SANI PASS & Wild Camping in Lesotho | Overland Honeymoon: Ep.4

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SANI PASS & Wild Camping in Lesotho | Overland Honeymoon: Ep.4

We tackled the bucket list pass, Sani Pass. It was an absolutely amazing place to be, the views from here are spectacular it feels like you are nestled in between all the beauty and hugged by the mountains.
Once conquered, we had a local Maluti Beer at the highest pub in Africa. The views from up here were breathtaking.

Then we took the road…



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  1. hi, thanks for the video. do you think (wild) camping in lesotho is safe? I am planning to visit lesotho late this year but kind of worried after checking out the crime rate there… but can tell it is certainly a beautiful country.

  2. Went horseriding there on galloping platform or mile as the locals called it from the Sani Pass Hotels stables then.Gday from 🇦🇺 Australia 🪃 🪃 😊 Great experience in the 70s…..

  3. 1 Have you noticed the plan of the most illustrious religious building of Abidjan, the St. Paul Cathedral? It is a fishing net cast by Satan. And this is the image of all Christian buildings outside this Message. They are nets of Satan. Outside a prophetic Message from God, they are nets of Satan. [Kc.1v9]

    2 Over these last ten years, we are witnessing in every nation, huge movements of anointing chaired by Tommy Osborn, Benny Hinn, Morris Cerullo, Reinhard Bonnke, some church prophets and presidents… and this is what I will talk about these days. They have flooded the earth with death but this Message also will always sound like the funeral knell of their sinister reign. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

    3 And if a devil named Tommy Osborn and precipitated into a human form was standing there, I would shout that to him! It is about them that the Bible talks in Matthew 24:24, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 and Revelation 16:13-14. And these magicians are backed by powerful gifts of prophecy, discernment and speaking in tongues… They have already received the seal of error, the mark of the beast. They cannot see or understand except if the evil spirit allows it to them; it is the condition of the pagan and religious world today. [Kc.9v27]

    4 People do not understand how this holy spirit who acts, speaks in tongues, who prophesies right, works miracles, who forbids unworthy people from approaching the holy communion can be demons. The Baptists, assemblies of gods, Pentecostals… cannot accept that. The Catholics cannot admit that the pope may be in error and this is so for every church and for its leaders. Why? The devil has already conquered them. They have already received the mark of blindness. The Bible says that they are poor, blind, miserable and naked and they say that they are rich and needing nothing. It is the devil that gives them to think that way.

    5 The devil says to them: "The church does not save! If you have faith in Jesus and that you sanctify yourself, it is the main thing!". Cursed be the man from the mouth of whom such a word can come out! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. The devil says to them, "If you are baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ or in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, it is the same thing". You be cursed! Cursed be the man from the mouth of whom such a word can come out! …The devil says to them: "There are models of trousers for women". You be cursed! Not even man can wear these inventions of Satan. The devil says to them, "The spirit that acts in the churches of the evening Message is the Holy Spirit!" You be cursed! The devil says to them, "An African cannot be a prophet because he is a descendant of Ham!" You be cursed! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

    6 In 2 Chronicles 35, King Josiah who was prophet and king of Judah met the Pharaoh, an African, in the days when God did not even speak to the nations and the Pharaoh had said to him: "Leave my way because the God that you worship has spoken to me …" But this good king could not admit that God also speaks to a black and he died there! You see?

    7 Cursed be whoever tries to understand or interpret the Word of God in his own way. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

    8 You say: "The resurrection has already taken place!" You be cursed! "We do not lose Salvation so I can sin, it is the rewards that I will not have on earth but I am saved!" Cursed be the man from the mouth of whom such a word can come out! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”] And since you should not have rewards on earth as in Heaven, then let him who gives you a tithe, an offering or any gift be cursed forever. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”] You say, "I am baptized in the name of William Branham" you be cursed! You say, "I am Baptist," you be cursed! You say: "I am assembly of gods", you be cursed! You say, "I am Catholic", you be cursed! You see? "God be blessed, I followed a theological training …", you be cursed! 

    9 Some Brethren came here to this Message with certificates of deliverance proving that they are free from every evil spirit, we burned them all with their prayer request card… People are serving and worshipping Satan in the Name of Jesus.

    10 Well. I see people make prayers like: "Lord Jesus Christ, bless this meeting or this food … in Jesus' Name, Amen!"  It is a Trinitarian and diabolical prayer. For if Jesus is the AlmightyGod, who did they pray in Jesus' Name then? … You see? And in this end of times, God shows Himself as the great eagle according to Revelation 12:14 and his children as the small eagles who will gather around the prophetic Word. At the same time, the devil reveals himself as the serpent in the same verse, the spirit of divination, and the churches are full of it. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

  4. 23 And on last Sunday, while I had to meet a prophet, he was sitting there with dull eyes, all drunk with alcohol and his men were stinking alcohol and holding cigarettes in their hands, other men wearing shorts, women in pair of trousers, transparent clothes with lipsticks and nail-polishes, … This prophet was nothing but a swine breeder. And the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist leaders are nothing but swine breeders before God. And some day, they will all end up in homosexuality. And this all drunk prophet could say, "I have got four thousand faithful!" All drunk he said, "Who said that drinking alcohol is a sin? What was the first miracle of Jesus?" He said, "If the adultery leads to hell then what is the blood of Jesus for? Read the Bible well, it is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that leads to hell! … Branham is the last prophet …!" You see? He was saying that all drunk. To me, it was nothing but a swine breeder.

  5. 9 Now when God gave us the Revelation on the Bible, the children of the devil said, "We will go on the Internet and we will make intense researches on the history and the versions of the Bible and we will contradict this Kacou Philippe". You see? They even have the Internet in their houses and I do not have it. But whatever they find on the Internet, that cannot distract us. The Internet is not a prophet but they are men who have exposed their thoughts there. Our absolute is not the Internet but God through the living prophet [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!!!"]. The sin of such people is similar to the sin of Saul in 1Samuel 28:15; when God did not answer him through the prophets, neither through the Urim Thummim, nor through dreams and visions and he went to consult the Word of God through a woman that invokes any kind of spirits. They are sons of the devil, leave them alone! … Do you believe that the Internet is an invoker of any kind of spirits? [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!!!"] …

  6. 16 The sons of the devil prefer a book for absolute as their fathers always preferred fetishes, objects for absolute. A son of the devil can have a piece of iron for absolute, he can have an object for absolute and in the same way, God knew that one day a book was going to be their absolute. They prefer dead prophets because of their zeal for spiritualism which is much seen here in Africa. That is why, as soon as Moses died, they said, "We are of Moses! Our absolute, it is the scroll of Moses," that is to say the five books of Moses. And this demon has been working on the earth until today! When Isaiah was speaking, they said, "Our absolute is the Bible. We do not believe in a man! We believe in the Bible!" When John the Baptist was speaking, they said, "Our absolute is the Bible. We don’t believe in anything else!" And the sons of the devil who were there shouted, "AMEN!" And John the Baptist did not know what to say! Oh the prophets have so suffered! In the lifetime of a prophet, he establishes sons of God around him but when he is not there, they are the sons of the devil who seize the priesthood in order to corrupt any way of Salvation. You see?