Sista Goes Viral For Asking Kamala To Explain How Migrants Can Get Loans But She Can't

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Sista Goes Viral For Asking Kamala To Explain How Migrants Can Get Loans But She Can't

We have a live conversation about a Sista asking VP Kamala Harris to explain how migrants can get business loans, but she cannot.
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  1. I wish I could have been here during the live! Great show, as usual. A sad truth that Donovan mentioned is how black folks are demonstrating a severe lack of intelligence during this election. I really hope people wake up because being loud just for the sake of being seen will not end well if it continues.

  2. She's basically paying taxes so that an illegal immigrant can take her hard earned tax dollars and buy her truck without earning it in any way! In America, the disrespect to melanated people is real.

  3. just look at the way he spoke to them bootlicks, saying you hear me and we needs to work with the Hispanics, but yet the fba are lining up to vote her into office, totally shameful, we needs to learn the democrats are against us too

  4. I don't think Trump should speak on all he will do. Karmala has showed she will steal his idea's. Democrats has no ideas or plans for America and especially black people. Thanks you for your great information.

  5. I heard from another content creator that Kamala Harris is telling Democrats that they need to pay black people reparations if they want to win the election. I guess this means she, Kamala needs the Democrats' permission to cut the checks.

  6. but they won't openly support the man(Trump) that says he will deport the illegals. Demetra and Donovan are part of the problem cause they won't openly support Trump and thats the common denominator of the all those black folks on the Democrat slave plantation. Demetra goes out of her way to say im not a Trump supporter. So she doesnt support the man that is going to help the black community the most by deporting illegals. This is the flaw in the black American community thats keeping them on the Democrat slave plantation.

  7. Allegedly, They Say She a Drunk, is that's Why Kamala Laugh soooooooo Much, because I Ask What are she going 2 do Black American if she Win ? Okay Real Reality of Life ,These are the Last Day, God can Come Now and No President Period Have Yall Though About That Real, Put God First cause God will Show U , better than He can Tell U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Allegedly Have ❤ in the World & Peace Amen

  8. This target on us will either make us or break us, but we need to rid of weak link c🦝🦝ns in the family and the tethers.
    Haitian history taught us to rid of those sellouts first and our history has shown us how much stronger we were back then because we didn't have poc pretending to be us and sabotaging our movements. These two entities are our biggest threats.
    This target on us will force us to make a change and it's gonna get ugly because many of us know that we can't keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.
    If they are trying to replace us…who in our family is making it easy for them and who are the pretenders assisting in the replacement?

  9. THEY ARE BEING BROUGHT IN WITH PURPOSE, I HEARD ADULTS SAY THIS AS FAR BACK AS THE 1970, AS A TEENAGER GROWING UP IN NYC. THEY ARE BEING BROUGHT OVER TO DISMANTLE BLACK AMERICA ECONOMICALLY, POLITICALLY, SOCIALLY AND CULTURALLY. 🙄AND JUST HOW THEY'RE SUPPOSE TO DO THAT? The exact same way they were able to do it all throughout Latin America. Who has ever been to Latin America and noticed the caste system at WORK??????, I HAVE!!!!!! In Latin America they have their Europeans Spanish, Portuguese, (Caucasians) at the top of the pyramids still running things and keeping things at their advantage, and then they have their MIXED-UP SUBORDINATES, their Mestizos and Mulattoes sitting right below them as a buffer zone, and at the very bottom of this pyramid is the darker of the bunch, your indigenous and Negroes. Everyone stays in their place and play their role in the order of BLANCOQUIEMENTO. There is no such thing in Latin America as this one over here is white and those over there are your Negroes OR INDIGENOUS, because on the SURFACE everyone is supposedly simply a Latino and as such the racism and discrimination is covered up by what officials and society in general like to describe as "COLORISMO "aka COLORISM……. because one who is of a lighter complexion may be treated a bit differently from one who is of a darker, and this is the SYSTEMATIC METHODLOGY that they use to cover-up racism and subjugate all Latinos to strive to becoming ACCEPTABLE AS EUROPEANS/CAUCASIONS, sometimes by bleaching their skin, or marrying to produce a next generation that do not appear as Africans or darker skin Native Americans. This Influence from Latin America is being indoctrinated into Black AMERICAN REALITY at the present time, where it had already existed since slavery but kept at a minimum. The Latinos are here to make this mindset as much of our reality as it is in Latin America. This is why Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Now Kamala Harris who are both extractions of MISCEGENATED BLACK AFRICAN PEOPLE, are subtly influencing Black America to get behind the newly arriving Latino community while they take us deeper into the abliss of completely being eradicated of our African identity; genetically, culturally as well as socially in order to better control our academic, political, cultural, and most important economic advancement. After the Civil Right Era of the 1960's they step up their game of coming to take us out of the picture either by way of bleeding us out or BREEDING US OUT. THEY ARE PRAYIG AND HOPING BY 2090 THE CALL FOR ADVANCEMENT OF BLACK AFRICAN PEOPLE IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE WILL BE OVER AND DONE WITH, WHEN NO ONE IS, OR VERY LITTLE ARE CLAIMING TO BE BLACK NOR OF AFRICAN. THINK ABOUT IT, THIS IS WHY AFRICAN AND HAITIAN MIGRANT ARE SENT BACK JUST AS QUICK AS THEY CAME I, WHILE LATINOS AND OTHER HAVE THE FLOOD GATES OPEN WIDE ON THEIR ARRIVAL, AND THEN ARE COMPENSATED FOR THEIR EFFORTS

  10. I have a comment regarding this migrant crisis.
    I know for a fact that the US government is flying in migrant from Afghanistan and other places,
    they're not just dumping them in black communities.
    Fact one: No one has seen them in large numbers throughout cities across the US.
    Fact two : they would have to be acclimated to our language and education as well as being able to assimilate and operate within this American contruct.

    The only way this could be achieved is funding by taxpayers.

    So technically, black Americans have been replaced, and we are now in an economic race war that hasn't gotten physical yet.

  11. This channel is pro maga because they are getting paid for it, people wake up!! These unuscrupolous pretenders are doing a disservice to the black communities when they lie and spread misinformation. We are not going back!!! 🎉Yes! Madam President Kamala Harris 🎉

  12. Kamala and biden didn't lie about there feelings about the blk community. So many voted for them to spite trump. And now there doing the same thing over again . Smh blk people assist in their own demise. We have to many sellouts and get alongs.

  13. Perhaps she's having buyer's remorse for voting binden/Harris in the office . If so this is the consequences of foolish actions. Oh well… if she didn't vote democratic then it sucks…

  14. Why should we vote for a party that never disrespect doesn't never give us the opportunity nor the chance to become fully involved in America and why should we go for another party that don't give up their respect that we need or respect to do we deserve