NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Signs Do Nothing Reparations Commission Legislation

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NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Signs Do Nothing Reparations Commission Legislation

Vicki Dillard reports on New York Governor Kathy Hochul signing another reparations commission.



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  1. Demanding reparations for long past damages to ancestors (slavery) is stupid and unwise.

    The statute of limitations has been long expired; slaves and slave owners are long, long dead.

    There was a limited time after the Civil War to demand legitimately for reparations for freed slaves from slave owners. OK, expropriate the wealth of the former slave owners and transfer said wealth to the freed slaves. History is tragic. The Civil War wiped out utterly the wealth of 99% of the former slave owners and many former slave owners were not land owners. Post-Civil War there was little to distribute to former slaves because nearly all southerners (Black, White) became destitute from the war. Who benefitted (financially, property-wise, wealth-wise) from the Civil War? Answer: the Northerners and they were not slave owners.

    But, but, but the evil Southern slave owners traded with the Northerners!!! The Northerners need to pay reparations!!! Nope. Said evil Southern slave owners traded also with people of Europe, Asia, South and Central America, even Africa. Should one demand reparations from Europe, Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, Australia?

    The source of slaves in the Americas was the African Continent. Africans selling off their ethnic siblings to slavery to the Western market (the Americas) and Eastern market (Muslim world) benefitted monetarily from the trade. Go demand reparations from the various African Nations. All African Nations will laugh at such demands for reparations. Go demand reparations from the various Muslim Nations. All Muslim Nations will laugh at such demands for reparations.

    Booker T. Washington (former slave) wrote about former slaves helping out their former owners who fell on hard times. Should said former slaves DEMAND reparations instead of helping the former owners? The slave revenge movies are popular today (2024 AD).

    A village has been totally destroyed by a tornado. God is guilty of this EVIL!!! Demand reparations from God!!! Such thoughts are idiotic. Someone damaged either your person or your property. You have full rights to demand reparations from the guilty. However, tragically, the guilty is often destitute so what reparations can you get? Are you going to mourn your loss forever and never do anything?

    A village has been totally destroyed by a tornado. What to do? Wait until God provides reparations? Or would you get up and rebuild the village?

    A drug-addicted, homeless, penniless, deranged arsonist burned down your house. What to do? Do nothing, do not rebuild the house until the arsonist made FULL Reparations?

    Question: Should you suffer for the sins of your dead parents? Should you pay off the debts of your dead parents? Generational servitude is sustained by having children obligated for the debts of their parents: this is the history of poverty in 3rd world countries, aka s**th**e countries.

    There is an asymmetry. I am sure you are very eager to collect what is owed to your dead parents. Even if the debt is owed only to your dead great-great-great-grand parents. Underlying this eagerness is greed. This asymmetry makes one blind to the other party. You are not the sole party in society. Others (the other party) are also part of society. Question rephrased: Should the other party suffer for the sins of their dead parents? Should the other party pay off the debts of their dead parents?

    Some reparations seekers may quote the Bible. Proverbs 3:27 = Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. The problem is that nothing is owed to the reparation seekers who are just grifters looking for something for nothing. If someone was owed, it is the long-dead great-great-great-grand parents.

    The issue of reparation is often linked to that of justice. What is justice? Justice can defined thus: Justice is the ethical, philosophical idea that people are to be treated impartially, fairly, properly, and reasonably by the law and by arbiters of the law, that laws are to ensure that no harm befalls another, and that, where harm is alleged, a remedial action is taken – both the accuser and the accused receive a morally right consequence merited by their actions.

    Justice. When you go to court, you do not determine what Justice is. The Judge, the Court, the Jury decide what is Justice for you. You may not be satisfied with the Justice but if you want to stay a citizen in good standing with society, you have to ACCEPT the Judgement. What you are seeking is not so much Justice but Satisfaction. Satisfaction has more in common with Retribution than with Justice. Yes, you can appeal again and again and again and again. You just become a vexatious litigant and your standing in society diminishes. You become a liability, not an asset to society.

    Think of the Bible as a collection of writings by the Ancients Sages, not so much the Word of God.

    Deuteronomy 15 : 1 = At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts.

    Comment: The above verse refers to you who want reparations. If reparations is debt, cancel the debt. What is your valuation of the concept of "statute of limitations"?

    Deuteronomy 15 : 3 = You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your brother owes you.

    Comment: Who is supposed to pay this "reparation"? Which entity is supposed to pay this "reparation"? Do you consider this entity to be a foreigner or a sibling?

    Deuteronomy 15 :11 = There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

    Comment: The above verse refers to you who want reparations. Instead of demanding "reparations", try to become an asset, not a liability, to your society.

    The mob's motto: No Justice, no Peace! Much of the violence, turmoil, dystopia in this World is caused by people pursuing JUSTICE!!!, pursuing COSMIC JUSTICE!!!

    Question: what do you value more: Justice? Peace?

  2. Get rid of that insane Kathy. HOCHUL.
    Investigate who dafuq she really is. Immediately.
    Governor of NY?
    NY under extremely serious judgement immediately, connect the dots.

  3. Ms. Dillard, You said that your views who ask,why you never speak about the Republicans are crazy. Both Republican, and Democrat has worked for hundreds of years to systemically, oppress and repress Black people. Now you guys at the African Diaspora sound like the very people you’re supposed to be against It resembles a dictator ship or some type of psychological conditioning or maybe that’s what you guys are paid to due lobby for Republicans .
    Thank you for informing me that I might be crazy for wanting to know the whole truth .

  4. Picked this book up last week in library of ALF which I'm employed…"Doing Nothing: A History of Loafers, Loungers, Slackers, and Bums in America" 2006 by Tom Lutz. Whoddathunk? 😳 Check it out. Tons of background drops. Fyi.

  5. I’m getting myself together and ready for what’s to come. If the US doesn’t straighten this mess out, it’s not going to be safe for the ones that wants something in this life. I left home because it was getting bad, but it’s worse now and It’s not safe to be there anymore. I don’t want to but the time is near to leave here. Some people will probably say negative things but at the end of the day, I have to look out for me, I don’t have a family.

  6. I want ask black people. What if white people just come out and say NO, We’re not giving you negros NOTHING. What you going do about it? I’ll tell you what, NOT A DAMN THING. Right now there are being nice. But in private they are saying it. White peoples ain’t giving black Americans no reparations. The Democrats arepositioning to nullify the little power you have now.Blavk people are putting there energy into futile endeavours

  7. If other groups would say Why do we have to pay reparations? then my question is why are my tax dollars footing the bill for illegal immigrants? I didn't invite them here

  8. Reparations coming into the news again. Same old song, wanting something for nothing, another government handout based on race putting blacks down. Plenty of the black race have lifted themselves up over the past 150 years.

  9. he whole thing with this is… What if we do get reparations. What are folks going to do… if they don't have the education to properly utilize the funds…

    The film Leave The World Behind and the Film CIVIL WAR 2024 has me wondering what will be the catalyst for said manipulative tactic of starting a civil war… I don't what would be better then reparations and folks then trying to steal from ppl. AKA mutually assured destruction!

  10. Governor Kathy Hochul is full of BS. The democrats aren’t going to do anything. From now to November, the democrats are going to do everything they can to sway us in voting for them. But the bottom line is the same, they will do nothing. Family, stay on code. B1✊🏿

  11. 4:47 hey Vicky I hear you about the study being a nothing burger like in the past. The thing is we have to quantify a number that is owed to us and have receipts to justify when we get push back because we will! I would rather they try to get the number right then just throw something out there that won’t uplift all of us

  12. Another study….we are not Interested! only black anything has to be "studied"đŸ€šđŸ€„ pure gas lighting. Ban on TRUE black history and then there is the black genocide/Unholycaust- Arab slave & Transatlantic slavery, there's no Black Hate Crime Bill even though blacks suffer the most from Hate Crimes. But no need for a "study" for Asians, Ukrainians, illegal immigrants, Israel and on and onđŸ€šđŸ€”…elections are upcoming đŸ€š It's already known what was and IS STILL being done against blacks🙄

  13. Shes doing a Newsom. He would talk to Californian blacks and after he gets your votes the reparations never happen. It's all talk. The elections are in November she wants your vote she's lieing.