Nasty Acts White Women Did With Black Male Slaves In Secret Rooms! | Black History | Black Culture

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Nasty Acts White Women Did With Black Male Slaves In Secret Rooms! | Black History | Black Culture

Nasty Acts White Women Did With Black Male Slaves In Secret Rooms! | Black History | Black Culture

Seeing mixed-race children among the Black slave children, White women felt confused. They knew that the children of the Black male and female slaves they owned had to be Black. However, who were those mixed-race children who were a bit fair in…



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  1. My great aunt once told me that when these light skinned women got pregnant with a bl@ck man's baby, they'd usually have the baby deleted.

    They'd have sex with the bl@ck men and delete the baby if they got pregnant. Trying to dodge the YouTube algorithm, ya know?

  2. Stop fantasising all these weird scenarios that have no merit. WW where doing no such thing and Where’s the evidence of this nonsense happening??🤔

  3. The thing is this: black males are so desperate for power they will date a ww regardless if history is repeating itself. The live to dismiss any history that may resemble the present. They need power and will gladly give up their "hard earned fortune" for status. Ww are a STATUS symbol to them and ww eat that sentiment up. They want to be seen as a status symbol. They feel like they have power. Its a match made in hell. Im happy for them

  4. This is some of the most delusional fantasies I've heard, and No 👩‍⚕ would want a relationship with the lowest of the lowest, and definitely not while having a husband, in a very religious/patriarchal society also while there was no protection or pills, this remains just a fantasy for you rc**st people, if something like that ever happened it was extremely rare and not normal, and not between people who were already married in most cases

  5. Funny how Black people act and imitate them, independance lie pushed blackmen to an open playing field to second guess their own tribal women due to the ignorance of independent women lie. no take out your children with abortions etc. They push but they won't do it. Wake up sisters!

  6. Ham had sinned against righteous Noah, so God cursed his son Canaan and his descendants by destining them to perpetual servitude (Gen. 9:25–27). Just as Cain had a mark on him (Gen. 4:15), the Hebrew meaning of Ham’s name was “dark or black”—hence the mark on the cursed dark-skinned peoples of Africa. They were destined to continual subjugation, wh

  7. A white woman has a black baby means one thing, a lot of black men in the neighborhood hanging from trees. Happened lots back in the day, and the woman became persona non grata.

  8. I see some very terrible things that have happened in the past some things are still happening now . But the comments but I'm seeing here are a very very racist. It seems like everybody thinks that all whites have done this. But what I can tell you in my family as a white man is that my oldest brother has had to adopt two of his great-grandchildren because the BLACK father has short his responsibility as well as the white mother. My twin brother has also adopted to of his grandchildren because the BLACK father and white mother again shirk their responsibilities and leave the children alone or abuse them with cigarette Burns. All of you all should be ashamed of yourselves for thinking that because you are of a certain color that you're better than another color. That is not God's law

  9. I’m trying to figure out how would a white woman have sex with a black male slave when the she didn’t have any rights herself? If she did do that she would have faced severe consequences.

  10. 😢THIS CRAYON TALK VERSION OF OUR STORY IS A PATHETIC FAKE COLORLINE STORY AS THERE WERE SOME OF OUR OWN FOLK WHO WERE ENSLAVERS AS WELL!! THE WHOLE "RACE" CONSTRUCT IS ONE OF THE MAIN PROBLEMS WE HAVE TODAY. ENDLAVEMENT OF EUROPA PEONS WAS WIDESPRWAD AS WELL! THIS IS A COLORLINE STORY THAT PERPETUATES THIS STORY OF THISCRAYON BASED THEORY OF CRAYON COLORLINE NONSENSE!! WE AINT NO B lack= dead and comes from etymology= bleached out or pale!! An adjective in grammar!! So we call ourselxes PALE THINGS ? HOW UTRERLY RIDICULOUS OF A SPELL WE SRE UNDER!! ANd thryy aint no wight or white!! They are the Bleac= Black where the wordspell BLACK comes from!! Melanin DEFICIENT!! And since We, the melanated, coppertoned ORIGINAL 1st Peoples on the planet and those using the crayon box to describe all us we are delusional, absnse of color or black!! mk ULTRA, MOCKINGBIRD NAZI PROFRAMMING 80 years worth and look at tge CONfusion=Fused to the CON!! WAKE UP, MELANIN MASTERS, 1st peoples/the original peoples of MOTH ER EARTH!! NOT BLEACHED OUT,NOR PALE!! WE GAVE THE 7 LIBERAL ARTS TO THE WORLD!! TRIVIUM/ QUADRIVIUM- KNOW THYSELF AND THY MOTHER FATHER GOD!!

  11. The notion that mudsharks were prevalent throughout the era of Ladyship, doesn't hold water. Of course, there were those tasteless, morally and aesthetically bankrupt losers even then. But such were a very rare exception. 
    Up until relatively recently, being an interracial harlot was hardly something many a White Woman would consider, if her life depended on it. The current popularity of this hideous phenomenon says a lot about the moral decay many a white bimbo has undergone since the now rampant popularisation of interracial shags.

  12. Please do not portray those. Witches as prisoners They were just evil and cruel woman and I do not understand why these black males today engage with these women today same thing as then And they try to be black never can though We black people re unique and really more intelligent than they will ever be !!Facts Allk they have has been stolen period I do not pity them they shall get theirs Black men wake up they using you as before history repeats itself wake up