SHOCKING: Putin's official speech on BLACK Jesus and Ethiopia

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SHOCKING: Putin's official speech on BLACK Jesus and Ethiopia

Let’s come together in reasonable dialogue to honour our ancestors and reclaim the world through an African lens. Join me as we delve into African history, culture, and worldview to better understand their relevance to our lives today. By sharing our thoughts and knowledge, we can pave the way for a new culture of awareness and reclaim our…



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  1. The Russian people and President Putin and the black people has been deceived by this painting that was painted back in the 1,400s AD. Now let's look in scripture in the Bible in the book of Gen.10 to see if what you and President Putin are saying is correct and true. Now back to Gen.10:2-3 The sons of Japheth are Gomer and his son Ashkenaz. As one Jewish teacher says that the Ashkenazi jews are descendents of Ashkenaz. But Ashkenaz is a Japhethite and not a Hebrew/ Israelite's. Now back to Gen.10:6 The sons of Ham are, Cush and Mizraim and Phut and Canaan. And in the strong's concordance the name Cush means Black = ethiopian = Cushite's = African. They are Hamites and not Hebrew/Israelite's. Now back to Gen.10:21-33; Gen.11:10-32 The sons of Shem to Eber to Abram. Gen.14:13 Abram the hebrew. Gen.17:5 The Lord changed Abrams name from Abram to Abraham. And his son Isaac and his son Jacob ( Rom.9:13 ) whom the Lord changed Jacob's name from Jacob to Israel. Gen.32:28; Gen.35:10; and the twelve tribes of Israel. Gen.49:1-33; and the Hebrew/Israelite's Exodus chapter's 1-11 Aaron and Miriam and Moses. Now let's look in Matt.1:1 The book of generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. See 1Sam.16:12 David was ruddy in body. See the word ruddy in the strong's concordance, it means, red hair, or red whitish complection. See Lam.4:7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire. See Dan.7:9; Rev.1:14 His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow. See Rev.2:9 I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are from the synagogue of Satan. Rev.3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. See Prov.6:16-19 The Lord hates lies. Even those who cause people to believe or trust in their lies. Jer.28:12-15-17; Jer.29:31; even those who loveth and maketh a lie. Rev.22.14,15: Rev.21:27; 1John 2:4 He that saith I know him, but keep not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. See Rev.21:8 and all liars will have their part in the lake which Burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Now let me ask you this question, What right do you have to interpret the word of the Lord the way you want, and to twist it to make it mean what you want it to mean? Remember that the painting that President Putin is holding was painted back in the 1,400s AD, and it was designed to deceive the black people and other people who won't study. 2 Tim.2:15. Always use the Bible to make sure that you are giving sound doctrine to everyone who is listening to you.

  2. Putin also states space is real as does zog/crown owned usa. The reality is everything is upside down. Make of it what you will but theirs no truth in the legal. One thing you can beton is to never trust a freemason under the power of the jews(arab etc/european mixed) and poo-tin is full of sht as he is in the boyz club who says your on a spinning ball full of water thus he has no credibility. This is apart of the zog planned race war and when its over only the fake jews will be standing sadly. The zog requires the white west falls and black ppl have been imported to all west white countries for this agenda thats been in the making for hundreds of years. Given all the numbers associated with jesus and 33 is mind blowing and the double headed eagle etc is masonry. The world is a stage and Jesus was the first thing they teach us in those devil owned schools. Somthing to ponder.

  3. We love you PUTIN 💪🏿✌🏿🙏🏿. Attention all black people: please read Russian revolution poetry. These people know the struggle. We have much in common. Russians got soul.

  4. The first page of the Bible proves that it is a African history book. Ethiopia is there on the page, Egypt too. Those are African countries. There is no Britain or England there on that first page…. 😂 Lol.

  5. Ask the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church's opinion on it oficially. otherwise it is so easy to get lost in the interpretation of things.There are 5 main keepers Orthodox oriental christianity. Armen,Egypt,syria,india and Ethiopia, the way How Ethiopian orthodox oriental christianity contributes to the faith, the other 4 calls the ethiopian church … the mother church. what is written there goes beyond words

  6. Most White dominated countries encourage LBGT as equal rights while Black dominated countires discourages it and forbids it. Why is that? Could this be because black people have concessness of right and wrong, while whites only concern is about their legal rights and legalising LGBT. This could mean that Jesus is black and he is with the black nations for his future plans.

  7. 🙋🏽‍♀️Hallelujah🙌🏽Hallelujah 👋🏽
    Thank You Heavenly Father💫
    Christ Jesus✨️and Holy Spirit ❤️‍🔥For bringing forth the Truth🙏🏽We are Not Colors We are Kingdoms❣️Tribes❣️Nations
    Kindreds❣️Tongues❣️People Peoples❣️

  8. Man you can’t trust nothing theses people say did the painting says Jesus name on them it’s Cap and gown 👨‍🎓 his name wouldn’t be Jesus

  9. People must go and Google Ashra Kwesi's documentary of Know thyself and they will learn all they need to know and that Jesus was hanged on the tree and that he was killed because those in power considerd him as an revolutionary blackman. I will park here

  10. Vladimir Putin knows Africans like to prey, he knows they have been in Colonial bondage for centuries, there are probably more so called Catholics or Christians in Africa then there are in Italy, but to release African of the chains of colonialism Putin knows John 8:32 must be observed " know the truth and the truth will set you free" , for this reason the Ethiopian know that freedom, that land was never conquered by any one , Gob bless Vladimir Putin , God Bless Russia the new world order guided by BRICKS begins with this truth about Africans

  11. My parents raised me in the knowledge that our Lord, and Savior is a black man. I’ve never thought any different about him and never will. Looking forward to his return, which is very soon.