She’s Right: Black American Culture is Dying. Ghetto Black People Are to Blame.

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Amala Ekpunobi

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She’s Right: Black American Culture is Dying. Ghetto Black People Are to Blame.

This video from YouTuber Zarria Simmons hit my feed and I couldn’t agree more with her takes on black American culture. Let’s watch and react.
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  1. Ghetto black people are responsible? No. The fact that Black American have put their faith in the Democrat party is. For 50 years Black American have believe, elected Democrats. What have you gotten in return? Inner city schools have a 51% drop out rate for minority students. This is the start. Now that you are a drop out what do you do? If you are in the inner city, there are no jobs. You become a gang member. That is why the high rate of Black Americans in prisons. Democrats gave you free housing, but made a rule that a man could not live in the household. That was their next step destroying the Black family. 36% of black children are raise in a single parent home. Compare to 19% white families. The best thing for Black Americans? Qui supporting the Democrat party.

  2. I'm not black but I have noticed this. It is unfortunate and I agree. I do like how things were back in the day. I grew up in the early 2000s but I did watch shows from Antenna TV and Me TV. One of the things I liked about watching Good Times and The Jeffersons was mainly how they demonstrate the morals and standards. I had a friend in high-school who was like a brother to me and he was a blessing. I am attracted to black girls but never the ghetto ones. When I come up with charcacters for my stories. I like making them intelligent because I don't agree with drugs and gang violence. I agree with this video. The Madea persona I don't like that charcacter. I learned to appreciate my hispanic heritage. I think it's important to be a positive influence to your peers no matter the race.

  3. Thank you I grew up in metro Detroit. the Auto industry created a pretty large middle class. There is a small little area of Detroit that's ghetto. And that's what the media focuses on. Take a drive out into the suburbs and you'll see it's a whole mix of races out there. Yeah Detroit is strange black people actually have a lot of money here

  4. Please cover this "Uncle Tom" slang being thrown around. 💥💥🤨💥💥 In 2017, Google showed Tom was a "Black" slave who escaped America into Canada, helped other "Black" slaves from there and died protecting them. PLEASE COVER THIS TOPIC 💥🙏🙏💥🙏🙏💥

  5. Dying ?" It's still forming !" Are y'all talking about stereotypical behavior promoted by institutional racist coverage by mainstream media ?" Are y'all talking about colorism practices until recently ?" What ,exactly are y'all talking about ?" In my lifetime ,we went from second class citizens to the presidency !" ( From the fifties until now ) We are a proto European influence subculture yet to define ourselves . We are morphing into a quasi inclusive culture , influenced more heavily by the African diaspora as a whole . We are experiencing growing pains as our mindset changes . This will continue in the near future ,because our American culture was born out of all the residual effects of slavery and post slavery segregation , now integrating new concepts and people with different established cultural identity from the overall African diaspora !""

  6. I am convinced that what most people think is racism is actually "culturalism". Race cannot be chosen (sorry Rachel), but we do get to choose our cultures, which ones we belong to, and how that culture develops to some extent. When "white people" complain about black people, I believe that in most cases they are complaining about the expression of ghetto culture. And I know how hard it is for many black people to resist "ghetto" because of the pressure brought on them by their peers. There certainly are racists in our country, no question about it; but I believe at this point in our history "culture" often outweighs "race" in terms of how black people (and whites, hispanics, asians, native americans) are perceived.

  7. When rap music first arrived on the scene I quickly concluded this was mindless banter with no benefit, other than to see how many rhyming words you could cram into a phrase. Then it quickly went towards perpetuating "rude boy" behaviour and regrading women with profanities following every other word. I have never seen a race of people destroy themselves faster than with this so called "culture". From the mindless garbage of rap to the pants around your ankles, then there's gloryfing crime, and lets not forget drive by shootings, the ratchet ghetto behaviour, twerking everywhere, all the ridiculous fake hair, excessively long fake nails, even longer fake eyelashes, fake eye colour lenses, fake tits and butt implants, the grilles of gold teeth in your mouth, the tattoos everywhere on your body, amongst whatever else new that can be found to add to this list of absurdities.. If you are doing any or all of this, you are definitely not an ambassador for your race or your culture, you are nothing more than a clown in a circus of stupidity.

  8. I mean, most conservative yt people have been saying this for awhile but getting called racist for it. We don't have a problem with someone's skin color, we have a problem with actions and personality.

  9. When you are giving a chance for an education but you would instead quit school 🏫 and then become a drug dealer, thief you brought that on to yourself so don't blame the white man for what you choose to do it's not racism.

  10. Regarding black culture ( I’m black) and music , I love black music- The Temptations, Tina Turner, Run DMC, Etc.I just don’t listen to trash. I’d rather listen to old music than the disgusting nonsense of today.

  11. Just my view but what allowed blacks to survive slavery, to survive Jim Crow, to survive all that was thrown against them was family, a strong mother and farther figure in the home. Since then the left has worked tirelessly to destroy the family unit in black families. In all the years no Democrat that I’ve seen has actually done anything to help repair and strengthen the family unit in predominantly black communities. Even the Black Members in Congress never seem to focus on the family as a way to help black Americans. I may be wrong but every black person I have met , worked with, or worked for, that has had a decent family upbringing have been decent caring people. Most of those who had no strong family connections have not been so. Yes some were able to bridge that gap and become incredible people but it was far more difficult for them to do so. Now here is the other part of the story it is exactly the same for white people. A strong family makes a world of difference.

  12. "You can never blame ghetto Blacks for doing what they do. You can only blame yourself for expecting them to do something different." The tribalistic similarities between ghetto Blacks and the hostile African Blacks in Somalia or Ghana will be linked forever. Machetes or pistols? So, if a Black person doesn't define themself as ghetto Black, how do they define their way of life? White people are just as observant as Black people, maybe more so. Blacks have a tendency to walk both sides of the fence. One foot in the hood, and the other on White street. You can't have it both ways. The "My Brother my Sister" mantra is part of the pre-rap long lost Black History. The new Black history began in the 80's. Since then, Black lives don't matter in the hood. Trash comes in all colors… But you can't have it both ways. I love your show. Peace!

  13. Tired of this topic. It has been six decades of screaming and violence. Enough. Do or do not, there is no try. But go try on your own. The nation tried, bent over backwards in special considerations and exceptions, and for what? I wish all well but maybe it is time to remove the Mae West and see who has bothered to learn to swim.

  14. Black girl, child of immigrants, one thing that isn’t talked about enough is how some African Americans actively separate themselves from immigrants of African descent, idk if everyone has heard this, but people used to get called African booty scratchers😭, and in the workplace, many see African immigrants as lesser than. The point when I saw a lot more acceptance of Africans was after black panther came out, now all of a sudden, people wanna live in wakanda in harmony 😭😭. Growing up in an immigrant household, my parents resented ghetto black culture, and some of my family members have gone as far as to say, don’t marry American blacks, the divide really has to be studied. We speak twi in my house as a second language besides English, there’s literally an entire word, “Akata” I believe originally meaning black American, but through contextual use it has become a derogatory term for a ghetto American black.

  15. You ladies are absolutely right. I often say it's hard to agree with people who cant get their subjects and verbs to agree. I look at someone like Steve Harvey when I say this. He's someone whose job is communication but he violates basic rules of the English every day. He may think it's cute but negative judgements are being silently formed about the wider culture. As a Jamaican I also say this about our own patois. I agree with this young lady wholeheartedly.

  16. Redneck and black ghetto culture is the same to me! Most cultures have those people, only differences is, in America it's embraced, looked up-to, cool, something to simulate.

  17. Sad but very true. I will say this… our community is not monolithic so to counter this its up to black folks who are not part of the "ghetto" to show their side of life. Also, we do not control the media.

  18. I’m in Australia, we have a similar problem here where the minority of Aboriginal people living in outback communities have major problems. I believe that in both our countries the public showing of the poor and unfortunate communities is to blame the white colonialists for the problems yet it’s leftist politicians and activists that help keep these communities down.

  19. Although I somehow agree with what you're saying……….

    Let me ask you this, do you have a white mama?, do you identify more with white culture?, do you only date white men?

    If two or more of those questions are true then that means you are not black and should not have s*** to say about Black culture.

  20. Amanda it’s truth in what was said. Your Nigerian family doesn’t represent the true Black America. Many of us have bloodline ties here 200+ years. With that said, you SPEAKING FACTS. You always give clear objective information and we appreciate you for that. Keep being a thought leader

  21. If it weren't for "ghetto" blacks, many of you would probably be dead. You are able to talk all of this nonsense because of the unpredictability and fear of "ghetto" blacks. The same is true for immigrants who benefit from the Civil rights movement. Everyone has a role to play, and uppity (or pretending to be uppity) blacks did not bring us this far.

  22. The woke white elite media corp. Love to show, make visible pot smoking scoop who they want up front and in the face of the law abiding black America.
    They are spreading y'all out so much I don't even notice the good you Al are unless I'm watching conservitive stations