Second Spin, Country 166: Eswatini [International Food]

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Second Spin, Country 166: Eswatini [International Food]

Watch Week 166 of my Second Spin: A Global Cooking Adventure as I cook the food of Eswatini! Tonight’s Swazi menu: Karoo Roast Ostrich Steak with Pumpkin Mash and Slaai (Avocado and Peanut Salad)

How it went for The Global Cooking Challenge (01/05/2016):




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  1. I'm a native Liswati and I disagree with you. We widely eat farm chicken, farm turkey, mutton, beef,we enjoy the cow stomach too also (tripe). Peanuts are widely farmed and usually eaten as a snack, we boil them in shallow salty water in their pods and peal as we eat for a moist snack or roast them, I have never seen them served with avocado. Pumpkins in the farms are mostly steamed and mixed with mealie meal and eaten as a main meal some leave the seeds for added crunch. Our staple food is mealie(liphalishi) made from maize or white corn and served usually with leafy vegetables like spinach. Ostriches are rare, regular people see them when visiting game reserves.
    I was excited to see my country on this channel, I hope my comment doesn't come of as rude.

  2. My god, that really looks and sounds amazing. Your techniques and culinary knowledge at this point really grow throughout this whole process. I think you may even be becoming as knowledgeable as actual professional chefs. I would actually like to see what you do Iron Chef style with ingredients just thrown at you!

  3. How cool would it be if you had a restaurant where you featured cuisine from different countries every month?!

    As someone with an adventurous palate who loves to cook, I really appreciate this channel!!