PM Modi Meets Foxconn Chief Amid Probe into Hiring Bias at India Plant | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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PM Modi Meets Foxconn Chief Amid Probe into Hiring Bias at India Plant | Vantage with Palki Sharma

PM Modi Meets Foxconn Chief Amid Probe into Hiring Bias at India Plant | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Foxconn’s Chairman Young Liu today. The discussions focused on the Apple supplier’s investment plans in India. Prime Minister Modi also “highlighted the wonderful opportunities India offers in…



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  1. Names of Countries have meaning !
    Meaning of China has two meanings
    1- If China does good things
    Then CHINA means
    *Chinese Highly Intelligent Now Always *
    Brilliant Chinese leadership
    Results proven
    b – If China does bad things ,Then China means
    *Chinese Hide Information Never Admit*Truth

    2- Why India failed ?
    Meaning of India ?
    INDIA means
    Indians Not Doing Intelligently Always*

    **When will Indians start doing Intelligently ? I need to do research !

    Indian political , governing , police ,legal , Agc , judicial , education , enforcement system all useless- due to rampant corruption , criminals in system !
    52 Million court cases backlog – civil , criminal etc

    **Will take hundreds of years to settle ?
    Indian leadership poor ,n not brilliant

    3- Why is Singapore is so successful ?
    SINGAPORE means
    *Singaporeans Intelligently Navigating Going After Progress Obtaining Results Excellently *
    Results proven
    Brilliant leadership

    4.America – why America is declining morally , economically , socially etc
    Meaning of America
    America means Americans Make Errors Regarding Issues Confronting America *

    Political , governing , police , legal , Agc , judicial ,education , enforcement systems all useless because giving criminals , felons , more Rights , protection etc

    *One criminal , one felon standing as candidate for US President *
    Poor American leadership

    5 -; Malaysia – my country Malaysia failed.
    Due to rampant , systemic corruption
    Malaysia means *Malaysians Ask Leaders Are You Stealing Income Assets *
    Proof- Former Prime Ministers , Ministers , Ceos , Police Officers , Professors , Civil servants n downwards all stealing money etc
    Rm 4.5 trillion lost / stolen over a 25 year period .ad snniubce by Pm Anwar .
    *Pm Anwar slso announce that millions ,billion were stolen *

    I will stop here
    The above is true n there is evidence to prove .
    Malaysian leadership poor n not brilliant

    By Nanta , Cosmic Force , Universe , Infinite
    Intelligence, Nature , Common Sense

  2. Loss of Billions of investment , factories etc by India due to *Indian stupidity*

    Foreign factories operating before Covid in
    a- China – more than 1( one) million factories .
    b – Singapore – tiny island-37000 factories
    c -: Vietnam – more than 33000 factories
    d – India – the worse – below 5000 factories

    India,s investment policy bad- complex tax structure , foreign companies not allowed to take their profits back.
    Complicated labour,legal , bureaucratic rules , work force unskilled etc
    Harassment by regulatory ,n bureaucratic agencies , etc

    **By the time , India change or reform it's investment ,tax policies etc billions of investment , factories erc gone to Singapore China , Malaysia , Mexico , Vietnam, Indonesia etc.

    **So how to bring thousands of foreign companies to India ?

    *How to bring the labour intensive industries in China to India n provide jobs for thousands , millions of illiterates , unskilled workers in India*
    If Chines ekectrinic cone to India , many Indian female workers can work .

    Is Pm Modi ,EAM Jaishanker aware on the above ?
    Indian News websites must tell truth about India,s investment policy .

  3. *Internship for Palki under Global Times in China **.

    So when can Palki go ?
    After the internship , Palki can rxplain why China can achieve 87 medals ( gold -40 ) n India only 6 medals ( no gold ) .

    India n China cannot be compared ,
    India is sbout 200 years behind China .

    **There is no Next China , no Next Singapore ,no Next Switzerland .
    The Next China is China ,The next Singapore is Singapore **

    All Indian Base countries will fail as predicted n anticipated by the *Nordramus of Asia *the Brilliant Lee Kuan yew , former Pm of Singapore in 1980s.

    Unkess there us profound change in attutude ,mindset ,thinking abilities etc

  4. The greatest thing is *Brain power Usage**.
    The Chinese are No : One (1) in brainpower usage .
    China , Taiwan ,Singapore have proven with results

    Indian based countries like India , Bangladesh , Pakistan ,Sru Lanka , Bhutan , Nepal etc very poor in brainpower usage , IQ low low thinking power .
    There are many types of stupidityv- human ,rekugioys , own stupidity
    The 2 impt ones are inborn stupidity s n acquired stupidity

    I hope I dian bews websits can all Chinese experts from China , Taiwan , Singapore to apoear in thuer websits ti explsin why
    In base ciunteues are poor- in leadership , governance ,safety ,security , strategic planning ,in foresight ,in planning ,in pragmatism etc

  5. Foxconn chairman met then CM of Telangana KCR in 2023 for investment. Then KTR defined IT as India & Taiwan. The chairman inaugurated Image towers which is Telangana Govt building for Tech.