Russians React To Reports Of Navalny's Death
Russians React To Reports Of Navalny's Death
As reports spread in Russia that opposition leader Aleksei Navalny had died, RFE/RL’s @RadioSvoboda asked residents for their reactions in a street interview in Moscow. While some voiced intense grief, others were indifferent.
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what russians think about navalny deathrussia news todaywhat russians think about navalnyrussians react to navalny deathrussians reactrussian reactionsrussian oppositionrussia updatesrussia street interviewradio liberty russiaalexei navalnyradio libertyradio free europenavalny russiansnavalny russia newsnavalny latest newsnavalny deathalexei navalny dead
Russian people dgaf to his death, stop spreding minority opinion as majority opinion. Russia doesn't need his state of mind about the future. We don't want to be slaves of world hegemons like USA. Never.
❤Alexei Navalny 🙏💪👊✌🙏❤
Russia is fucked forever. To many sheep around…
Удивительно, что эти слова можно было сказать вообще в России! Надеюсь, что ФСБ еще не поймала этих интервьюируемых.
I would like to think most Russians are not so hard but simply frightened to speak out.
There was me thinking Russians were tough people but you can see that scared look in their eyes afraid to speak what they really think.
❤❤❤ужасно… Не против России… А против беспредел а…. За народ….
Radio Free Europe – "99% of Russians know who Navalny is and support him" 😂
Бл*ть эта страна не заслуживает таких людей!
Actually, Navalniy was a blogger, not a politician, he was just making videos about how much this or that man stole and so on. I have no idea, why in Westetn media he is shown like a leader, who was able to be a president. He had absolutely no qualities for that.
It was murder. The guy in the hat and glasses is a real arsehole.
For viewers who are not used to East European cynicism: when the old man said ''I think that everyone who is against Russia is guilty, even if they are right'' it did not mean that he was alright with that, it meant that whatever one does to fight for a good cause in Russia, Putin and his bastards would eventually get them.
CIA propaganda.
Обычный оппозиционер, ничем не примечательный. Такого как он в другой бы стране давно бы убили или посадили бы, вот и всё. Нет нигде демократии, очнитесь
Watched another video from a Brit in Russia abs nobody had anything positive to say about him
0:10 Very honest, and a racist man who said the muslims are cockroaches, compared the immigrants to dental cavities, who joined the ultra-nationalist Russian March along with neonazis. Just an instrument of NATO propaganda, that what he was, not a nemesis, not a threat.
Meanwhile the hypocrite biden administration doing his best to impede, at all costs, Donald Trump to be POTUS once again.
Putin hopefully is next as you people have no clue whats going on in the civilized world . Brain washed dummies
I am happy that there are still some russians who have heart and guts.
либероидная помойка
Check your gas bottles. 😂😂😂 You brainwashed Russians 😅
иногда данный канал вызывает вопросы, будто бы автор спецом выбирает, угодные ему ответы и выставляет
Navalny was a lost cause from the very beginning he did not stand a chance to win anything that was his reality. All the other things people say are just arguments against the facts.
The first man has misunderstood. Navalny was not against Russia. He was against Putin and his regime.
The Russians don't care at all about Navalny.
Propaganda has convinced some Russians that the current state is the same as the nation.
Опросили сотню человек, выделили из них несколько поддерживающих Навального и для приличия добавили нейтральные мнения. Остальных просто не показали.
Радио Свобода – пропагандистская помойка
It’s very strange that Navalny died a month before the presidential elections will take place in Russia and immediately after an interview with Tucker Carlson, who called for friendship with Russia. Isn’t it also strange that Yulia Navalnaya turned out to be at the Munich Security Conference on that day an hour after her husband's death she gave a speech on stage, not even holding back a tear. By the way, the poisoning of the Skripals in Britain also occurred right before the Russian presidential election.
I heard that he had a few thousand followers as he was a blogger for many years, and people are very quick to blame Putin which is impossible seeing that he was in China having tea with a friend, if you know what I mean, Hundreds of thousands of people are killed everyday, and its not as if he was the Pope, King or a Queen
I feel sorry for anybody that dies or is killed, even Navalny, so what has that got to do with anybody here in Britain, no-one really knew him a year ago and it shouldn't be important to us, it's only what the TV wants you to see to mainly demonise Russia that's all.
0:29 Интересно было почитать комментарии иностранцев )) Вы никогда не поймете суть этих слов. Надо родиться в России и быть русским. Мою страну за 80 лет дважды ограбили под ноль, было потеряно много русских земель и весь золотой запас. После каждого грабежа шли Гражданские войны в которых гибли миллионы, был голод. Вы, европейцы, когда голодали целыми поселками последний раз? Брат воевал против брата, сын стрелял в отца (это снова происходит на Украине), дети умирают от голода, кругом бандитизм и братские могилы. Пожилой мужчина это знает лучше, чем молодежь. И тем более лучше вас, европейцев. Вы историю вообще не знаете. В вашей "истории" во 2-й мировой Германию победили США :)) Для русского сохранение государства превыше всего, даже если ты прав, а власть нет. Потому что каждый раз когда к власти приходит нечто вроде Навального/Горбачева/Ельцина/Ленина начинается гражданская война с интервенцией. У нас в России это очевидно всем думающим людям, знающим историю. Вот что имел ввиду пожилой мужчина.
В интервенции в России с 1918 по 1921 год принимали участие следующие государства: Великобритания, Австро-Венгрия, Турция, Индия, США, Франция, Италия, Румыния, Греция, Польша, Япония. Большевики (рабочие и крестьяне) воевали против вас всех и против армии царя Николая II одновременно.
Да, у нас высокая коррупция, не работающие суды, власть грабит бизнес и простых людей, а народ терпит. Это большая внутренняя проблема. Но лучше так, чем быть снова ограбленными европейскими странами с голодом и войнами.
The woman who called him "my dear boy" got me right in the feels.
Navalny ❤
How could an honest man end up in jail with a court putting him there?
Radio free europe… oh gaaawd 😂😂
I'd love to see the editing and selection process behind this little number…
Nothing will improve if russian people has that attitude…
Terror State 😱
Such a fucking lie. Maximum 5% of people think that he was great. Rest of the video was edited to look like navalniy was great. He was a man who did none, but talked a lot. Rest in peace anyway.
Аnd now ask other people who were not at Navalny's funeral.
Why do Western media express the opinion of the majority of the Russian people???????
May Democracy come to Russia
haha outcasts russia
This is a well brainwashed or scared public. Notice how they are all speaking in third form, like Navalny and his goals are different from them somehow. 'He fought for his country'; 'It was his choice'; 'people should keep fighting'
The fact that people don't find it strange or appaling that he was killed, calling it his own fault for coming back to Russia is staggering. They seem to barely realise that this was IT: the last bit of democratic opposition Putin will ever have. And now it's gone and you're officially a dictatorship. And they just shrug like it's normal.
I have a feeling most of the people commenting here have no idea who Navalny was. Ultranationalist.
Вы серьёзно думаете , что эта марионетка составляла конкуренцию В.В Путину ? Вы в своем уме ? Многомиллионная страна любит и гордится своим президентом , и даже если есть несколько тысяч его сторонников , он ему не оппонент !!!! 70% населения за Путина В.В и это правда , я и все мое окружение каждый раз за него голосовали и дай Бог ему здоровья и долгих лет !Навальный такой же клоун , как и Зеленский и боже упаси мою страну от таких людей , предателей Родины ! Если бы Путин хотел его бы устранили давным давно, понятно кому выгодна была его смерть , запад сам его и устранил ! Такие как Навальный не смогли бы никогда совершить гос.переворот , они рядом даже не стояли с Путиным !
0:33 Clown.
pure propaganda, like all the videos from this channel