Penuel The Black Pen In Conversation with Rutendo Matinyarare, Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, ANC

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Penuel The Black Pen In Conversation with Rutendo Matinyarare, Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, ANC



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  1. Pen why you always invite this guy is it because you don't have viewers the supposed to fight his wars in Zimbabwe like other activists so why make him shine don't worry about him you will still get viewers

  2. Not true there's nothing that zimbabwen do for south african, mugabe one's said south africa problem is not for zimbabwen. He once called military freedom fighters terrorist

  3. This guys undermine us as South African but the fact whst make us successful,ee have successfully university, successful business peaple wena une agenda,if u guys r so intellectual why don't u fix urs own country and keep on running to another country,i really have a problem with this jealous black brother,we found them evev at the working place.Yekani umona let us unit,SA has best intellectual peaple u can't take away that,stop being jealous my dear brother,let us fix Africa eishy ,Umona create inzondo,We r the bless country u can't take that away from us.

  4. Zimbabwe supported SA's fight against apartheid and colonialism, yes. Saying we went to war for SA is hyperbole. On the flipside Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Ghana etc… supported the liberation of Zimbabwe but to say they went to war for Zimbabwe is hyperbole. In general, African states supported each other against colonialism and apartheid. Hopefully, some day we will resolve our issues without causing further hate and division amongst ourselves as Africans. Our existence, peace and prosperity as a people requires us to have unity of purpose otherwise we might get fully colonized again or worse genocided by those who loathe our land and its resources.

  5. its so sickenong that South Africans seem to hate everything Zimbabwean and African and remain cowardly naive about everything Boerish and from their white masters. They need a serious lecture by Ngugi wa Thiongo on Decolonising the mind….. oooh by the way the majority dont even give a damn about education

  6. One aspect that astonished me from Rutendo's perspective is the pervasive belief that we are here because of Zimbabwe, which to me, reflects profound ignorance. It fosters the illusion that South Africa owes Zimbabwe something, a notion I find bewildering.

  7. rutendo is so fake ,he always comes to the podcast wearing that zim tee ,clearly showing his there to push a facade ,his no proud zim , ive never heard a word from him critisizing his president , true leaders do it all the time , jullius malema is one,SOO THE "FACT" THAT ZIMBABWE FOUGHT FOR SOUTH AFRICA MEANS PEOPLE LIKE DR MALINGA SHOULD BE DEPORTED FOR NOT HAVING WORK PERMITS ,YET MILLIONS OF ZIMBABIANS DONT EVEN HAVE IDs IN SOUTH AFRICA ?

  8. This channel is what it is today, because of us South Africans, who are being insulted everyday here. Not all those Zim COWARDS, your guest included. Keep that in mind Pen, we will forever love you as a patriot.

  9. Also a fact, don’t forget about the anglo boer war against the british rule. Hundreds to thousands of boers and their families were killed and put into concentration camps along with hundreds to thousands native people that were killed too in the war too, to get independence for South Africa.

    That was the initial war, then the sad part of our history came. In the form of apartheid and yet again another war had to start for the freedom of the people of South Africa.

    And now there will be yet another war in the near future. To get rid of the cancer government that is killing the future of our people of South Africa and the land we live in.

    Sad times.

    I always like listening to you Pen, you have got me to start thinking so much more about the past and the future. First time on the Konvo Channel for me. I will definitely subscribe and give the talks a listen. I am sure there is lits ti learn and take from your views and conversations.

    Thanks for talking about the things that nobody actually wants to talk about.

  10. Only doctor are allowed to have an opinion on medicine and only accountant allowed to have an opinion on accounting so that argument is BS .So saying the 30% shouldn't be allowed to have opinion on geo politics is ridiculous as well, some of our liberation leaders didn't even finish school e.g President Zuma and Julius Malema is one of those 30%ters. Geo politics is for everyone .

  11. Countries in southern Africa lost 600000 lives fighting wars for SA?that is very ridiculous and a lie because countries in Southern Africa except SA dont have the demographics to summon that many troops today ,let alone in the 70's and 80's where did they get that many soldiers when their population is so small?

  12. 3 videos now where this guy is talking nonsense man. I agree to debate anyone but this guy has at three interviews and all three is propaganda rubbish which if I was "brainwashable" would fall hook line and sinker. But I can tell………….. Zimbabwe fought nothing for us – finish en klaar. Is he an ANC stooge or what? I donno – but nothing against you Pen