“Preachy Females” of the Democratic Party

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“Preachy Females” of the Democratic Party

When James Carville criticized the “preachy females” at the forefront of Democratic politics, he kicked off a firestorm of outrage and perhaps a little introspection. Did “The Ragin’ Cajun” have a point, however impolitely made? Do Democrats have a problem with men? Especially Black men and other men of color? Jamil Smith…



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  1. It’s like the female vice president like like totally like says like we should not have like natural gas stoves then like has like natural like gas stoves this is the proper English of the female Democratic Party like Ocasio Cortez like totally like like your representative can’t even speak proper English or use proper grammar any and you electing these people to office what!! like don’t do this like don’t eat meat like don’t use a carburetter like don’t drive a truck like you’re being sexist like again can’t use proper English no common sense how the world works. Takes some engineering classes take some critical thinking ! take some engineering classes and do some math math is important feelings are for crazy people. Math is not racist or sexist just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s bad time to use the brain like totally like like like a cause like Cortez like like like totally like really, this is who’s in the Democratic Party no proper English like totally

  2. Heterosexual male hairstylist I should say former I quit doing hair because honestly I had zero talent of female staff that wanted to get paid. The same amount is high talent, male or female and we’re whiny and wanted everything for free that represents the Democratic Party whiners.

  3. I wish someone, anyone can explain this to Americans – even though common sense should tell them this- Joe Biden does not need this Presidency. Every time people talk about "he needs to know that he can lose this election", fools it is you that will lose. Sadly the rest of the world will take the tumble with you. Oh he's not doing this and not doing that, please tell me what you think the alternative is going to do? Do you grasp what is right in front of your noses??? Somebody needs to help you guys understand this. It needs to be said and the media needs to be held accountable for their negligence towards the public.

  4. This journalist is dimmer than a 80 year old incandescent light bulb. All politics is transactional. If you're (Democratic Party) not reaching out to segments of men, stop expecting their vote.

  5. When Trump wins the election, I will refer to this video being the main reason for it. These democrats are NOT listening and they will pay a hefty price for it.

  6. I'm guessing this podcast is exclusively listened to by "preachy women" (or at least 99% of the audience is). It was never going to bite the hand that feeds it and say James Carville might have a point. That's not how echo chambers work!

  7. Rom 3:23
    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    Rom 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death;

    Psalms 9:17
    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

    Acts 8:37
    And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Rom 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    Corinthians 15:3-4
    For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

  8. Not reported by the State Media CNN and MSNBC: Trailer with Bibles inside intentionally set on fire in Tennessee on Easter Sunday: police said.
    No report of the Quran being burned anywhere in the United States, wonder why 😲

  9. It sounds kind of like he’s claiming that while toxic masculinity definitely does exist, when we attempt to appeal to voters, it’s reductionist and demeaning to assume that such views are held by part of any demographic, so Democrats should just ignore molding the messaging to best reach that constituency.

    What was reductionist was James Carville’s calling out black/minority men specifically. I’m skeptical that the white male swing vote is any less sensitive to preachy language than other men. But it’s virtually certain that a good fraction of the men we’re trying to attract have male chauvinist tendencies.

    We need to appeal to as many people as possible. It’s too dangerous to just ignore potential constituencies whose values differ from the full party line, but still largely align with it. If that means toning down the scolding/preachy quality of our language, we should do it.

  10. Today is the first day of Zelensky running his Azov government occupying Kiev as an unelected leader under martial law. He is a dictator who cannot make prove his decisions are the decisions his people want him to make. Zelensky was supposed to have held elections by March 31, '24. He did not. Zelensky's government is being investigated by EU and Pentagon for corruption with U.S. funds. No U.S. taxpayer money being handed over to a corrupt dictator.

  11. Every black male that represents democrats, sounds like a white liberal woman. Using phrases like “toxic masculinity” shows me the circles you’re in, because we don’t talk like that. Your tone is also very condescending and dismissive.