Scientist Reveal The Shocking Truth About Neanderthal Disappearance!

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Scientist Reveal The Shocking Truth About Neanderthal Disappearance!

Unlock the secrets of the Neanderthals, our enigmatic ancient relatives, in this revealing exploration. What led to the sudden disappearance of these robust and intelligent beings who survived harsh climates and predators for over 400,000 years? This video peels back layers of history to examine the complex interactions between Neanderthals and…



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  1. "Modern humans carry 1 to 2 % DNA of neanderthals". Hilarious if you think into it that we are distanced from chimpanzees by 1.7 to 2%. Would be nice to hear a comment on that from scientists.

  2. Problem with some of the asumptions is that while there were glaciers on the land we see today, there was much lower sea levels exposing much more land along the coast where most of them probably lived.

  3. Where is the sourcing for this video? This seems to be an inferred (exaggerated) story based on a general knowledge of the subject but not the expertise that you would expect from such an exposé and a channel specialising in it.

  4. Neanderthals never died out….they were dimply absorved.

    Nowdays, we have modern genetic methods, however think about 35000 BC…What would a homo sapiens think about a neandethal ??? They would simply think them as a people who look a bit different…thats all. They wouldnt even think of a different race ….forget about species.

    Even when the neanderthals completely owned europe, their population was never above 50,000.

    There was no interspecies war…the HS tribe would think of a N tribe as nothing more than a neighbouring tribe who look a bit different. There were inter tribal conflicts but that was for resources and could be HS vs HS and N vs N.
    Since the population of HS was very high, the Ns were absorved in the population.

    Same thing happened with denisovans…europe and china has similar climate but the people look different. Thats due to neanderthal and denisovan heritage.
    This is just a theory based on probability and i wont say that this is the only way history unfolded

  5. I love listening to stories involving Evolution of Humans. This explaination was very interesting. Homo Sapiens won the battle. As you mentioned, Neanderthal genes are in our DNA. They deserve that trait after all the thousands of years that they struggled.

  6. The 2% european and 4% Asian genetic proportion attributed may under represent the % of ancestry. The small isolated groupings Neanderthals lived in lead to genetic issues that our larger population would have discarded. Their adaptations for cold would also be discarded… so if 10%-20% of our ancesters travel back to Neanderthals, and their population was less, than both they and early Sapiens are here in us.

  7. All these reasons certainly contributed to the decline of the Neanderthals, but I think that the main one as always for the decline of a species remains the reduction of living space. The Sapiens developed agriculture and established large communities, and unity is strength. Thus they easily conquered the best territories and pushed the Neanderthals ever further towards areas with little available food. So with each harsh winter the Neanderthal population declined, while the Sapiens could stock up on cultivated cereals. And the Sapiens always had to consider them as nuisances and we know our species to know what that means…

  8. Haven't seen this yet about to watch but I personally believe that bigfoot or sasquatch hairy man of the Forrest. Is from the neanderthals and they actively stay away from us. But could kill us real easy.