No More Visas for Indians , Pakistan and Africans : UK Government Begins Deporting all Migrants

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No More Visas for Indians , Pakistan and Africans : UK Government Begins Deporting all Migrants

(UK Immigration Update) Heightened UK Government Enforcement Leads to Surge in Migrant Arrests Ahead of Deportations – UK Citizenship Updates 2024

Recent developments underscore a marked increase in UK government actions against migrants, resulting in a significant uptick in apprehensions as deportations loom closer. Stay informed about…



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  1. The government need to take the control from the criminal gangs that are ruining this country. Sadiq Khan and rishi sunak are just pissing everyone off. Vote reform. Get these foreign criminals off the streets. Take thier visas off of them and ban them the uk

  2. Under King William and Queen Mary , the government brought in a law Not allowing Roman Catholics to hold any position of authority or power, This was because of King James trying to turn England in to a papal state. Why not do this again to get rid of all these bad people trying to destroy our Land and heritage. Bye bye.

  3. Try catching the criminals that make money on these phonys, And close the phoney schools that most never attend. And get rid of the bent lawyers, businesses, and civil servant.

  4. The government created all these problems . They gave those criminal care home operators the opportunities to commercialise C O S . Ironically the jobs are not there . Its so sad and appalling the the government can't perceive the unemployment that's currently ravaging peoples' live here in the Uk . How can a responsible government open its doors for people to come in even with their families and in most case (commercialised contracted families) from all over the world? . These fraudulent care home operators made so much money from these desperate immigrants by pairing single and unmarried people as family and charging them astronomical amount of money to facilitate their entry to the United Kingdom.

  5. fake licenses fake visas… what do you expect!! we get phone call and phising e mails from India requiring are personnal infos as to steal our money and we know the biggest scammers are moslty from Calcuta. So good for U.K. for doing a clean up but it is sad for care worker or nurses who do have a university degree wanting to work abroad but they should ask their goverment for legal paperwork not some freaking agency

  6. That's excellent, indeed. We have so many of them here in NZ. It's called the Indianization of NZ. Everywhere, every business, are Indians. I'm not against Indians, I have friends who mostly own supermarkets, dairies, etc. I want my country back.

  7. I am British by birth and been working since 17 (graduated in masters etc) i fully support UK’s agenda in removing people of all nationals. Also the muslim people who are extremist if they want to be so religious then they should go to a muslim country than impose their beliefs in a Western country. Its obscure how they come here trying to change western values and British values. Live and abide by their way of living.

  8. Soft on immigrants arriving in boats without valid visa, but going hard on people who pay visa fees…. Strange policy
    UK still not ready to face reality.