Security Guard At Popular Clothing Store Says She's Told To Follow Only Black Shoppers Around

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Security Guard At Popular Clothing Store Says She's Told To Follow Only Black Shoppers Around

Demetra Kaye reports on a security guard at a popular clothing store saying that she told to follow only Black shoppers around.
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  1. C’mon now? Who’s committing most of the flash robberies in the nation? Now these gremlins are doing what the white people have harassed others before them of doing who were actual paying customers. I don’t condone this at all, but it’s kind of funny because those merchants begged for this by following us around for decades, now the Pookie & Pookieshas are their payback…

  2. What I do I start walking behind them when they say what are you doing. I say you been following me for the last 20 minutes now I'm going to follow you jerk. Of course they get red in the face. They are so obvious 🫣🤫

  3. You know follow us around and let the other people still! I worked for pale faces at this job and they was all the time watching and trying to set us up, well why they was watching us the pale face owner daughter god father ripped him off, he was caught on camera stealing brought him a store! That was good for there pale face ass

  4. Yeah I always address them and if they don't walk away I walk out. It's crazy that they have cameras and still walk around😂smh
    Our ppl have to support our own and stop supporting those who don't respect us.

  5. Very interesting. I used to work at Neiman Marcus and guess what ? We had a wall in the back with people who stole from the store and guess what? They were not black. My point? All people steal regardless of color so a security person should be watching EVERYBODY.

  6. Yes I have been followed around as brown kids when I was a kid going to school my Caucasian schoolmates would tell me just walk through the store as the decoy whiled they did the looting back then as a kid I just wanted to fit in and be cool but the black and brown kids knew we could steal and dishonour our family.🔥

  7. I was in Walmart yesterday and I said out loud they are trained to watch black people and everybody jumped and looked at me when I got to my car I cracked up laughing.

  8. I remember being followed around by a Black female security guard at NYC's Fifth Avenues Barnes and Noble. Yet, some of them FOLKS were shoplifting left and right.

    Fed up, I took myself and two kids out of that store while proclaiming loudly: " You need to check the other folks who are robbing this store blind"!

  9. I remember a place where I used to work, inside a supermarket. I worked in the bakery department 🥖, which was right next to the deli and seafood department 🐟. The deli and seafood department had a hamper for dirty, used aprons, and I used to go there every day to dispose of mine.

    One day, a new assistant deli manager showed up and started accusing me of stealing. This Eurasian woman—half white, half Asian—falsely accused me just to be a menace and harass me. Does she really think I'm going to grab some raw prawns 🦐 and stuff them in my pocket?

  10. I was in Bath Bed & Beyond shopping with my mom and felt super uncomfortable. I told the cashier I dont shop at this store. Picked up a candled smelled it and it was disgusting.

  11. Here in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the early 90s they used to be a record store here and black kids will go in there and be followed around where the white kids steal CDs left and right.

  12. Wow, i wish she would have elaborated more on exactly how she was told to do so, especially being that she is 1 of those people, of whom she is to follow.
    Like , c'mon sis, you have to give details.

  13. These mass clothing companies are the worst at profiling customers. They are always suspicious towards customers, particularly, if you shop too much. They forget that you made them.

  14. When I was a teenager, I had a white friend who would have me and another black friend go into stores with her, let the white people keep an eye on us while she boosted her butt off. She was hooking us up.

  15. To Demetra Kaye:
    I believe that white-owned stores or non-black businesses don't care bout shoplifting, they care about the race of the person who is committing the shoplifting.

  16. Yes while these demons 😈 are following black people while shopping the white demons 😈 sticky fingers are the ones stealing and walking out the stores with the merchandise,I remember working at burdines many many years ago and I know for a fact that the white people were the ones doing the stealing I saw them several times putting merchandise in their hand bags I remember this white woman was caught stealing a pair of shoes that white demon 😈 begged the not to called her husband she also Confessed that she had been shoplifting for a very long time,so to my black brothers and sisters white people are the ones doing the stealing don't let them lie to you

  17. It just goes to show how established racism is in our systems. That this company feels no angst whatsoever telling her who she should follow. I wonder how they convey that message. That's a lawsuit because it is outright racism. If we can do things that benefit us based on race, they darn sure should be sued when they do anything based on race.

  18. Call the Better Business Bureau and leave reviews on Google, Yelp, etc letting all users know about this particular store’s r@cizm. Also contact Zara’s corporate offices to inform them. There are numerous steps Blk people can take on the individual level to shut this type of behavior down.