Sciutto: 'Closer to the first use of nuclear weapons since Hiroshima and Nagasaki than we realized'

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Sciutto: 'Closer to the first use of nuclear weapons since Hiroshima and Nagasaki than we realized'

CNN’s Jim Sciutto explains how in the process of researching his new book, senior officials revealed to him that the US was ‘preparing rigorously’ for the possibility that Russia would use battlefield nuclear weapons in Ukraine. #CNN #News



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  1. I am in my late sixties so I have lived most of my life…Not so for new borns, toddlers,
    first graders through sixth graders…We CANNOT let any nuclear country start a nuclear
    war…It would be madness…PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Živjela Rusija 🇦🇲 ! Živio 👑 Putin oslobodilac Svijeta od kolonijalista, robovlasnika, satanista i nacista za dobrobit slobodoljubivog Svijeta! Stvara se novi Svjetski poredak za dobrobit čovječanstva!!!

  3. The concept of "mutually assured destruction" should make Putin think twice about his "saber rattling" because due to this crucial concept his threats have no validity unless he's ready to die. If Putin is worried about legacy, there will be no legacy and no worshipping by future Russian leaders if he were to launch a nuke as their would be no people and no land. All his "supposed progress" that he gloats would have no meaning.

  4. Quite funny. Countries that have impended their war bases around Russia since Soviet Union was ruined are discoursing about Russian threat. haha You are hypocrisies.

  5. The U.S news is always going on about how bad nuclear weapons are and how these other countries who have got them are evil and dangerous yet it never mentions that the country most likely to use them is the U.S who is the only country that has already used nuclear weapons twice in world war two.

  6. If a killer (NATO) knocks on your door and threatens to kill you, then you have one way out – protection. Russia will not sit and endure, it is a country of warriors!!! Russia cannot be defeated!!! This is a country hardened in wars over millennia of existence!!! The USA has existed for only 300 years.. Cities in Russia are under a million years old!!! Do you want to defeat those who live half a century longer than you? Are you dumb?

  7. If a killer (NATO) knocks on your door and threatens to kill you, then you have one way out – protection. Russia will not sit and endure, it is a country of warriors!!! Russia cannot be defeated!!! This is a country hardened in wars over millennia of existence!!! The USA has existed for only 300 years.. Cities in Russia are under a million years old!!! Do you want to defeat those who live half a century longer than you? Are you dumb?

  8. If people want to live they should just give the Materials to defense free in the nato countries this is stupid if they are not really wanting a ww3 than make it cheaper or free so our world and the people around the world will not be worried sick or some people don't think it will not happen but more I watch these countries wanting to take or take down NATO and its alliance its just going to kill them selfs no one will not survive a nuclear fall out these people that control the nation that keep threatening with nukes is dumb as hell is not fit to lead they should use nuclear material to plan for future space aircraft or something that it could get us somewhere keep our population going to different planet's that are habitable for life they talk all this shit about habitable planets but they really are not doing anything to get to them they are just worried about who is stronger than the other countries need to stop work together than fight each other or the people in that country that doesn't want war need to over throw their governments because they are going to lead the extinction of the human race. This is a massage for all who sees it think about it

  9. The Nuclear Putin is depressed, old, small, and aggregated. (Also impotent) That’s the reason he wants to send younger people to war.😢

  10. The Obama administration actually started the war in Ukraine "we had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine" – Obama to CNN on February 1st, 2015, CNN Press room archives)

  11. The only country using nukes against other country is the US…and now they are scared?! 😂😂😂 Mericans are weak… it's not the same US that it was 40 years ago!

  12. The United States is bound by treaties. A signed, but not with China, North Korea or Iran. Those countries, I'm pretty sure have not assigned any nuclear agreements, including weaponizing space with nuclear weapons Star Wars Ronald Reagan.

  13. Bruh stop taking stuff out of context and scaring people ffs. MSM at its best, you guys just scare ppl He said he’d only use nuked if USA will so no need to panic as long as Biden won’t press the red button you are safe