NYC Looking For 14,000 More Hotel Rooms To Give Migrants Housing
NYC Looking For 14,000 More Hotel Rooms To Give Migrants Housing
Demetra Kaye reports on NYC looking for 14,000 more hotel rooms to give migrants housing.
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I'm Timothy McNeil. Black people vote for their own oppression. They vote to hurt themselves and then complain about oppression. Drizzle Drizzle Kings 🤴 💜.
I'm Timothy McNeil. Why is it black people complain about being rejected by the democratic party but still end up voting for more of the same messy story? Black people have been lying to themselves and voting stupid for the last sixty-five years and still vote stupid 🙄 😒. Drizzle Drizzle Kings 🤴.
Maybe Americans should stop putting ourselves in racial groups and just all be freaking AMERICANS and help each other out and we can fight all this bs together don't let the left keep dividing us
It's about time that someone tells it like it is the truth America should be ashamed of themselves they will not even help their own people off the streets🇧🇲
And this is happening in cities that have absolutely brutal winters. Such a damn shame.
You deserve what you get for always voting demoncrats.
There must be 14,000 homes of NYC Democrat voters, that can be commandeered for use by asylum seekers.
There plenty more hotel rooms in South America. Tropical and beach front them people probably got family farmland too
These people are out of their minds!
Keep voting for liberals democrats, I learned my mistakes why are y'all still voting for them. They're evil to treat America 🇺🇸 people this way. Don't vote for Harris, God is warning us, so please open your eyes, and ears, this is so sad.😢
Help the homeless we had before they came!😠😠😡😡😮😮🤷🤷
Wow. And this is what we voting for. Everybody that was a hurricane victim need to vote for trump. This is a slap to yall face.
I did early voting, but the mayor and governor seats aren't up until 2025 and 2026 respectfully.
Black voters betta stop falling for the banana in a tailpipe and listening to these wicked crooked no good wealthy yakubian privileged politicians
Our ancestors fled from slavery only to get caught brought back to the plantation while these illegals get free room and board 13,000 in food stamps and 5,000 in Cash aid on a food stamp card smh
Good time to secede from satanic america 🤔🤔🤔
America has fallen 🤔🤔🤔
Many years ago, I said that, "BLACK PEOPLE, are being REPLACED, by the, DEMOCRATS "; the, BLACK WOMEN, weren't saying nothing about it because they got their, GOVERNMENT JOBS, but, even the, GOVERNMENT JOBS, are being REPLACED, by them. Any time, it begins to affect the BLACK WOMEN, on a massive scale; only then, will they support the men, in the fight..