Nigerian REVEAL The SAFEST COUNTRY For A Black Woman

Nigerian REVEAL The SAFEST COUNTRY For A Black Woman

Nigerian REVEAL The SAFEST COUNTRY For A Black Woman

The video I’m reacting to is from Adebola MBV. You can give her a shout-out on:

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  1. I remember Putin saying Africa is just a graveyard for Africans, because when they get money they invest in Swiss and other international banks, they travel to Europe, USA and Asia but can't even name a few African cities, they send their kids to study abroad and forget about one of the best schools and universities found around Africa, they also buy houses overseas when wealthy foreigners invest and buy their property in Africa, they will only remember Africa when they are old and sick, saying "I want to be buried back home" and that's why they want to take over it, sad but true.

  2. how dare you complain about a european country where you didn't feel safe when a random african country has it way worse!!!
    how dare sexual assault victims cry about their experiences, when theres other people get sexually assaulted AND killed.

    if this is genuinely an argument you're willing to die on, then revaluate your life's choices.

  3. All these black people complaining about Caucasian countries, then get the f*** out. If you're in such danger, which you're not by the way, get the f*** out then. We'd all like that. Take the f**** Middle East people with you too and everyone from india

  4. Educated Nigerians have chill. Uneducated Nigerians have no filter, even the kids aren't safe. I remember one kid who was told that traditionalists use his image as a reference point to summon demons.

  5. Frank by name,frank by nature. Cheers Frank, your clips are always fair, honest and truthful. Keep telling it how it is and God Bless you. ( He has already, with honesty and intelligence. )

  6. Not ALL Italians, but quite a few do appreciate the physical appearance of Black women in Italy. I wonder if the racial slurs she is referring to were cat calls, emphasizing her deep brown complexion. True , this would be sexist, and not better. Some cultures still openly do that though.

  7. Thank God you've used your own mouth to say " your not well travelled" lack of exposure has stopped you from understanding this woman and her experience
    Instead, you use your ignorance to bring down Nigeria Why don't you just shut up !!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  8. I have watched your other videos, whilst it is bad in Nigeria, it doesn't justify a Black person getting racially abused in Italy or Bulgaria. Are Europeans treated the same way when they travel to African countries such as Kenya or South Africa?

  9. No worries that great White ( Red faced and hair) Saviour Prince Harry and his Black wife (๐Ÿ˜…) are here to help you Nigerians.
    Why looking at the photos of you all kissing there .. er.. rings and inspecting your troops๐Ÿ˜‚โ€ฆ youโ€™re back where you belong on the World Stageโ€ฆ. Trying to be like two Wyte folks with two Wyte red faced red haired kids.

  10. As much as I hate my own country, I have to go over the cons that what every country has in common if I'm going to enjoy myself outside of my country;

    Just like America, every country is getting worse, every single year, everywhere is always going to have some form of discrimination. Africa may not discriminate against me because I'm black but maybe because I'm AMERICAN, to a degree.

    Every country has some form of unfair law that favors locals more than foreigners when they should be looking at both sides of the story going by what's right and what is wrong instead of just going by their own basis.

    There's always a long process that you have to go through in order to move into that country.

    Even though there are some things that America is behind at, there's always some things that other countries are also behind at but that does not mean America is better than every country.

    Every country has limited freedom of speech

    So instead of just looking at which country is the most perfect country, I got to look at which cons that I can handle the most.

    What will draw the line for me is something that is giving communism, fascism, vibes etc.,.

    America is already turning into an LBGT communism country, not only that, it's harder to be poor and live comfortably and good paying jobs are TOO RARE! Politicians are doing too much, greedy employers and landlords are doing WAY TOO MUCH!

    The American Dream is getting out of America.