President Cyril Ramaphosa officially signs NHI into law
President Cyril Ramaphosa officially signs NHI into law
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has officially signed the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill into law.
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So Mr president so you take us as citizens from the embassy of Isreal as Christians we cant go to Isreal to worship vote seeker but we have to go to other condemned countries but christians cant go to worship
New looting grounds LETS GOO! Can't wait for more of my income being siphoned away from me and getting zero value from it
Oh no
All hospitals are collapsing what difference will be there u just want to loot it u are a disgrace
All hospitals are collapsing what difference will be there u just want to loot it u are a disgrace
Aaah yes. So we now get free access to the Russian, Cuban, and Singaporean hospitals the comrades like to go to right?
The worst president ever and just continuing on the destructive path, what would he not do to try to get people to vote for him, he does not say VAT and personal TAX would have to be increased to help fund the NHI, and that the poor will even have less to survive on
“By signing this act, all people without power, as of today, WILL have power. Also all those without water, from now on, WILL have water. I have declared it. I also declare SA is the safest country on Earth.”
Sad day for SA
Medical aids are already trying to calm panic with letters that NHI is still atleast 10years away but nobody gonna play wait and see either.
This months election and coalitions will say it all about SA economic future and if a mass brain drain is coming…
Corruption loading
Just another entity to loot.
Sad day for all South Africans that this moron found his special pen.
Sad day for the future of this country. This will chase away private investment and citizens.