#RonnyChieng can’t dumb down climate change for you anymore #shorts

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The Daily Show

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#RonnyChieng can’t dumb down climate change for you anymore #shorts



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Han is that u


One of the most impactful declarations at the conference had to do with carbon dioxide (CO2), the boogeyman molecule of the climate cult. The world's most diehard climate cultists fear CO2 more than just about anything else because they believe it is causing planetary temperatures to increase.

The reality, of course, is that CO2 is simply plant food. Plants produce oxygen for humans to breathe, and humans exhale CO2 that plants use to grow and thrive. It really is as simple as that.

To climate cultists, however, CO2 is basically poison and must be stopped. The climate conference in Prague debunked this myth once and for all, exposing the entire climate narrative as a scam.

Even if every nation on earth successfully reached "net zero" emissions by the 2050 target date, global temperatures would only be about 0.1 C cooler, maybe, with no actual emissions reductions.


All these years of fearmongering over a "melting" planet and "boiling" oceans were for naught now that the so-called "climate emergency" has been discarded as junk science.

The Czech division of the International Climate Intelligence Group (Clintel) held a two-day climate conference in Prague earlier this month at the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic. There, climate scientists declared and affirmed "that the imagined and imaginary 'climate emergency' is at an end."

Several of the world's leading scientists and researchers spoke at the event, making it clear to everyone there that just about everything the world has been told about climate change and global warming is highly exaggerated at best, and flat-out false in reality.

"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which excludes participants and published papers disagreeing with its narrative, fails to comply with its own error-reporting protocol and draws conclusions some of which are dishonest, should be forthwith dismantled," it was further stated at the conference.

(Related: According to climate professor Bill McGuire, the only way to prevent a climate breakdown involves "culling" the human population – but not himself, of course.)


When it is consistently warmer all year round that in previous years for any sort of period of time (not a few decades) then I will believe your hysteria. Unfortunately when you consider that the earth is still coming out of the last ice age and the temperates on your graph are showing tiny fractions of a degree there really isn’t anything to get excited about.
The 1.5 degrees was a number written on the back of a cigarette packet, it was negotiated over by a committee (African nations wanted it set at 3 degrees). It wasn’t a number reached by politicians not by scientific reports. And the last thing to consider is the stark contrasts between the IPCC reports and how the UN officials present those reports. Always and I mean always follow the money. There are a lot of business and governments making trillions from pushing climate hysteria, pushing up the cost of living, making their citizens poorer and themselves richer and if the plebs don’t agree then they’re just bad people, conspiracy theorists, climate deniers. One of the biggest scams ever going.


He works for the chinese!!!!


The area I live in is not affected by climate change.


That's how I feel.


A chimp explaining the climate lie.




The earth on a much larger scale is increasingly cooling. We have ups and downs of 1-2 degrees Celsius, but still cooling overall. Thats why the rich keep buying up all the waterfront property without a care in the world about “global warming” which now has been dubbed climate change. This is nothing but another tax sham.


I love this guy




Ronny Chieng truly is a blessing


30y ago dads had 3-4 kids…today, kids have 3-4 dads…climate change is crazy! Remember months ago when dubai flooded because of cloud seeding? Then several US states outlawed chem trails? That’s Geo engineering. They’re changing the climate, and then blaming us so they take more control.


Ahahaha amazing

Depends on capacity of individual, if you have small capacity for climate change do it don't wait for those who have the real capacity to change.
start from your room, house, street, town, village, city, county and the world.
don't wast mobile charge on unnecessary reels, don't use paper unnecessary, don't turn on lights of your room unnecessary, don't use harmful gas emission cars, take reusable bags for shopping, if you have education about climate change educate those who don't have, plantation in bottles, garden, lawn, rooftop, if you have time don't use elevator use stairs, in office give rest to AC after every hour, balance temperature of office on room temperature don't make cold mountain like siachen.
If every individual play his role for small changes we will make big change with effective result.


Funny I'm pretty sure this guy isn't a climatologist.

I guess hosting an unfunny left leaning show makes you a scientist now.


Right thats why all the oceans are full of steam from the hottness smh


He fulfilled my intrusive thought 🙏🏼


They are really useful, not just for braces. Not much to them, but I did find it helpful to run aluminum or steel angle braces lengthwise across the top and bottom to keep them from bending. When you are done with them you can take them apart and they don't take too much storage space. Bars can be made out of fiberglass rods, I got mine from a local retail plastic store and rubber tips from an online kite making supply house. Be careful of splinters when handling the rods, sanding them helps cut that down a bit.


Thank you Ronny, maybe you reached a few.


I wish he is the host for daily show


hahah funny way to educate, but this is such a serious issue today!!!


So true! We've all had that moment where an otherwise intelligent electrical engineer (or what have you) will look at a graph and conclude something fishy is going on… Post it online… write an essay on the slipshod quality of the science…
Then you realize they've just misread the graph. 🤣


paid communist propaganda… the guy can’t even speak proper English. Democrats need to wake up


Is this old? Dude needs to update the graph. He's missing 2023 and the start of 2024. It goes up a bunch more.


Durrr Global warming was created by democrats to fool us Republicans and control the public. You see, we are too smart for democrats and saw through there evil twisted plan to warn us all.
All hail our glorious leader trump durrrr 🤡


It’s because the measuring tools that are used are almost only placed in cities, which are all growing. The concrete absorbs and contains the heat (+plus other things like heating etc) results in increasing temps in those areas. But if you look at the ones places outside of cities there is no increase in temp. The whole thing is a complete farce.


So what? Lol.


I’m sorry but I have bigger things to worry about than the temperature changing by one degree over a century.


It’s a cycle that the earth goes through and the scientists that are talking about it are all getting paid by big corporations that try and get you to donate money to apparently help fix climate change, but somehow after all these donations, nothing has happened?


The global warming is our fault
Abuse is our fault
Greed is our fault
Factories are our fault
Money is our fault
Dr4gs is our fault
Alch0l is our fault
Covid is our fault
Depression is yet isnt just citizens fault all the time
Nature dying is our fault
Littering is our fault
R@cism is our fault
Crying is no one’s fault…

Yet i wonder “can we change?” or is our problems going to be the same?


When are we going to start taking climate change seriously and start using less energy? We just keep adding more to the total energy pile globally. We used more fossil fuels in 2023 than any other year in human history.


If the climate changes too much in either direction, it would be a problem for us. The more recent changes indicate that the temperature is going up. It is a problem that should be addressed


Before this, you really need to ask them, "is there ANY evidence that can convince you? Would graphs even help?"

Because the answer is often, "No."


For people with little education, no critical thinking skills, and stopped learning anything decades ago, it must really hurt to use their brain. Like when your leg "goes to sleep," and you try to walk. Pins and needles!


One of my favorites


Anyone ignoring man-made climate change is simply ignoring reality. Just look out your door!


Thank you for articulating our frustration so well, Ronny.


But I dun be told it be normal. Other people looked at charts, so I don't have to. Anyone showing us charts, is just desperate for us to… something something elites something hoax…