President Kagame Seemingly Strikes Back At DRC President After He Got Accused Of Supporting Rebels
President Kagame Seemingly Strikes Back At DRC President After He Got Accused Of Supporting Rebels
Wongel Zelalem reports on President Paul Kagame seemingly responding to President of DRC Felix in new video.
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I agree I believe the African Union should be more proactive on African continent it seems that the African Union has nothing to do with African Unity I believe the solution with the African Union would be to have more younger leaders that love their people
my Africa 😮
fighting words. africa is like LA gangs. We family but enemies. And thats why Africa is poor. while we fighting and "selling" out each other, the west is exploiting the continent. nothing ever changes
kagame doesn't care about any brotherhood that you are talking about in the end of the video, he doesn't care of people who's dying in the east of Congo 🇨🇩 so the solution is military. sometimes, u don't need to talk , just fight and your opponent gonna show you respect. period!
But what he said is exactly what happening in Rwanda
This tall toothpick he is a snitch on other president who want to against the Wests and USA, how many presidents have he killed yet till now in Africa?
As a Rwandan myself, Kagame is an embarrassment to the country, the East Africa region and the entire continent as a whole. He's killed more people than Hitler and our country is the North Korea (in the sense that he is an authoritarian Dictator) and Israel (where the genocidees become occupiers and genocidaires) of Africa. Most Rwandans like me are super tired of him but can't do nothing about it. Pray for us people
Kagame is the worst president Africa has ever had with political prisoners, killing by poisoning, causing war in DRC, No minerals in Rwanda but he's exporting gold and other minerals. Enriching his country and empoverishing DRC children. Marketing Rwanda on facebook like he's a genius but looting by killing. God is with him.
Those leaders who have climbed to power through arms struggle always don't want to relinquish their power and as a result they suffer mental disorder and they become dictators and never listen to anybody.
Theoretically we are one Africans but highly varied and differentiated interests and characters towards others.
Rwanda is actively destabilizing DR Congo on flimsy excuses of hunting for Hutu's responsible for genocide in 1994 while the truth is that they are stealing DR Congo's mineral wealth through M24 which has by and large supported and contributed to the building of Kigali.
Mostly DR Congo's wealth smuggled into Rwanda at a gun point.
Rwanda should stop this and live in peace with her neighbour.
Rwanda had problem presently and in the past with Uganda,Burundi,Tanzania,DR congo and even Kenya at some point.
We don't need war across our borders but rather we want peace, trade and investments across our borders
Paul Kagame is genius , you Congolese are just envious fix your conflicts internally without looking for a scapegoat nextdoor
Congo have corrupt politicians . They just blame their misery on kagame .
Its like the pot calling the kettle black. Paul Kagame has been implicit in Congo genocide since the 90's.
Free Congolese people people please help them.
Stop the warring African nations please. Help each other instead .
Our president is driven by positive changes toward his people but these neighbouring presidents got no vision, thats why they are always complaining.
Wongel, note this : every time you see an African leader being praised by EU and USA it means that is a sell out leader who is giving them access to cheap or free natural resources. Slavery is no longer forced labour. The modus operandae has changed. It is now exploitation by ricochet of a sell out corrupt government 😅
Kagame is a dictator and Rwandeses are flying their country and the opposition activist Ann Ruigara was found dead in her home. Kagame is not a good example of a leader either. Read the Maping report of the UN 🇺🇳 to learn about the Hitler with heron bird 🦢 body 😢
La Femme avec Denis Sassu Nguesso
Françoise Joly est une criminelle et une espionne de Kagame fortement impliquée dans des affaires louches pour les Français, Kagame et les Mexicains
Il n’y a pas d’organisation internationale qui ne le fasse pas.
Son vrai nom est Yamuragiye Mureka, une Rwandaise d’origine antérieurement mariée à un mafieux corse français de la drogue et des minéraux illicites. Aujourd’hui, il vit aux dépens
Entre autres, le blanchiment d’argent et l’espionnage
I strongly blame president of Rwanda for not implementing what He said,
Congolese government kills Tutsi of congo origine since 2015 by what the Congolese government praised to be wazalendo.
It is last month that president Felix blamed and condemned those he has trained to massacre Tutsi that they are helping Rwanda government to attack their country.
The lady is biased because his government is patterning with Congolese government to kill and annul the Tutsi race on the face of democratic republic of Congo territory together with FDRL thé remaining of Rwanda’ Genocide perpetrators.
Kagame remains the leaders
Congolese president needs to stop being irresponsible and blame Rwanda for its failure.
The protection of the country belongs to DrC citizens not Rwanda.
Tchesekidi himself accepted that those M23 lebers are Congolese, leave Kagame and Rwanda alone , minerals western companies been in congo for decades but Congolese still can't handle Thier own problems.
He pretended to be a leader, and yet he is a Pepet for West!!
i think président Paul kagame said à good question
Well said, President Kagame. Those corrupt, heartless leaders have let Africa down.