Nightmare Horrors Discovered at Stellenbosch University // News Worth Knowing
Nightmare Horrors Discovered at Stellenbosch University // News Worth Knowing
A raid at Stellenbosch University’s historic Wilgenhof residence has uncovered evidence of awful, cult-like traditions of abuse that has taken place for decades. The evidence is disturbing, and confirms that generation after generation of students have been both victims and perpetrators of abuse. Here’s what we know, and what it says about…
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I was at Stellenbosch from 1998 until 2003 – it was the best experience of my life. I came to know Jesus there but even then we all knew there was some kind of secret society in Wilgenhof.
remember the Stellies boy who pi55ed on another students desk and belongings in the dorm and said "its a white boy thing"… lool🤣 some traditions are just fronts for degenerate behaviour. his name was Theuns I think.
Foken shame man. Sounds like normal hostel indoc from the 90's🤣
One of the KAK less respected koshuise.. wow! That aside.. how does this not come out after 1 year.. let alone decades? Wow
The exact things happened to me at univercity of the Free state, only worse.
Pure evil
I work a seasonal job at a ski resort and my roommate went to Stellenbosch and was a part of this. He said it was like a way to keep people from acting out. He told me a story of how he said "Poes Lekker" in front of a girl and his mates made him sweep their lawn. He also said that the people who wore the costumes were the ones who administered the punishments, and every year the people who were about to graduate had one night where they would fill condoms and balloons with syrup and other things, and then they'd pelt the people who had been punishing them. He's a good guy in my estimation and said the media made this bigger than it really was, but he understands it looks bad.
Kak headgear. How do you expect to be taken seriously.
If you dont like it go somewhere elze
Anybody that listens to a adult with a beanie must have their head examined😢
What do you think this kind of trauma does to a person's psyche? You don't need to bond with your fellow students through trauma. You will succeed or fail in your studies through your own individual efforts. Ditto for the rest of life. You don't need the kind of "guts" this supposedly gives you. You need faith in God. A kid who was at school with me died during one of these initiation practices when they made them drunk and dropped them off far outside Stellenbosch to force them to walk back. He got hit by a car. Rest in peace "Skom." Sadly I've met many preachers who protect this kind of rubbish, showing that even if you study theology, it does not make you an ethical or a good man. It's unacceptable and barbaric and most importantly, un-Christian.
This is some "Lord of the Flies" shit. People in authority have a responsibility to see to it that such evil is not perpetuated. There were similar practices in the hostel at Paarl Gymnasium High School. Giving young children over into the hands of other older kids to be abused like this is un-Christian. Parents and those running the institutions should know better than to allow such evil to continue. My orientation in Germany at Tubingen University consisted of the older students taking us through the town, showing us the best and most beautiful spots, and showing us the best places to drink delicious German beers. These barbaric Pagan practices should be stopped.
Dis hartseer. Ouers was self as kind abuse. Snaaks hoe abused kinders groot word en hul eie kinders abuse ook. Is dit omrede hul as kind nie self gered was nie, nou glo hul dis hoe mens kinders moet groot maak? Ek weet nie. Die goed is so kompleks. Ek kry die kinders vreeslik jammer. Die torture wat hul deur was dag in en dag uit. Ek en my siblings was self vreeslik abuse op verskillende maniere en dit het erg gevoel, maar wat hierdie kiddies deur gegaan het was 10 keer erger. Ek verstaan 💯 hoekom hy No contact gaan. Vergifnis beteken nie reconciliation nie. Hulle het nog n lang pad om te stap, en ek glo die Here is met hulle. So bly hulle het vry gekom.
Ek wonder of die pa nie some sort of personality disorder het of het sy eie abuse hom so opgeneuk dat hy net self nie van beter kon weet? Kyk hierdie is nou regtig abuse, maar jy sal verbaas wees as jy kinders van vandag hoor sê hulle was so vreeslik abuse omrede hul ouers vir hul regte riglyne probeer leer het, sonder n geslaan, of daai kind al ooit sleg gesê het. Bloot oor die kinders nie hou van wat hulle chores is, en dis gewoonlik maar net maak skoon agter jouself, help nou en dan bietjie vee en mop plus hulle kry vergelding vir hulle chores wat hulle doen. Basic principles, dan is dit ook nou abuse.
Stellenbosch uni… most known for RACISM and upholding apartheid levels of discrimination under an apartheid faction, the DA.
Why does this uni still exist?
This a a complete setup… I don't believe it……. Wht people do for ratings…….
ma devil worshipper
Marxism was always part of Stellenbosch
Are you from SA ? Just asking?????????????
That residence in particular has beeeeen holding its reputation for this type of behaviour.
what a Karen….
Energy drinks that have something in it other than the labels indicate
New vapes with nicotine salts that have a label which says if ingested see a doctor and fires warm enough to atomise METH…
No security at the water plants and a electricity provider that only needs one grenade to go offline
Israeli exchange students would have felt at home in those rooms.
Oh nothing’s gonna come of this… as per usual. Wilgenhof scandals are like eczema flare ups, just moisturise and wait it’ll clear up soon enough 🙄
Why is such a big issue being made out of this… it directly influences so few people.
It's just a left wing attack on the university and afrikaans
Just think a bit wider
And this is from an English speaker
Why do white people hate us Soo much even after we forgave apartheid 😢
is that really what your steaming room looks like or you make it messy on purpose?
Tuks has its own issues but nothing near to Stellies!
Dan moet my kinders liefs nie na Stellenbosch toe nie…. en behoede die arme jong dame wat met een van die belhammel krimele trou… grooooot skroef iewers erg los…. geen kind van die Here Jesus tree so op nie.
Clean your room bro
The thing is…most of the old boys schools started as military schools😢
It's well known that torture rooms attracts demonic spirits. I feel sorry for whoever gets that room after the renovation.
What is wrong with white people and satanic rituals, absolutely disgusting.
Been at wilgenhof. This has nothing to do with the "intiation", there is no physical anything in the intiation. There is no physical absue, no racism, no sexual abuse. Punishments are only given for serious offenses like breaking glass in the quad, even then the punishment is optional. Most of this is just sensationalized rubbish that has been taken out of context. Funny that no one has come out and complained to the university before this. No system works 100%. Dan surely you know better than to support and propagate rubbish media!
Are we surprised ?
Could we get a list of all the leaders. I'm not suprised . What will surprise you is where in society this Cult Leaders are now!
This cover-up reeks of Stellenbosch Mafia