Perceptions and Misunderstanding of Black People wanting to date outside their RACE

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Perceptions and Misunderstanding of Black People wanting to date outside their RACE

Perceptions and Misunderstanding of Black People wanting to date outside their RACE

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  1. What brought my husband and I together was the same values; which were: (1) I grew up in the country (Yorkshire) he also grew up in the country (Norway). When dating (before I met my husband) I had my own business and I found that when dating black men they would not want me to reinvest in the business, they wanted me to buy flash cars and designer cloths. I believe alot of black women also would buy designer cloths etc instead of investing. But him and I both coming from the country did not have this mindset of buying expensive cars and cloths and spending money on things you can’t afford. (2) next, my husband is Norwegian, Norway has more equality between men & women, so he didn’t feel threatened by me. My husband helped with the chores, when I was working (even though he earns six figures), so I could concentrate on teaching our children so they’re successful in school. (I only hear about being submissive from black men. I don’t understand why black men would prefer their wives to be a maid, than an entrepreneur). My husband listens to me regarding racism/sexism understands my home is my ‘haven’ and doesn’t put any demands on me regarding cooking, even though I cook because I don’t want my children to be obese. I do understand why black people fail to focus on a legacy for their kids. We as black people need to forgive each other and come together.

  2. Racial whitening

    "Whitening" (branqueamento), is an ideology that was widely accepted in Brazil between 1889 and 1914, as the solution to the "Negro problem".

    However, racial whitening specific to Brazil also encompasses the perception of individuals as being white in relation to their position in the class system.
    Supporters of the Whitening ideology believed that the Negro race would advance culturally and genetically, or even disappear totally, within several generations of mixed breeding between white people and black people.

    This ideology gained its support from two scientific racism beliefs that were prominent during this time. One being social Darwinism, which applied Darwin's theory of natural selection to a society or race, and the other being Aryanism, the belief that the "white" "Aryan" race was superior to all other cultures.

    By combining these two ideas, the white elites of the time believed that because "white" blood was superior it would inevitably "whiten" the inferior races' blood.

    Blanqueamiento, branqueamento, or whitening, is a social, political, and economic practice used in many post-colonial countries in the Americas and Oceania to "improve the race" (mejorar la raza) towards a supposed ideal of whiteness.

    The term blanqueamiento is rooted in Latin America and is used more or less synonymously with racial whitening. However, blanqueamiento can be considered in both the symbolic and biological sense.

    Symbolically, blanqueamiento represents an ideology that emerged from legacies of European colonialism, described by Anibal Quijano's theory of coloniality of power, which caters to white dominance in social hierarchies.

    Biologically, blanqueamiento is the process of whitening by marrying a lighter-skinned individual to produce lighter-skinned offspring

  3. I just stumbled on this video! Great job @Phrankleen. This topic needs like another series. Thank you for this platform.

    I honestly have very good male role models in my family and circle of friends and desire to marry a Nigerian no matter what.

  4. I also would like to point out that at least two male panelist one who’s name was Trevor was able to speak freely and in huge broad terms talking about blk women and it wasn’t positive per se but it was his perception,however when the other panelist gave her perception that of blk men concerning men not supporting blk women issues as described by her, the conversation quickly turned, and she was not allowed to finish her thoughts. I don’t believe in blaming unfairly, but I want to point out it came across un balanced. Because complaining about the “ modern women “ in context of male female relationships doesn’t seem any more credible then the perception “ blk women issues don’t have the same value with blk men”, it all seems like similar style of sharing one’s perception to me, so why shut down one view and not the other? Why is one considering hating and not the other….

  5. Franklin I believe to be fair and to talk about the collective of blk people, then the issues that was brought up by the panelist concerning child birth issues and child care issues for blk women and blk children deserves an episode and platform ! I’m American and the American medical system is particularly racist towards blk women and we are dying with high rates! I believe the panelist and other blk women want the issues that impact women and children , which over all impact all blk people to have an episode! Because it’s important. Thx

  6. Interesting Phrankleen as usual, my question is what happens ND where do the mixed children fit in all this, because many always say they don t know where they belong and yet they were born to this world through no fault or choice of theirs. Maybe this issue should be raised too. X you

  7. I think the problem still goes back to the mental conditioning (via media or other areas), the perception and even in some cases a reality that if you marry white, you ll have better opportunities(passport, job opportunities etc) in the western system.
    The fact that human beings have the right to marry whoever they want is true. The only way we can reverse this situation is when we start to do better in society both economically and socially.

  8. African Unite Force has said it all.A wealthy whiteman will never marry a blackwoman and a welathy white woman will never enter a liaison with a blackman

  9. So true white people are clever and smart that's why they are so successful in whatsoever they do they don't mind dating outside their race to build them further it's a joy to them to see when the black men disgard their women and marry them if they don't want to lift their race it is up to them they dont care they will have all those children with them to keep them penny less so they cannot leave.

  10. Breanna Taylor is the name of the lady Betty is referring to, and Phrankleen, the mindset of white slave masters’ during the slavery era is the belief that black people in general can tolerate pain more than whites.

  11. Based on Linell’s financial analysis, any couple , regardless of their race, must have a financial agreement and uphold the agreement in order to have a successful relationship because a house divided against itself, won’t work. We all just need to be fair and compassionate in our relationships and look out for the best interest of each other. In recent times, people are getting more tolerant of interracial relationships, and I feel each person’s happiness and joy should be explored in whatever race he or she gets involved with. Though, I understand the emotional hiccups many have encountered in their black relationships, we should stop generalizing black men and women and just pursue a relationship that works.

  12. 1) I clicked the "like" button because you are willing to listen to others. 2) When Lynell told about why the BM population decreases over time, he mentioned health, stress factors and police involvement. He wasn't quick to point out that many BM are killed by other BM. He lives in Chicago. I find it interesting that he wasn't quick to mention this as a factor. 3) African women who want WM are no different than any other women. Trevor's points were absolutely true. Women are attracted to resources and power. Even In Africa, WM are seen as powerful. So African women (like all women) are attracted to that. As a collective, the BM is seen as conquered. It's the BM's job to change his perception and status. To do this, AFRICA must rise. 4) PLEASE NOTE: that in America, BW have been the most race loyal, while BM have been marrying out 2 (or more) to 1. Fact is, it's the Asian women and Hispanic women who marry out in droves, especially when it comes to marrying White man. Let's not pretend that we don't understand why: Men who hold the power and influence are found, by women, to be VERY attractive.

  13. Can you all just go listen 🎧 to fela kuti Is not just women, but men is a brain 🧠 preference to always think white is better, #colonial mentality ,so am not surprise Oreos in the comments got a problem with the topic. nonetheless, pls let them debate on any topic ok. #his show his topics🤝

  14. Our people have complex issue, the same BM/BW who would be picky at home would marry an old oyibo person and be shouting love up and down 🤣. Many do it because they think they will have better looking kids and also we as Blk folks don't treat each other with respect. I know BW who married oyibo men and they do everything humanly possible to keep the man happy,but when they marry Blk man they treat him with levity. If their oyibo wife/husband say jump they will just no questions asked. We don't like who we are period

  15. As an African woman who’s married to a Nigerian man I do not like the mentality of the so called a man is above you and can do no wrong tried to tell him to change but it’s impossible and if I end up a divorcee I wish not to deal with any man again it’s too much hard work to deal with men whether it’s a white ,black or other my sanity as a black woman is worth more than what a man think of me I will do like my grand mother choose happiness,peace of mind and chase my dream as a woman and mother rather than wasting my remaining life on men this men that I’m exhausted and gets anxious thinking about being in a relationship with a man

  16. To those who are comes from families which are not rooted on good figures fathers, brothers, uncles I'm saying she or he, its hard to make any good decisions unless God mercies interven.

    My language is Swahili so don't mind my grammar, just try to get my pont.

  17. In my experience, African women in the Diaspora are very disrespectful to their men. I would advise African men to expand and explore their options. Good people can be found among all ethnicities. Let African women do what pleases them