Shocking: I refuse to take care of my Parents // SAY IT LIKE IT IS – Ep 166

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Shocking: I refuse to take care of my Parents // SAY IT LIKE IT IS – Ep 166

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  1. Relieved that this issue is being discussed as collusion and denial within some families and communities creates a real brick wall. Sexual abuse including familial abuse happens in all cultures and it really irks me when I hear some people vouching about how squeaky clean and perfect their culture is.

  2. I agree with you, cutting them off is the only protect your sanity way and find healing. Toxic parents are the worst, the trauma we are left with affect the way we parent our children.

  3. The behaviors described are a part of a toxic abusive way of life in the African community. Culture is the way of life of a people. These behaviors are negative, but by definition it is still culture, However culture is not something sacred. We shouldn''t use the excuse of Culture to behave like a beast to our family. We can also start our own traditions and pass them down to our own famililies and it can become the culture or way of life for our families.

  4. This is true life story it happened to me several times from my own parents. I hate my parents like shit I almost kill them with my own hand.. Anytime I remember my past ? See, I just cried.
    It's hard for me to forgive my parents I was treated like animal😌🥺

  5. And there needs to be understanding between the old and young, and find thorough ways of dealing with the driving emotion and stress (stemming from financial issues that have been intergenerationally unresolved). The emotional charge also comes from traditional beliefs and behaviours passed down. This is what is holding us back as a people as a whole. Also, colonisation has greatly influenced all of this, including slavery, etc.

  6. With all the mental, emotional, physical and verbal abuse, the girls will get sexual abuse too from relatives and sometimes even from their own fathers and the impact this has on one's adult life is devastating, then you struggle and make something out of life for yourself and you are expected to keep handing them cash, making you feel like you are obligated.

  7. The first story, I sympathize with the lady, thank God, the patent confirmed they knew. So in my opinion,they sacrificed to the uncle. They were not parent but enemy. She would not have personal relationship with them inorder to protect her children. You can love them but you don't need them. The second story, the father is arrongant. He could have asked for forgiveness. He needs to love him also.

  8. Some parents have NEVER EVER said "i love you" to their kids. its like expressing love is forbidden for some parents. This segment hit close to heart. We need to do better, really we do.

  9. I believe the problem of physical abuse (we never call it that, but that’s what it amounts to) is an issue with Blacks (Africans) across the diaspora. Fortunately, while I did get some spankings when I was a child, I was never physically abused. I always felt I had a bond with my mother, not my father because wasn’t a big part of my life post-divorce. Other Black kids here in America got some really severe beating back in the day. Sometimes their parents, especially their mothers, would call them names such as “nappy-headed heifer,” “black,” “ugly” or “I wish you were never born” comments. I do believe that the physical abuse of Blacks in America has decreased over the years, mainly because kids in America know they have rights, that if their parents beat them they can call the police, or notify an authority figure. If you show up at school with bruises, teachers and administrators are required to report it as suspected physical abuse. The mental abuse persists, as it’s not as palpable as physical abuse.

  10. I know the physical abuse and sexual abuse very well. Some parents should never be parents. I don’t owe my parents anything that I don’t wish to do. These people are parasites

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  12. Not sure whether this is African Snowflake training or not…I don't condone abuse but I'm fully behind corporeal punishment…your post is not clear on what you think of a simple "spank"

  13. Wait! they knew, and did not stop sending their daughter to this uncle? 🤔🤔🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. UNBELIEVABLE. How could they do this to her?

    @Phrankleen, She can still sue that uncle. This is BS!

  14. I sympathise with children abused by adults. But when a lady has enjoyed s*x for so long as an adult or youth in an illicit way and then turn around to call that abuse, I find it strange . The truth is that many of these ladies enjoyed what was being done to them. It’s only when they have had enough that they cry foul. Except in case of captivity or r*pe. Can you believe pinching such ladies with pins on a daily basis and they will not complain or raise alarm? While I don’t condone abuse in any way, I don’t understand why a lady will enjoy intercourse, refused to challenge the abuser, refused to appeal to the conscience of the abuser(except in captivity ) and then cry foul later. It’s absurd! They were having fun. Now after they have had enough they cry foul of abuse. If someone close to you was pouring hot water on you on daily basis will you not run or complain.?

  15. I lost all my self confidence because of the terible beating and spiritual abuse from my mother as child
    while my father looked on because she ran the show
    I can tell you today at 48years old l can't still make sense of what self confidence looks like
    people still take advantage of me while l go home and cry inside of me which is more painful
    than crying out the relief tears
    my greatest wish l have today at my age is to have just a child to show real love to
    thank you
    please tell me how to send you so little thing just to thank you

  16. I am very well aware of the emotional disconnect of a parent to a child/vice versa. I felt very alone throughout my childhood when I told my mother of the inappropriate actions of my stepfather she started treating me like I was a leper. Eventhough I am an adult now I still feel a deep resentment towards her.

  17. Dude, I’m a Ghanaian woman totally relating to everything your are saying – word for word. Keep up the education!👌

  18. You always have to unlearn and relearn. Those parents should go and do a course with the children Services like me called negative impact of parenting how you were parented.

  19. Brother i have been watching am living in sweden come from Gambia. I went through this shit when i was young. All what you said is the truth plus the teachers beating too. God bless you peace

  20. However excessive habitual of beating any person especially a kid is totally unnecessary unacceptable and should never be tolerated , or rewarded in any way . If its appropriately (not excessively) done , one off case for actual discipline purposes in an extreme case , it may be necessary just like the law gets applied when called for. Not excessive habitual beating , as that becomes abusive violence which is even criminal !!

  21. But if she took it for so many years , then she should not now later claim that its now tormenting her sooo much that she cant move on because she would already have exploded back then . She can actually move on . This one is not just African community . Its actually highly prevalent especially in all the international community . What she should do is seek professional counselling

  22. Scriptures are misleading parents by making them feel kids should unconditionally support them at all times. They abuse you as a child through elderly and expect you to help with all their needs at all cost. You don't give your kids hell and expect heaven from them. It's hard to get over the abuse as children.

  23. There are four types of parents: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, Uninvolved/Neglectful.

    Many Africans of the diaspora including Caribbean and African-American parents are affected by the trauma of slavery and colonialism. The brutality of the colonial rulers created a system of family dysfunction. Children were to be controlled and prepared to work for the white master. The abuse of the children was also used to “protect” the children by keeping them in line. It is a vicious cycle.
    This is part of the Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome, coined by the great African-American
    My brother, I love your exposure of this wickedness and ignorance!

  24. Phrankleen i hope that lady leave those people alone. What type of parents would know that a uncle is having sex with there child and be ok with it. Omg that uncle would be in the grave and I in prison and i would be ok with my actions.
    My mother boyfriend try to molest me as a child I was 9 or 10 he was in his late 30ths . I was sleeping and I feel someone rubbing on my leg i wake up and kick him away, I was afraid to tell my mom because this man used to beat me wickedly and my mother would do nothing he would come into the bathroom to see where I put my clothes and if I leave it on the floor he beat me. I know now that was his way to see me naked and to beat fear into me….I built up the courage to tell my mother but only after one of his beatings, he told my mother I was lying it's because he hit me i am saying such. I think she think about it and break up with him that week…..
    I was the mother that keep asking my kids, is only one touching you i was the one that tell my kids about bad touching and don't be afraid to let me know no matter what the person say.
    My kids would be sick of me asking i don't trust no one around my kids even though I have only boys. And God knows the intention I had about killing the mother f@#@#@ that touch one. He never let it happen. 2 of them is now adult.
    Mrs i am so sorry your parents never protect you. My God bless and keep you.

  25. I think those PREDACTOR chose their VICTIMS carefully too!!!
    I hope the LADY and the YOUNG man get some HELP. Very SAD.

    My children get nightmare whenever they heard or see a CHILD COMPLAIN at school or anywhere about not having enough food to eat at home, or even not dressing properly to school corresponding to the weather or not having packed lunch etc…
    They just ring me to save those kids. And im talking about white children, and the parents have enough. But just because they are going through 'DIVORCE" or what ever, they start neglecting their kids. I have seen so many cases here too. And WORST is when they kids could not speak up. Until he is in hospital in coma. Maybe for the second time he still telling lies that he fell from his skateboard. Why protecting your evil PARENTS with your life???
    So abuse is not CULTURE

  26. I still remember vividly over 30 years ago when me and my father were in a reconciliatory meeting.When it was his turn to talk,he uttered a statement that l can never forget.He said if he ever offend anyone,instead of asking the person for forgiveness,he will rather turn to his God for forgiveness.I was shocked! I just finished high school then.How can God forgive you when you don’t settle with your fellow human being?l refused to look for him for almost 10 years.l know l have my own flaws but how do expect a child from a broken home at the age of 2yrs will not misbehave?He constantly send evil report about me to all family members,including my uncle that was based in US who promised to assist me further my education in the States.My uncle believed him and forget me.l got admission in Nigeria but no one to help.Some family members try to intervene,he told them l should look for a job. I really suffered.Though the most productive years of my life have been wasted but l am still grateful for God’s grace.Now,l am working hard for my kids not to go through my experience.I have relocated for awhile now,and l still try to maintain contact with him but the damage seems irreparable.I used to be very bitter at heart but what really gave me closure was that despite all the tragedies of my childhood l am still a point of reference in my family,because their expectation was l will either end up in jail or be killed.l gave God the glory for his grace!