One Of The Best Lampard Goals

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One Of The Best Lampard Goals



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  1. He was One of my fav,i love Chelsea, Lampard,Drogba anda of course Jose stop Sir Alex to Concorde EPL for 2years with not using money as pep in city, it's a moment world of football look great era ever. With sad of scandal refree from 2002 with FIFA was link same at wc 2002 Korea Japan , UEFA leave Chelsea vs i believe that time Chelsea should win ucl..the medal was cheated from them n.1remember player i m should list also was ballack..Chelsea and Roman Abrahamovich.. Justice is only fake. It's terrible..fucks evils elite wold

  2. So many people in these comments demonstrating that they have no idea about football. At elite level these guys do so much instinctively because they make hundreds of split second decisions during 90 mins… most of it based on repetitions during training and muscle memory. His explanation is perfect, but you require some level of IQ to understand and appreciate it

  3. I saw it live and I’m sticking to my opinion, his intention was to get it far post for Anelka. He tried reaching him about 40 seconds before this in exactly the same way.

  4. Here is embarrassing proof you don't understand football:

    When you cross the ball your leg always follows the direction of the cross towards your player or with a 45 degree average between the player and the goal
    You never cross the ball with your foot right on the grass without a leg swing, that is always a chip and always an attempt on goal

    but dont worry you didn't have to know this either , lets talk about how you could have been smart by just using logic and never went to a football academy.:

    imagine a midfielder known for never missing the target on his 12-13th year of chelsea career , after a second place in ballon d'or against Ronaldinho , on his 99th goal which later went up to 268 in total, makes a goal attempt in an attack and he confirms he meant it, and YOU think it looks like a cross cause you are behind a keyboard on youtube , never having seen him attempt things like this before , never having seen him play and only heard something online about him scoring the most goals. its embarrassing on too many layers.

  5. He literally looks for Anelka after he hits it to see if it’s going to him.

    I never get why so many footballers can’t just drop their ego and say they got lucky every now and then. It doesn’t take away from how talented of a player they are/were.