My PCOS Journey! Hair Loss, Acne, Weight Loss, Hospitalized 🥺& New Lifestyle | Laurasia Andrea PCOS

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Laurasia Andrea

Joined: Apr 2024
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My PCOS Journey! Hair Loss, Acne, Weight Loss, Hospitalized 🥺& New Lifestyle | Laurasia Andrea PCOS

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  1. I’m 32 and was just diagnosed with PCOS! I’ve known something was going on because my hair has been falling out in clumps. To the point I wasn’t seeing hair growth for 5 years. I went natural, that didn’t work… I then went back to being relaxed because I figure it was in my hair management… that didn’t work. I was diagnosed this year and it all makes sense but then it doesn’t… I’m trying to navigate loosing my beautiful hair on my head but growing it everywhere else. I literally have no one to talk to about it. It’s terrible

  2. you know how when you go away to university for the 1st time and you gain the freshman 15? well i gained 80 pounds and that turned on my pcos. my mensies went from normal to 30 days at a time and sometimes it skipped a couple months. i thought i was pregnant (not). then i went to 3 days a month after taking a progesterone (yeah) such is life for now.

  3. I've probably had it all my life but I was diagnosed when I was 29 too. It's regular for me not to bleed for months or to spot nonstop for months. I spotted nonstop from Sept 2021 to April 2022. I didn't do anything about it because this was my norm. I only went to the ER because I woke up light headed and afraid to walk for long periods of time because I thought I would collapse. They checked my hemoglobin too and it was fine but they had to stop the bleeding. I had a transvaginal ultrasound this year and bloodwork. I don't have cysts on my ovaries but I do have higher levels of testosterone in my blood. I tried 4 different birth control meds and they all worsened my pre-existing depression. I've gained a crap ton of weight and now I'm trying to regulate my eating which is SO tough. I so appreciate you sharing. I had migraines too and I didn't know it was related to PCOS until I saw this! Thank you.

  4. Hello, I am 40 now and I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 31. Yeah 👍 Im definitely not a transgender 😂. I did have a hysterectomy in 2016 due to having fibroids. I did try birth control pills and metformin. I did have heavy periods and painful cramps. I couldn’t work and yes I have facial hair and my dad side had facial hair. I’m glad I came across your channel. I have changed my diet up and I do exercise. Yeah 👍 drug stores are not helpful at all. I started off seeing a gynecologist and now I’m going to see an endocrinologist. My hemoglobin was 5 and I was admitted me to the hospital. I had to have a blood transfusion. PCOS is the worst. No one knows what it’s like being like this. My hair has been thinning. Yeah 👍 my weight definitely in fluctuates. Prior to my hysterectomy, I would bleed heavy for years. I’ve heard people say gluten free and dairy free things have helped them and they take ovasitol powder.

  5. Once you change how you eat, the breakouts will cease. You're absolutely right though the EXTREME tiredness SUCKS!! The eating habits are a tough challenge. I started taking supplements heavily recommended on Tiktok. The thing with PCOS is, everyone's body is different.

  6. Thank you for sharing ❤ this you are so beautiful and talented this information is very vital and people are afraid and suffering in silence you have the power to reach so many my daughter is having many of the symptoms you had I can't thank you enough I don't know what you believe in but God bless you you've always captured us with your amazing hair and make-up videos but this is different and opening up isn't easy. But thank you so much .❤❤

  7. Thanks for sharing your story. It can get really emotional. And we don’t have a lot of black women talking about pcos. Your personality outshines any topic, that’s really what people subscribe for. Just subscribed btw

  8. U are a strong soldier girl. I can't began to understand what you're going through. Thank you for inspiring others with pcos and what pcos is. Thank you for sharing your story ❤

  9. Everything you’ve described is all I’ve been going through, I appreciate you sharing this. It’s helpful to know we’re not alone.

    I’m curious of how the depo-shot helps long term, I’m nervous of taking birth control.

  10. Herbal treatment works faster and better, I stopped chin hair from growing out with Dr. isibor Herbal cleanser 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  11. Also we can heal our bodies with stress management eating healthy and finding exercise that works for us. With my experience birth control make sit worse. As far as the hair I use a honey pot for waxing and I love it. No we are NOT transgenders lol. I have 4 children. It means our hormones are outta whack and we need to find healing ways. Raspberry leaf tea,peppermint tea,green tea and organic whole foods help! Cut majority of refined sugar to make our insulin levels normal. I'm praying for healing for all of us in Jesus name!

  12. I've never seen any of videos, so I apologize, but you keep using the word even, to describe every other action you take and I couldn't continue watching past about 3 minutes Hope this is useful feedback.

  13. More women are in their " masculine energy" and it is taking its toll (STRESS) on our bodies. I deal with this 😔 and I am seeing a correlation. Being in masculine energy is not about acting or being like a man, it's the got to do, got to achieve, got to succeed, got to please, got to get more, buy more and go go go. Some women especially go harder (keeping up with the Kardashians or whomever)… And are NOT resting in their feminine as they could benefit from, it's not even about playing sports and being swoed or manly. Women need to take it easier. Now women are trying to out earn men and aren't relaxing as much.

    It is hormonal imbalance, STRESS and DIET (which affects 80% of our physical fitness) that's causing and exacerbating this condition.

    We got to take care of our body and not just the surface or chasing the superficial. Without our bodies we have nothing.

  14. Transgender??? WTF. That's is definitely a horrible definition. 😫 wow. My period regulated after I had my kids and removed my fallopian tubes through salpingectomy. Now, I just wanna lose weight. The struggle is so rea.

  15. I think plastic surgery speeds up the process of pcos I noticed more signs after I got my bbl my hair thinning got worse and I ended up shaving my hair off best thing I did was worry about my skin and take my vitamins

  16. I had the same symptoms like you…I thought i was gonna die. Birth control makes it worse in my opinion once you get off its hell…i was on it for years and symptoms got worse as time progresses…now trying to heal the naturally

  17. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 20 years old, but I suspected I had at a younger age when I had very painful and heavy periods/cramping (did extensive research on my own). I’m now 27, and man has it been quite the journey. Initially what led to me seeking medical expertise/ diagnosis was at the age of 18 did not have a period for an entire year . I was scared out of my mind! I was put on birth control which ultimately made some of my PCOS symptoms worse, but it helped clear my acne. I stopped taken the birth control because it was just too much for my body to take even with adjusting or switching to different birth controls . Within 3 months I gained weight drastically and was constantly weak and tired (I did not have the best diet). I was in and out of the hospital. I began experiencing hot flashes or some months I was experiencing some pregnancy symptoms. God it was a nightmare . I remember the many days and night I cried and was angry or depressed. At this time I only had like 3 chin hairs (named them curly, wurly, and spunk), but as the years went by it turned into a full bread and few hairs on my cheek and mustache. It was heart wrenching looking into the mirror. In fact, I would try to avoid looking at myself for awhile because I was in disbelief. From there, my weight would fluctuate up and down (weight mostly going to my breast and stomach). It did not matter what I ate. Once, I got out of my funk I had started to do more research on how to take care of myself naturally (did not want to do birth control nor the diabetic medication). I just kept diving deeper and deeper into my research! I was determined to get it under control. Ovasitol , reservatrol(naturally found in grapes), berberine,Zinc, and etc are some of the things I’ve used to get it under control. I also started working out more( leg workouts especially as I’ve read it helps) . I also switched to a vegan diet at first but I had learned I had to be extremely careful with what I ate because the process vegan food had adverse effects. Now I just strive to eat more healthier. I am more of a pescatarian now. Saw palmetto, fenugreek, maca, chaste berry,black cohosh. And etc has helped me tremendously as well. I have been able to maintain a health wait for the most part although I’m still trying to figure out how to get rid of these breast lol (went from a D and now a damn H). I’ve been considering getting a breast reduction when time permits itself. I’ve been able to get my stomach back to being flat although it’s been a challenge with trying to get my abs back. Honestly, I would not be in the state of mind/being with out the support from my fiancé. He has been here since I was first diagnosed, and I honestly would not have been able to do this without him. I had open up about it to my family and tried to educate them, but all they did was make jokes about me becoming a man or said I was cursed by god.. which did not help with my depression/suicidal at all.. It made me hate myself at certain point in time, but my fiancé constantly reminded that I was beautiful with a beautiful soul and that we would get through this and I will get through this. I eventually was able to accept what was happening. Now I’ve been able to help others with PCOS and help them along the way with their research. I’ve dedicated a whole Pinterest board on the subject with a lot of my research. I’ve though about maybe doing a podcast ( I would do YouTube but I’m camera shy Ahahaha). My fiancé and I have been talking about kids so I’ve been doing more research and listening to other people’s PCOS pregnancy journey. In hopes of starting mine in the near distant future . Right now, I haven’t had a period for about 4 months which is worrying me a bit, but im still trying to get my diet in order which may be the cause and stress as well! Ladies stress plays a big role as well!! I’ve joined many PCOS forums to talk to others as well as just talking to love ones who truly care which helped tremendously with keeping my stress at a minimum. I’m so glad that we are able to find and have these safe spaces because there isn’t a one cure all for this, and I rejoice to hear stories of other cysters getting pregnant or reversing their PCOS (yes, it is possible! I’ve done tremendously amount of research and ladies have reversed it with raw plant based diets, high grape in-take, etc). I would not say it’s incurable, but the research hasn’t been done yet to do so! With all that being said Laurasia and all the other cysters in the world, you all are beautiful, strong, and courageous! This body is just a vessel, and our illness does not define us! P.S I never read anything about PCOS being defined as us being transgender and I can’t believe people are so cruel to do such a thing and that is upsetting . That misinformation needs to be addressed and corrected immediately. We already go through enough!

  18. Ladies, take vitamin B, magnesium, eat almonds, and oil your scalp over night before you shampoo the next day. Deep condition your hair once a week and steam your hair while conditioning. Tell yourself you love yourself. Love your hair. If you don’t love your hair unconsciously or consciously your body WILL KNOW and react negatively because of lack of SELF ❤️ LOVE 💕

  19. Sis, I’m happy that your channel is honest. Thank you for being real with your subscribers, we are here because you not entertain us but you also inform us. Thank you for being free with us all.

  20. I have been following you for years & I'm still a follower my motivation to be transparent & love yourself no matter what you go through you are a radiances of confidence & a ray of sunshine beautiful….continue to be beautiful inside & out take care & God bless you & I love you my sister….. Thank you for sharing always…..

  21. All that money USA be spending for medical the doctor can’t refer u to the hospital with all the information but asks you to write stuff down.. wow I can not. But that a side thank you for this video I’m anaemic n have fibroids. Same year frame my cycle was so bad !! It was so bad double up on pads. It’s crazy because I felt alone n dreading my period. Dating it was just long expecting him to understand . I had a coil n that baby had to go!! Which contributed to my heavy flow.
    Weight gain with fibroids is an issue also.
    It’s so interesting to see how PCOS n fibroids are so alike.
    Nice to see your journey xx

  22. For PCOS, the only real way to deal with all of the symptoms, is lifestyle change. Sugar is the enemy. Eat whole foods, exercise, and be sure to avoid sugar. Sugar means processed carbs like sodas, pastries, pasta, breads, etc. My doctor also put me on Metformin and Spironolactone. Those helped with hair loss and acne. I wish all of you well in this journey. It is not an easy one.

  23. For low iron make sure you take 1000mg of vitamin C to absorb the iron. To jump start it all, I used emerg C 1000mg vitamin to get me strarted and I took the Dr.Sebi bio ferro which is $25 boosted my iron in 2-3days to a 12 and Bio ferro is great combination of herbs. I still use it to this day. I take lots of herbs to manage my pcos for the last 15 years. There are different types of pcos. I have insulin resistance. So I constantly have to fast to keep symptoms away and manage my weight and I have completely changed me eating habits. I hope to reverse this very soon. It’s so draining and effect every part of my life. I have every symptom and it’s so depressing.

  24. PCOS is something WOMEN deal with, not men who think theyre women. You need a uterus to have PCOS. Ive been dealing with this since puberty and was diagnosed 9 years ago. Its so hard to deal with and even harder to describe

  25. THAT'S DAT GIRLLLA! I'm glad I've come across your channel. I was diagnosed in my early 20s and currently in my 40s. I still struggle with weight, chin hair, and now my once very thick and coarse hair is thinning. I still hope to have a healthy pregnancy/baby🤷🏾‍♀️ Thank you for sharing your story. Did you know Keke Palmer also has it?