Responding To VOA “Fact-Checking” My Tweet On Proposed U.S. Military Base In Nigeria

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David Hundeyin

Joined: May 2024
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Responding To VOA “Fact-Checking” My Tweet On Proposed U.S. Military Base In Nigeria

On May 15, – Voice Of America’s “fact-check” spinoff – published an article claiming that a post I made on Twitter opposing the approval of a proposed U.S. military base on Nigerian soil was “misleading.”

In this video, I react to the absurdity of the propaganda mouthpiece of a country on the other side of the planet…



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  1. Thank you for hitting at the root of what discerning readership should be. Reading and fact checking is not enough but rather, reading between the lines to understand why that particular story is being served you.
    God bless for this enlightenment.

  2. African Journalists can set up a special squad to identify, track and publicly call out these clandestine operations by the BBC, VOA, CNN etc on our soil and warn the public in time.

  3. Now one understands why the Western powers don't mind that Nigerian election was stolen by a man who has criminal records in the USA. They need someone they can always blackmail.

  4. David, these tactics are old and even trite; the vassals would employ surrogates to counter their perceived enemies. And sadly enough,I personally understand their rationale for training journalists from third world countries just to eventually use them as propaganda tools!

  5. This fact check thing has always been ridiculous to me, when did the nonsense even start or who made them the arbiter of truth. If you alternative facts to counter an information, just present it & let the discerning audience decide what the truth is. But to just label the information as misleading from the onset, with a huge banner of fact check, even before you can get to read the nonsense is very disingenuous & simplistic. Is it that they believe the audience are stupid so they must point us to the truth. When did this kind of Journalism start. I believe AI will make this even worse, cuz u will just be presented with the information from these global mouthpieces & u will not even have the alternative to fo further research to find the truth.

  6. Brian Berletic at the New Atlas explained State Capture and it includes everything you just described! Thanks David for this piece… Nigeria is slowly being captured

  7. David, change is the only constant. I take comfort in knowing that nothing stays the same, things are always changing and this too shall pass.
    One day it will be safe for you to return home 🙏

  8. Man🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️. People, why do we have the worst of us running our affairs yet the likes of David are in exile?
    This convo was in the 4th dimension. No words minced here. Let he who has ears, let him hear

  9. What you are saying here reminds me of the Calabar Lagos Coastal highway that has now made a you turn after destrying people's livelihoods. Our journalists is failing to highlight the incompetence of David in this horrific act.

  10. Thank David… People should research wide and stop following a cooked up stories. I have said it several times, we do not need US military base in Nigeria. It's common sense, although it's not common.

  11. Thank you David, pls don't be deterred, keep doing what you are doing, it's like a calling and is yielding results. Someone has to do it, it is not palatable but posterity will remember ❤

  12. "Good evening," indeed. Na wetin remain to talk again? Las las, we all know what we are doing on this planet.

    Strive to be a more responsible citizen, or keep advertising your spinelessness as sense.

    Good evening. Good night. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good luck.

  13. According to Google, "The journalist is the fourth estate of the democratic process in America. The term fourth Estate or fourth power refers to the press and news media both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues" "The derivation of the term arises from traditional European concept of the three estates of thebrealm: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners." Adricans must fund and tell theirnown stories so they can change what needs to be changed and what needs to be emulated. The so called Kenyan investigative journalist should be totally ashamed of herself for allowing herself to be used as a willing tool to attack a fellow African Investigative Journalist just doing his job to keep Africans enlightened.

  14. Yet America will never allow foreign funded money to influence their own Nation. It's even a crime to do that with America – Americans go to jail for that. It's a way to protect America from foreign enemies.

  15. Solid guy! May the Angels keep you safe, always! Generations to come will uphold and honour your true patriotism! Good will continue to sheild you from this cruel world. Braaaaavo!

  16. Watching and listening to David Hundeyin is like reading a 1000 pages non-fiction novel about the Benefit of "The Sun" written by Stephen King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. It is imperative to understand that Kenya has always volunteered to be an imperialist outpost in Africa. From Jomo Kenyatta to Mao. The betrayal of the Mao-mao. And now Ruto, who's willing to do their bidding in Haiti.

  18. 🇲🇱🇧🇫🇳🇪🇹🇩 If USA military base is a true solution, Mali, Chad, Burkina, Nigér WON'T have expelled/excreted them away like shiiiiit out of anus

  19. Deadly deal🐉🐲America will sell Nigeria to France, same way France sold Vietnam to America in 1965
    🛍️🛒 Because Africa is the market, we Blacks are the products for sale, White nations are the buyers & sellers
    ⛓️🔗🔒Its modern day replacement of slave trade disaguised as a good deal

  20. If Oduduwa republic exist, I doubt Tinubu, would have been able to become their president. Only in Nigeria due to the evil concept of its creation, they keep selecting criminals to control their interests.

  21. U.S. foreign aid is essentially one of the tools to maintain its hegemonic position..In the name of foreign aid..the United States greedily “sucks blood” from developing countries and feeds back U.S. financial hegemony..military hegemony and cultural hegemony..The hegemony of the United States cannot be separated from its plundering of developing countries…

  22. These greedy Westerners and African leaders simply want Africans to remain slaves for life. But our generation will bring an end to all this nonsense. We need more Davids who also have the reputation and range to fight for the African cause and speak with a big voice. I wonder how Americans would be protesting for terrorist Palestine, but can't band together to free Africans who have been in slavery in their own countries for thousands of years. Both the Palestine and Ukrainian conflicts have nothing on African conflicts.