Peter Is Impressed By This Entrepreneur 😳 #dragonsden #greenthumb #peterjones
Peter Is Impressed By This Entrepreneur 😳 #dragonsden #greenthumb #peterjones
Dan is seeking £80,000 for 10% equity of his business ‘Grow So Simple’
Season 20, Episode 3.
An international sensation, Dragon’s Den features entrepreneurs pitching for investment in the Den from our Dragons, five venture capitalists willing to invest their own money in exchange for equity.
#DragonsDen #BusinessPitch #GrowSoSimple
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"ver impressive……and for that reason, I am out"
Peter Jones is the Tony Soprano of the den.
My alarm bells are ringing when i here those figures over three years
At least he knows his numbers and that's also the reason why they are good nunbers too.
Those turnover numbers are awful
He said "very unique"….and for that reason, I'm out.
Calling bollocks on those patents 😅you can't patent something that exists in nature!!
Why is he even there. Showboating
First year turned over £77,000 with a net loss of £168,000. I’d give up at that point. 😃
Paul stameta did one better
Hi pizza.
Hi Pizza
The dragons only invest when the business is profitable seems fair so they take no risk
Shark tank is soooo much better. It actually teaches you business. Dragons Den is a leech pit.
Have a Shave scruffy Git.
Very unique ???
“Come ooon! I’ll give £1.17 of silver, a fire damaged montclizzy, and we’ll flip a bitcoin for a fiver my darlin.”
I can give you staff prices in our canteen for 100% of your company
I’ll give you all of the money for a 110% share in your company.
I will give you £10k for 80% and I will give you some office space – Tuka
Why sell your soul to those vipers when you can do it yourself all be it taking a bit longer.
So basically the company in 3 years made him no money.
congrats. you created a day job