the most evil organisation on the planet. Wrapping himself in LGBTQ flag when South Africans have other major concerns, like getting their land back. What a joke. 🤓🤡🥸

  8. I hope EFF wins!!! It’s time for Real Change!!! ANC is the party that sold BP out and allowed BP to remain in the same powerless position. How do you have All White Towns in SA, still many BP are segregated, and left without economic empowerment, still only maintaining jobs that serve the minority. BP still have Not been compensated for the Genocide committed by the Minority, Land and Wealth thieves who still control SA. Time for a Serious Change!!!