Rwanda President Kagame Embarrass White Host for Promoting Aid and Not Business in Africa
Rwanda President Kagame Embarrass White Host for Promoting Aid and Not Business in Africa
Welcome to candid Africa in this video we will watch Rwanda President Paul Kagame Rwanda President Kagame Embarrass White for Promoting Aid and Not Business in Africa
Rwanda President Kagame Embarrass White Host for Promoting Aid and Not Business in Africa #candidafrica #africaspeeches
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Straight to the issues!!! LUCKY PEOPLE ÎN RWANDA🎉
I love president kagame, is genus
As a Portuguese, im tired of watching African people starting their life with less possibilities/choices, and less "freedom"… it sucks, then you have to come to europe and be mistreated by people that are also being mistreated on their own way… this is the way, wake up from the overpowered countries clutches and start building Africa… and please, work on kicking France from there… all they do is suck your resources…
" WHITE HOST" what an implicit racist remark. The skin colour or tribal ethnic has nothing to do with this question. Kigali has tried to stop your racist mind set, as it led to the genocide.
I'm going to expand a Supreme Court statement … Apply to _____.
"That which the State subsidies has the right to regulate & control. If u do not wish to be controlled & regulated by the State[ my addition = UN, EU, Nation of ____, CFR, DOJ, FBI, CIA, FED, PNAC, BIS , IMF etc etc etc.] take no benefits there from.
The global collectivists want a One world view in EVERYTHING.
Sovereignty is the 1st & last Individuals most basic & natural law human right.
Deny that & u can go pound sand in the desert. 🙂
My president
That's a president of ours. The gift 🎁 of God to serve Rwanda and the rest of the world
You can't understand how grateful I am because of having this president in my country Rwanda 🇷🇼 he's been a sordie and he loves his peaple and the whole Africa if it was possible he would change Africa but some African leaders are still challenges
I am from Kenya I like Kagame's arguments. He is a true pan-africanist
Why you do bring skin colour into the equasion with your title though?
What is the point? Is the host wasn't "white" then what, would something suddenly change?
I don't understand how can you be so brainwashed, everything is always about the skin colour…
Respect to you , sir.
Same on that woman 👠👠👠
I love my president forever❤❤❤
I love this man
What a wise person 🎉
This man is a GENIUS!!!
Die Wiege der Menschheit, Afrika, wird über Jahrzehnte vom Westen ausgebeutet. Durch koruppte Politik im afrikanischen Kontinent, wird es leider ermöglicht. Ich hoffe das es aufhört und Afrika endlich unabhängig vom Westen wird. 🇬🇷
Präsident Kagama kritisiert offen und direkt die heuchlerische Haltung der westlichen Staaten in Person der UN Organisationen die von Hilfe reden und dann von Abhängigkeit profitieren. Respekt und danke für Präsident Kagama.😊❤😊
Excellent president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame. I would be very proud to have such a president. Unfortunately, we have in Argentina a puppet, unpresentable. I feel ashamed to be Argentinean.
I have been binge watching your channel all day.
I wish more African American men thought and spoke a well as these men. These are CLEARLY highly educated men.
The difference between being educated and not… It's too vast to even express in words.🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
Don't allow the UK to send its illegal immigrants to Ruanda. They will ruin your country.
I am as White as it gets but this man is completely on point. Just like Bukele is finally standing up for Latin America, he is standing up for Africa. The Balkans, where I live are also in deep shit btw so I am far from positive about my countries future…
Die moralische Überheblichkeit derjenigen, die glauben zu wissen, was für andere Länder oder gar Kontinente gut ist, sorgt für diese Diskrepanzen. Es ist ein Unterschied, Afrika zu unterstützen und selbstbestimmt sein zu lassen, oder Hilfen in jeder Form an Bedingungen zu knüpfen. Keine einzige Menschenrechtsorganisation, kein einziger Europäischer oder westlicher Politiker hat Afrika besser gemacht! Das können nur die Menschen in Afrika selbst. Wir in Europa glauben immer, dass nur wir die wahre Gerechtigkeit kennen. Dabei gibt es bei uns die größten Ungerechtigkeiten. Nur anders verpackt. Ich mag Menschen wie Kagame White, die sagen, stopp, bis hier her und nicht weiter. Ein Politiker, der eine Idee von seinem Land hat. Unsere Politiker haben nicht mal eine Idee von Deutschland. Wie wollen diese Politiker eine Idee von der Welt haben? Meine Gedanken …
President Kagame is a great intellectual who speaks truth from his heart
Comparing 'Aid' value to the capital markets and his known views on sanctions which often means the death of people and childen is completely accurate and relevant to all nations
If only people of the US and Western countries were better educated on how their current destructive economic/aid system works many world tragedies could have been avoided
I have visted Rwanda,Uganda and Kenya and could never understand why poverty could ever have existed there when surrounded kind and intelligent people,wealth in the ground and richness of thr earth with all types of crops and wildlife
Hopefully this outdated pernicious economic system this as shown in Burkina Faso will lead to a better outcome for Africa and all !
I’m not sure why these old African presidents are wasting tax payer money ily to have a clueless white woman host African issues. This set up in itself is Ludacris
President Kagame is just an intelligent man and I appreciate how he cuts between the crap
The Americans and Europeans are still living in the dark ages pretending everybody else are stupid so proud of Africans for standing up the colonialism brain rot keep going America and Europe are not your friends they only want to keep you poor.
Thanks for sharing!
The West deliberately keeps Africa under the thumb by giving aid to Corrupt leaders, They will never want to teach Africa to Fish !! Finally Africa Rising, Stay strong from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🙏🙏❤️🙏🙏🇮🇳🇮🇳
But that’s what happens. They just need to talk about Aid or money available and the Africans come running and seeking the handout
The only problem I have with this man is his surname. Being a Spanish mother tongue, his name (although written with a C, but exact pronunciation) means in Spanish "shit on me". And as a conference interpreter it actually was a struggle to introduce him, in Spanish as "Mr. Shit on me". I really had to hold myself and close my eyes in order not to burst out laughing. Especially when he was given the floor: "Go ahead, shit on me" 😂
50% of Rwanda lives in poverty and the presidents net worth is estimated at $500 million. He must earn a handsome salary.
Am from South East Asia and I'm happy with the facts that African leaders and people thriving, how you encourage others to be better… this i haven't see in SEA.. think you guys gonna be the next leader of the world… i pray so you don't fall into corruption traps
I need a translator
One of my best leaders in East Africa…
Help has to be unconditional, if not it's just politics. Greetings from europe.
Great, new time is coming, stand up Africa! Big hug from Perú.
A true world leader! Red salutes from Brazil! ✊🏿