Reconstituting cabinet

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Reconstituting cabinet

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  1. 1.Relevant Qualifications as per the docket they will head.

    2. Minimum age 45 – 55 years. This will create job opportunities for our young graduates at the bottom pyramid opputnities

    3. National job distribution should be even so that the national cake bought by all taxpayers money is evenly distributed in all corners of the country.

  2. It seems Kenyans had put up with leaders who are basically thieves; liers; tribal and clan chauvinist; incompetent and irresponsible for sometime. Now what are the Gen Z clamer and phenomenon for: They are allegaric to conmanship or conwomanship leaders, who don't service you and instead " loot you and even sale you the rights to service and Livilhood – employment and businesses ".

  3. Wazalendo,
    Greetings. There is widespread ignorance about the nature and defining characters of the GenZ Movement, particularly among the ruling class and the privileged. So, to assist in addressing this self-inflicted amnesia, we address the two questions – who precisely are the GenZ? And what are they all about? Here is the answer : –

    1. Essentially, GenZ Movement is an ideology whose time has arrived. As such, it has no leadership, is tribeless, is not affiliated with any party or limited in representation in the country. Fear is not a part of its feature or character.
    2. Demographically, GenZ are broadly the Kenyan young people, i.e, 70% + of population, or over 42,000,000 people;
    3. The major part of this population is either unemployed or engaged in menial subsistence activities, i.e., boda boda riders, hawkers, mjengo hand workers;
    4. Many of them are university or college graduates, but without further development opportunities or prospects of formal employment, and this number is growing;
    5. Due to severe economic hardship caused by perennial rampart corruption in government, institutionalised tribalism, mismanagement of the economy, wastage, gluttony, and other criminal and economic activities, the youth are particularly exposed to the extreme effects of poverty, marginalisation, desperation, and hopelessness;
    6. The KK regime has introduced the most punitive tax regimes and the controversial housing levy, which have worsened the already dire situation;
    7. The immediate past and past regimes have bankrupted the country by accululating debts of over 11 trillion shillings in a short period of only 10 years. However, the money is nowhere to be seen, and no single development project can be attributed to these massive loans;
    8. The situation is compounded by an ailing educational system, a broken health provision and hunger, and lacklustre government services; and
    9. Due to the failure of the previous and present governments, the GenZ Movement is left with no other option than protesting peacefully, appealing for the government to address the issues affecting them and the wider society;
    10. Killing, maiming, and abducting innocent youth indicates totally disregard for human life and rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

    Because of the country's spiralling decline, GenZ is demanding a total overhaul of the entire governance system, starting with the resignation of the president. GenZ are also demanding, as irreducible minima, immediate general elections for a new parliament, county governments, as well as surgery of the judiciary.

  4. I totally reject the hypothesis of Kenyatta 1 and Kibaki's time as golden eras, a period (the post Kenyatta) that was informed by regional domination, economic imbalance and tribal nepotism (further enjoying a revival in Kibaki's time), Moi's era on the other hand may have been viewed in hindsight as rudderless or incompetent (especially by the mountain media), however his actions were largely informed by his effort to see through the frustrating huddles and the outright attempts to torpedo his govt and extinguish his rule by the then powerful ruling elites, he survived near fatal assaults from the mountain, HOWEVER Moi was in the end triumphant, you ask why, give him credit as the one and only President who was truly instrumental in integrating Kenya as a nation, connecting all the 42 tribes to the center, and irreversibly reaffirming their citizenship as fully Kenyan, something the Mt Kenya ruling class have never forgiven him for, but had they had their way, Kenya would have been too far gone the Somalia way – civil war – by now!