RAPTURE ALERT || Latest Christian Film || Latest Christian Movie || Mount Zion Movies Type

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RAPTURE ALERT || Latest Christian Film || Latest Christian Movie || Mount Zion Movies Type

“RAPTURE ALERT” is a powerful Christian film that opens up an aspect of one’s life after the Rapture!
A young girl misses the rapture and was in real pains and regrets but see what later happened!

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  1. Not only we need to encounter Him, and give our hearts to Him so He can purify them from sin, we also need to walk in the light as the mother said in the end (1. John 1:7) and stay in His vine until the end and bear heavenly fruit by the POWER of God 🔥🤲 read John 15

  2. Good parents are the ones who are advising their children to give their lives to Christ but not those who are advising their children to work for money so that they shall get rich through their children. And I am very sure that very few parents do that. As you read this comment, please don't forget to consider "the true way to heaven gospel messages" in social media and even in Facebook Those parents who want to use their children to become rich are evil parents. Parents were not given children so that they will use them to become rich but to lead them on the ways of Christ Yesu.

  3. Good parents are the ones who are advising their children to give their lives to Christ but not those who are advising their children to work for money so that they shall get rich through their children. And I am very sure that very few parents do that. As you read this comment, don't forget to visit a channel called "the true way to heaven gospel messages." Those parents who want to use their children to become rich are evil parents. Parents were not given children so that they will use them to become rich but to lead them on the ways of Christ Yesu.

  4. Good parents are the ones who are advising their children to give their lives to Christ but not those who are advising their children to work for money so that they shall get rich through their children. And I am very sure that very few parents do that. Those parents who want to use their children to become rich are evil parents. Parents were not given children so that they will use them to become rich but to lead them on the ways of Christ Yesu.

  5. The one acting maybe pretending to show us the it's real en the person watching ur real in tears, let's repent Fr the kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ is at hand, lord Jesus Christ I dnt want to miss the rapture we pretend to be the born again Christian but we are not so let's stop our pretendence en be the real born again God bless u all Mathew 24:12 when the foolish girls came en found the door closed en the were told that they were not known, how do u feel if it was u

  6. Hei this new word or teaching of rapture is really worrieng where in the bible is this word I grew up in Sabbath school and became a youth then up to now a grandma I've never seen this word Wich means will escape tribulation please let's read psalm 91 what is it saying and Matthew 24 did Jesus talk about rapture chaiiiii. My brothers and sisters help me please 21 first century teachings haibo

  7. That Is Not the Truth That you say a man made sinners Prayer and then your saved 🤨! The sinners Prayer was made up by the devil himself to mislead,misinform and misguide unsuspecting, unknowing people into hell. It's a cataract of nonsense to describe how people usea modern idea to construe Bible theology and the Truth of Salvation. So I will help you because it's obvious you're Lost still🥺! ) Let's begin with the WORD OF GOD because there's no disputing it Amen I didn't write the Bible only enforce it nor did you but there's nowhere written in ANY Bible that I know of that JESUS quoted the Sinners prayer and said it's gospel to go PREACH IT!! Paul Bunyan a Pilgrim who was used by the devil to create a Horrible Lie in 1678!!! Jesus said in the Book of Matthew 16:18( " And I say also unto to thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. " ) Peter was the very first Disciple of Jesus Christ to PREACH the message of salvation on the day of Pentecost; found in the Book of ACTS 2:38 which then equals what Jesus Himself told Nicodemus in John 3:3,5 Amen which would= John 1:1,2,10 is to Say Jesus is GOD manifest in the flesh= 1st Timothy 3:16 = Isaiah 9:6= Matthew 1: 21,23 = 1st Corinthians 10: 1,2,3,4*= Acts 4:12 because clearly Ephesians 4:5 One LORD One FAITH and One BAPTISM ❤ What the Lord commissioned His True & Faithful servants to do is to preach to every creature ( Mark 16:15 ) in every nation { Matthew 24:14 } but it's up to the individual to practice what is heard and act on it , Salvation isn't a forced decision it's a willing choice!! { Mark 16:15,16,17❤} And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; ( "Choose this DAY who you'll serve = { Joshua 24:15 } The WORD OF GOD clearly instructs every one who JESUS IS ( John 8:58, John 14:26, John 10:30* ) Jesus didn't have to explain to HIS disciples who HE IS!! They knew HE is the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost Amen ( He came to Abraham as one of the 3 angels in Genesis 18:1 to Moses as a burning bush Exodus 3:2, To the Children of Israel pillar of cloud by day and pillar of of fire 🔥 by night Exodus 13:21,22 to Mary as a baby Matthew 1:23 and HE'S coming back for me,my children, grandchildren and many others in Spirit 1st Thessalonians 4:16, Revelations 4:8,11 = these two are my favorite that breaks it down plain and simple That Jesus is GOD 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽1st Timothy 3:16 and Isaiah 9:6❤ so when Jesus told HIS disciples in the book of Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: { notice HE said name which is singular not name's which is plural, meaning more than one! } GOD is not a Man that HE should lie; ( Numbers 23:19 ) neither the son of man that HE should Repent: hath HE said and shall HE not do it? or hath HE Spoken, and Shall HE not make it GOOD? ( Connect the scriptures they ALL line up which are the intricate details of the TRUTH OF SALVATION, HE LOVES the whole human race that HE died a unimaginable, horrible and gruesome DEATH!! we can never repay still HE did it for you and I so what will you do for him? Today is 3/30/2024 your running out of time GOD is Soon to Come ( 1st Thessalonians 4:16,17,18* ) Who's going to Believe ALL this Beautiful Knowledge and Wisdom to get the understanding and Act on it while you STILL have 🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚⏱️ IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS Peace & Blessings to You All❤️‼️

  8. Wow,, this is really true and it has remainded me of the dream I had this morning,,in that dream I saw like the entire world was in panicking in search of a cross but the cross was no where to be found, and the case was whosoever is found with the cross, that person the lord we take with Him (Jesus) rapture is real people of God let's get prepared in the spirit.