Racism Against White People Doesn’t Count, Apparently.

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Racism Against White People Doesn’t Count, Apparently.

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  1. Dude, I went to a pretty much all white school. We had something like 2 black people. They rarely or never got hate from the majority of us. I went to college and got so much hate for being white, it ALMOST turned me racist. I had to take a step back and realize they're not all like this.

  2. Yup, racism taught in the home. Goes both ways and there are black pedos as well! Remember that black cousin, uncle, brother and Granpa that crossed the line with the little girls and everybody kept it quiet and he dont go to the family picnics anymore. They lay around busters too.WYKYK. Be kind and set a play date at a park, etc.

  3. I went to my best school friend’s 7th birthday slumber party in 1990. She happened to be black. I am not.

    Three girls from her neighborhood cut my blonde hair off and decapitated my Cabbage Patch Doll while I was sleeping. Then they poured cold water on me to wake me up at 3am to laugh at my hair.


    I pray for our we can eventually get back to MLK’s Dream and stop this nonsense.

    Let the children be children. And you can come to my house with your child. We would love to host you and get to know you so you are comfortable.

  4. As a Latino guy, I still can't belive how openly racist people are allowed to be towards white people.
    My best friends, all Yugioh needs, were black, German, and Mexican.

    The Regression is real.

  5. A white man laying around you mean a father who works 60 hours a week to provide and protect his family. I understand that's rare in your community but it's pretty common amongst white folks that's why white people are so successful they help each other and build each other up.

  6. My child was not allowed to go to ANYONE'S home. Men are predators and you never know the people in others peoples homes.

    Look up the white dad who drugged his daughter's friends recently.

  7. If a person believes someone's kid acts poorly, I 100% support them to not allow them over their house to potentially influence their own child to start acting that way. This is not racism. This is proper parenting.

  8. The sad part is the very party that fought to keep them segregated in the 1st place (ahem BIDEN, hand to god look it up), is the same one that simultaneously in the current day has managed to convince them it's progressive and right to 'want to be segregated'. It's called a long term con, and the left has been successful apparently smh.

  9. It’s a culture thing I would be fearful harm would come to my child in an all White House the child might be cool with black people but how’s the dad feel about black people is the grandma gonna call my child a slur. Black people gotta keep their head on a swivel if they want to survive

  10. Its kind of funny… We dont teach out kids right from wrong…. So why do black people cause more crimes if they were taight right from wrong??? Ohh sorry facts make me racist my bad lol

  11. Imagine if a white woman said "I'm scared to let my white kid visit her black friend's house because what if there's a black man lying around the house😱😱"
    Ah, the audacity. The prejudice. Let's divide some more and obsess about the colour of our skins. Let's continue to stereotype fearmonger. Regression is SO today💁‍♀️