Russian economy growing despite sanctions | BBC News

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Russian economy growing despite sanctions | BBC News

Russia is the most sanctioned economy in the world – yet this year Russia is set to grow faster than all advanced economies, according to the International Monetary Fund.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Russia to grow 3.2% this year, significantly more than the UK, France and Germany.

Vladimir Putin is hosting an International…



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  1. There's no "yet" as if growth of gdp in a war economy is a mystery. Spend all your savings on miltary production and fat bonuses for conscripted men – and your GDP grows. Any counrty could do the same. But it is not sustainable. Neither is Ukraines economy sustainable. The question is which one will break first. With Western support it will be Russia. Without it it will be Ukraine.

  2. All the best jobs in Russia are in the military-industrial complex, the country is geared for wartime production, they are financing it and using up financial reserves. They aren't putting anything into civilian infrastructure, civilian industry, and foreign investment is gone. For oil and gas sales they lost their high paying European customers and replaced them with low paying Indian and Chinese buyers, so their making a lot less money.

    So what happens if peace breaks out??? Military equipment doesn't have a civilian application and there's no return on investment. If the war ends soon the Russian economy is totally F'd. Russia can't afford for this war to keep going, but also isn't prepared for it to end.

    I don't know how this ends for Ukraine, but the West is guaranteed a strategic victory on par with the end of the Cold War. A broke Russia with lower income, a shattered army with outdated equipment, no blue water navy, and no homegrown technology sector, isn't going to threaten anyone West of Ukraine for a very long time.

  3. What are the parameters of economy you are measuring and why you think that the title is good representation of combined state of the paramters?
    BBC is consistently generating low quality content with awful analytical skills, being "useful idiots" for the russian facist regime. Shame on you!

  4. 9.1% inflation rate
    bank rate is 18%

    inflation in Bangladesh, Turkey, and Nigeria have inflation of approximately the same as Russia.
    These are not healthy economies. Russia is running out of gold and sanctions matter eventually. This war needed to end quick for Russia. It did not. They are fncked.
    1) Trump wins election and heavily squeezes Russia with a sweet deal for the USA, but Russia can withdraw from Ukraine sort of gracefully, but there will be a dear cost for Russia and Putin.
    2) the Demunists win with comrade Harris and Russia is blead to death as this war lingers for for at least 4 more years. Sanctions start to truly affect their economy (there is always a lag affect), inflation starts to rob Russian saving accounts, war robs Russian boys of their lives, standard of living starts to spiral, and Putin's generals take him for a short walk off a 10 story building.

  5. Says Russia, the BBC really went down the tubes along with every other media company. They are all terrible. There are no good reporters. They are lazy and overpaid.

  6. Ain't it funny, according to The Guardian, you know, that bastion of truth, not rag of a newspaper on today, 24th of July 2024, that the Russian economy is in decline, and that Putin has exaggerated its improvement that he was peddling lies about it, and that the presidents, Prime Ministers of Poland, Tusk, you know that Nato prostitute, that they need to increase more sanctions, really turn the screw on Russia otherwise, it'll grab those states going into Europe. That Russia's econmy was now being Sovietised! I suppose its better than being ultra capitalised with personal high debts and welfare programmes cut Guardian. The newspaper also spouted out such propaganda and Russiphotic jealousy, tgat their decline in the economy well be detrimental to wellbeing, infrastructure. Yet Russia's out producing arnments faster and way more than all of nato combined, theyre building motorways right now. Have you been to Moscow recentky Guardian, no graffitti, no homelessness, no begging, no knifing, no anti social behaviour. Seems to me, thats its a lot better than a lot of places and safer.

    With such horseshit, this, the rag newspaper that lied about the pretence of war on WMD of invading Iraq in 2003, remember that?
    Russia's economy is better than any in Europe, stupid Guardian and baltic states and Poland, it may not be walking on water, but according to the western/ American IMF last February, Russia's economy overtook Germany's, now imagine that Guardian! The fifth largest. The BBC here has just confirmed this one month ago. Who wants to believe a piece of shit newspaper based on lies anyway.

  7. 😂😂😂 Смешно глупость эту слушать) Вы решили бороться санкциями с государством, которое демонстрировало миру огромнейшую экономическую, военную и культурную мощь, находясь под «железным занавесом». Санкциями. И смех, и грех)))

  8. Russia is digging deep into its "piggy bank" so don't mistake that for "Profit"! Now for some facts. In 2022 Palladium coins cost $3000.00 an ounce. Today they cost only $900.00 an oz. Why? Russia is the worlds largest Palladium suppler and Nornickel mining group who is owned by Russian oligarch Vladimir Potanin who is one of President Putins best friends. In January 2018, Potanin appeared on the US Treasury's "Putin List" of individuals closely associated with Russian president Vladimir Putin. In June 2022, the UK, EU and USA imposed heavy sanctions on Potanin for being one of the major oligarchs in "President Vladimir Putin's inner circle. President Putin also owns 25% of Interros holding group who is the sole subsidiary and owner of Nornickel mining who's virtual monopoly on Palladium sets the worlds price and stands accused of being part of the global Palladium Cartel along with 2 other BRICS members! ARE YOU STARTING TO SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE HERE? Putin and Potanin are DUMPING tons of their Palladium on the market to pay for this war so they are heavily invested and up to their necks in debit now!!! WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT. I buy about $9500.00 of Canadian Palladium Maple leafs every week. The Computer program I built for stock trading figures that once the war is over Palladium will surge upward as high as $4000.00 per oz. about one year after the war ends. If you ever wanted to DOUBLE your money in 5 years or less BUY UP all the Palladium coins or bars you can get your hands on ASAP! (When you buy coins there is no sales tax since "MONEY" can't be taxed). They can tax bars in many cases so don't let the low cost of bars seduce you. Enjoy crushing Russia while turning a good profit for yourself!