Right-wing event in Brussels told to shut down by police | BBC News
Right-wing event in Brussels told to shut down by police | BBC News
Brussels police has been enforcing an order to close down the National Conservatism Conference, on Tuesday.
Organisers said the event in the Belgian capital would continue, but guests were no longer allowed to enter.
Local authorities raised concerns over the safety of the public, saying the conference should not go ahead.
The conference…
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We all know Corporations want Cheap Labour To Keep Wages Low.
This anti-European conference is financed by Hungarian taxpayers' money, while under Orbán's rule the Hungarian population has become the poorest in the entire EU and Orbán's friends have become fabulously rich and are buying luxury yachts worth 10 million euros…
Glory to Aisha
Thank you BBC for showing how disconnected from really you and the Orwellian left are… Freedom of speech for corect-think only…
The modern Conservative movement is to the left of Blaireight politics…
Disgusting and scary! These people are dangerous!
Free speech hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The BBC doesn't describe the Labour Party conference as a 'left wing event', so why does it characterise this as 'right wing'? It's editorial bias, thats why.
There's was Victor Orban on this, as far as i know he's leader of a country and by so one of the leader of this union, how is that was tolerated ?
Belgium already is demographiquely and lobby dead, they already are out of History, don't count anymore on them they are ennemies.
Good. Never give a fascist a platform
Sure sure..sure
Very sad that they are funded by the United Arab Emirates UAE 🇦🇪 to effect and prompt wars
The right wing and the neo-nazis pose serious existential threats to th west, and the timing is dangerous for th west as China and Russiia are emerging as superpowers, and africa is fed up with the looting of its natural resources by the west. This means the rights wing is putting a fuel into the fire
That's where the dictatorship is and not freedom of speech
Brought to you by the network that actively protected Jimmy Savile and a multitude of people like him who they employed.
It is long long past time the BBC should be shut down.
Not everything is bad. Since the Russian GRU has been funding the ultra-right for many years and recruiting agents to destabilize the West, now all the actors have “lit up,” which is a marker for the security services!
geez the BBC is worse than the American NPR in their public bias
Yes let's prevent freedom of speech and opinion and call it public safety
They wanted to leave and now they are travelling here. What a bunch of clowns.
So if you shut something down because you don’t like what they have to say as it goes against your beliefs then that surely makes you fascist.
That’s how Hitler ran things.
F£&k the EU
Are you still paying your license fee to listen to the biased broadcasting corporation?
If it were a left-wing run event, it would report so much more favourably. Odd, isn't it? BBC, you are an absolute disgrace , this is the 1 institution the the people of Great Britain were able to trust, now we could happily be without you! You are an embarrassment!
Nigel farage waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Leftists are the new far right
Democracy is not censoring the opposition.. free speech is gone in Brussels and is happening throughout the world.