Russia and France are Already at War With Each Other

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Jake Broe

Joined: Apr 2024
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Russia and France are Already at War With Each Other

Russia has been funding, training, and arming militant groups in Sub-Saharan Africa to overthrown existing governments that were once French colonies. The situation has gotten so bad for France that President Macron has finally realized the only way to secure France’s economic interests abroad is to do everything they can to help Ukraine…



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  1. france has been exploiting the africans and the africans are sick to death of it, for years they have even made them use a african frank tied to their own currency, understand this the french never do anything that does not directly benefit the french.

  2. Republicans have always wanted to destroy France so they will help Russia. The fact that Russia is still in Africa destroying the country is just terrible.

  3. Well-considered, excellently argued exegesis.

    I would also add that France remembers Le Chagrin et La Pitié of Hitler's hordes marching up the boulevards of Paris and the shame of collaboration and the perfidy and evil of Vichy. France has chosen the the legacy of La Résistance. France has built its nuclear arms, deep water, power projection of nuclear ICBM missile-launching and attack submarines, nuclear aircraft carrier and fleet shield, and the vaunted Mirage fighter plane dynasty, including Europe's true and most capable omni-role fighter, the Rafale, so as "Never Again" to suffer conquest and occupation by a foreign, tyrannical regime.

    After all, the respective architects of France as the stand-apart nuclear-armed Western European nation and builder of the Mirage aerial dynasty were none other than Charles de Gaulle and Marcel Dassault, respectively the leader of the Free French Armed Forces and a French Jewish survivor of the Nazi death-slave camps during WWII.

    For the reasons that you have lucidly, accurately, and concisely laid out, France has taken by far the most forceful stance in word and deed among Western European nations against Putin (on record, France contributes more in arms to Ukraine than does Great Britain, second only to Germany's contributions, officially stated. However, numerous academic and military sources suggest that France's additional, off-the-books clandestine support in arms, training, and intelligence more than makes up the difference, such as it).

    Agreed: France must support Ukraine to counter Putin's imperialistic, hegemonic moves against Western Europe in general and France in particular –– one of the world's preeminent scholars of Fascisms and other Right-wing authoritarianismes, Yale University professor Timothy Snyder, has written definitive works on the matter.

    But I would add that Ukraine's résistance resonates deeply in the psyche of large segments of the French general public and certainly in the minds of France's leadership.

    Quite simply, France remembers in ways that a United Kingdom, or the "United" States, simply do not and have not felt any need to do so. When France stages its military parades (with flyovers by Alpha, Mirage 2000, and Rafales jets) on Bastille Day, the displays occur on and over the very same boulevards upon which Hitler's triumphant hordes marched that terrible spring all those decades ago.

    That is the reason why the nation of Macron will never, ever view Putin's imperialistic invasion of Ukraine with such barely veiled approval as does a certain Fascism-friendly American political party in the thrall of and owned by the first bona fide, homegrown, fully mainstreamed American Fascist "leader" (Robert O. Paxton, Columbia University Professor Emeritus, world's preeminent scholar of Fascisms, Right-wing "populism," Right-wing Vichy:

  4. Russia cannot even beat Ukrine , it has no chance against France or any other Eu country . The moment Russian troops set out of Russia or ex colonies , it will fail

  5. Britain would say we support strikes in Rus even using British weapon systems as this is a valid target in war. nobody should have a safe haven if Ukraine has no safe haven. Because that is exactly what Grant Shapps said at the early days of the war… America is lost. UK has a big pair of balls.

  6. A classic example of diplomatic obfuscation. "We don't encourage it" (but we don't discourage either). "We don't support it" (although there is that targeting info and stuff, but you know, apart from that, no support at all).

  7. 16:14 And we have that with the "Three days" war again…

    Also I am no great lover of Islam… BUT… In this case I fear for all the innocent muslims unfortunate enough of having a Ruzzian passport or even BEING in Ruzzia!
    More and more Ruzzia becomes ever more fascist and that's from ME!

    10,000 artillery shells from Germany? "wow" Ukrainians will spend that within an hour or less!

  8. nb: plz remember what was happening around the world at the time France gave independence to its colonies…
    it was the cold was and it was unacceptable for Africans countries to fall in the USSR club, so yes, France sponsored authoritarian regimes in Africa, with the US blessing. Like USSR sponsored communists regimes elsewhere.
    at the fall of the iron curtain, France really started to play "fair" and to support democracy in Africa… not always with the best results, but they did. And playing fair isn't easy and meanwhile, the Russians sponsored mercenaries are playing dirty.
    btw, whatever the benefits of France by controlling the Franc CFA, it's more than balanced by the development aid. Meanwhile, countries without the franc CFA have not done better, bare Nigeria but it's because of their huge oil revenues… the franc cfa also has spared those countries from some of the bad economic spells their neighbors experienced because they controlled their own money and could print as much as they wanted. Of course, it isn't perfect.

  9. Your uranium supply theory sounds plausible but I think it's bollocks. Yes France currently gets supply from Niger and Kazakhstan, but there are plenty of countries with uranium mines and reserves. They could get it elsewhere if they needed it, and of course the annual demand is pretty low (8000 tonnes/year) because a little bit of Uranium goes a very long way. Other suppliers include: Canada, Australia, Uzbekistan and Namibia, China (and Russia of course), China, India, Ukraine, South Africa There is also more in the CAR, the USA, Somalia and Argentina. Australia alone has enough to keep France going for 240 years. Ultimately they could get it out of seawater – it just costs more that way.

  10. 12:57 Lets not forget when Russian troops were piled up on the Ukrainian border shortly before they invaded, and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said "There are no plans or intentions to attack Ukraine. There is no reason to fear some kind of escalatory scenario."

    Seems like they just lie straight out of their ass. You can bet if they say they aren't going to do something, they are 100% going to do it and if they say they are going to do something you can bet they won't, example being the nuke threats.