New Rule: Identity Crisis | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
New Rule: Identity Crisis | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
We need to stop talking about the things that make Americans different from each other and start honoring the things that make us the same.
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It's just a good excuse to get shitfaced.
Who is more valuable?
A god.
A musician.
A king.
A knight.
A McDonald's worker.
Haha Haha. Nk
You're right. McDonald's worker wins. I'm not doing drug SOMA from Brave New World. You either fire half the world or I'm not working. I'll just engineer my own tools and sit around. I know what it is. These worthless giants look like freaks in work environments.
Hong Kong and China government isn't the frontline in my ownerships terms but only Trump as US President only. No one can claims the rights or common-law of myself only.
They need to stop the stupid immorality policies, the lies, the incompetence, the border, the economy, cost of living its insane, stop getting involved in wars that don’t help us etc, etc them we may win
Lets be honest
Bill throwing so much shade to Beto. I wish they would've shown his face at the end…
No Bill. St. Patrick's Day is OUR holiday.
It's not a special Irish month of the year; it's a SINGLE day. OK?
i would argue that the gays are probably more interested in the double hand job dance.
Bill the word smarmy was invented for you. Smug can't.
They’ll never stop with race. They have no solutions other than dividing Americans
Yet Bill Maher has been pushing that agenda for them for years. Now it's a problem. Ok.
St Patrick's Day is celebrated all over the world. There are a lot of important reasons that i'm not going to list as to why it was started and why it still goes on. Does Bill want Martin Luther King Day abandoned, too? Black history month? Not talking about racism doesn't make it go away. It only amplifies it. They used to not talk about racism in the Antebellum South, too. Or during Jim Crowe. All the forward motion Bill talks about has been made because racism is being talked about. Funny how rich white people like Bill, and even rich POC who can insulate themselves from what ordinary people have to face are always the ones that are the most uncomfortable talking about race issues in America. He is always asking… Can't it just go away? The one thing I do agree is that segregating missing children by race is back firirng. The reason it was instituted is because indigenous and black/brown missing children more often than not, go ignored by police and society in general. White missing children are always highlighted in the media and by police. While missing black and brown children are actually treated as suspects, if not ignored. This new Amber alert was done to highlight this so that people would pay more attention. The intent was good. But too many people are more concerned about crying race baiting than they are about the missing child. And now it's turned into another thing for Boomer Bill to bitch about.
love this 😀
thank you!!!
Including justin Trudeaus wife lol
This is a jewel. It makes me happy. Thank you Bill Maher.
Parades aren't just to march for rights. Its to celebrate. It's a day where everyone can be Irish, it brings people together.
I see what he meant but i think we need to be celebrating more things and canceling less. Thing's didn't go sour when that holiday was founded, they didn't go sour with schools, videogames, or guns… They did go sour since social media though.
I don't think people need to forget our old cultures to embrace each other. If anything that sounds like an excuse, because all the communist and fascist dictators first got rid of their countries old culture to make room for their own.
Especially when you realize that the majority of the racial tension is by design, and the vast,vast majority of it is online. I live in Cleveland Ohio and have never seen a true racial confrontation
oh so no pride for the irish? its only allowed for the June "people"?
I'm so sick of race obsessive politics. I grew up colorblind so that I can give everyone the same initial level of respect and equality regardless of race. How was I raised wrong?
Gays for Trump?
Everyone is Irish on that day.
Democrats have always cared about racial politics, all the way back to their inception.
They supported the oppression of black people with slavery and Jim Crow laws, and now they support special treatment of black people with affirmative action and pandering.
Regardless of what side they are on, collective/group identity has always been paramount to the party. I don't expect them to stop anytime soon.
Whereas the opposite is for the GOP with their tenant of individualism. The only time the GOP cares about race is when they have to defend themselves from being called racists.
Oooooo yes Beyonce and Texas Hold em … So when a white man is reflecting aspects of what traditionally seen as " black culture," then its racist and "cultural appropriation" ; But when a black woman is reflecting aspects of what traditionally seen as "white culture " then its NOT and can NOT be "cultural appropriation" NO NO NO no no, then its stunning and brave and embracing cultural diversity !! THE HYPOCRISY IS INSANE
Maher made an anti-Scottish joke about the O’Haras from Gone with the Wind. Just saying…
would he say the same about some stupid Caribbean or Chinese street celebration????????????????????????????????????????
Careful Bill…. it's a very liberal mind to think that a parade is only for "rights"
Cultural politics
People are figuring out poor whites and blacks have far more in common with each other than they do the rich whites and blacks. Only politicians keep us divided racially.
"To undo racism, we have to undo our belief in race." Sheena Mason. God that hits hard.
This is amazing
bill is sometimes annoys me, but this was pretty stellar
Bill Maher is pushing back against the woke stuff!!!!
7:22 There was clapping and applause throughout Bill’s New Rules but the silence was deafening at the suggestion that there should be a ban on trans athletes competing in Women’s Sports.