Russia's Retreat from Syria to Libya -Syria Collapses, Bible Prophecy is brought into the spotlight.
A @Christadelphians Video: As Syria collapses, Russia has begun withdrawing some of its resources to Libya of all places. This is in keeping with Bible prophecy as we see the stage being set for Armageddon.
The Biblical Significance…
As Bible students this is significant. First, the need for a Russian naval presence is dictated in the…
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you still think that Russia is the king of the north? 😳
more likely is NATO or EU at this point.
Yaa There is a question, who wrote the Bible? Who gave the authority to write the Bible? Please give your answer from the Bible only. Actually I like Christianity, I just have a few questions.
एक सवाल है , बाइबिल किसने लिखी ? बाइबिल को लिखने का अधिकार किसने दिया? कृप्या अपना उत्तर केवल बाइबिल से ही दें। एक्चुअली मुझे क्रिश्चियनिटी पसंद है, बस सवाल है कुछ