Orania – Why the controversial whites only town in South Africa is growing rapidly

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Orania – Why the controversial whites only town in South Africa is growing rapidly

Orania – The ‘Whites Only’ Town that’s rapidly growing in South Africa.
Three decades have passed since South Africa ended its system of racial segregation between black and white citizens. And although apartheid was abolished in the country in the 1990s, some areas still harbor its remnants. Orania, is one of these locations and typically…



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  1. Can hardly blame them for wanting a peaceful life where their kids can be safe and they can go about their business. Especially now the lunatics have taken over the asylum and the rest of the country is slowly dying

  2. It’s like wishing to be stuck in a period of time and never growing out that mindset – imagine when one leaves and sees the real world? How sad for them to think they once thought as such

  3. At first I thought some of these comments strange but I think to myself , how would I have time to worry about someone else's issues when I have my own , if I'm the majority , this small town would be a grain of sand compared to mine …something wrong here.

  4. It’s stolen wealth from the plunder of South African resources. The fact that they can be exclusive based on race and not merit should be a criminal offense by itself. Don’t be fooled this is all based on hatred.

  5. The truth is. As a white person walking into a black settlement. This is very dangerous. There are no whites in there. Because you know you will not be able to stay there for long. Because you won't come out alive. As a black person visiting Oranje you will come out alive, because they are not killers and thieves. They will treat you with respect. If you don't believe me, go try it yourself and see if you come out alive of a settlement as a white person.

  6. It was a farm belonging to one person who bought this land. He wanted to live in a place without crime, without theft and murder. They want to have electricity, toilets, baths, water. In the rest of South Africa the people is stealing, murdering, braking everything. Stealing copper cables. Raping women. This is why they started to work and work very hard. They build there own roads. They build there own electricity. They build there own houses. They grow food. They started there own businesses. This is not about race. This is about Christian people who want to be safe. People who do not want lo live in fear every day because of they are white. They know there is great black people too. But with experience from all white people in South Africa, they know it wont be long before the old sins will start again. They are living much like the Amish in America. They want to make this place a great country. They will work hard for their families not be killed, not to be stolen from. Not to loose what they have build up. They just want their family not to suffer and to take care of their families. They do not mind being poor. They do not want a lot of money. They do not steal from any other person. They do kill and rape. They leave other people alone. They do not talk bad about anyone. They are not corrupt. They only want to be able to survive in this country. IS THIS NOT WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE. WHY DONT YOU START YOUR OWN ORANJE. DO NOT MATTER WHAT ECNITY YOU ARE FROM. Then you two will have peace on earth.

  7. Their town their rules and so they should. Take a look at UK which is now a shit box. What a shit show. Can't even display the British or English flag without being called a racist. Christian country no more.

  8. Iam black young South African ,,,when SA was ruled by Whites before 94 it was a good country , police vans were patrolling the streets during the day ,,, no drugs did i know that time except marijuana ,,,no Foreigner was moving around as they are doing today ,,,South Africa was only for South Africans ,,, most people were working ,,monday to Friday streets were empty , kids at school elders at work

  9. Imagine being the idiot who gatekeeps land that you stole against the people you stole it from..These mayonnaise people need some serious long term therapy..💯 Shameful

  10. Compare to what the ANC has done to South Africa, these people are self sufficient.

    Why cant the government take some notes and see how things should be run..

    Instead of the shitshow they have created.

  11. Hey does the ANC have it's version of the Chinese 50 cent army or something ? who are all of these people listed in the comments called user……… It is very very sus.

  12. Neewat engelsman, jy het , soos vele ander britte, die kat aan die gat beet…..jy het geeeeeen idee waaroor dit gaan nie….ook het jy nie die moed om die ware oorsaak van selfbestuur te wil bespreek nie. Jy praat stront