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LaLa Jenkins

Joined: Mar 2024
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Hey Y’all Hey! In this video, Taylor shares her testimony of denouncing Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority plus the revelations received after denouncing. As always, I pray you are blessed AND entertained by this video. Thank you for watching and please don’t forgot to SUBSCRIBE!…



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  1. Im not in any of the organizations . I always felt like there was something wrong with them. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time. I just always knew nobody was going to be hollering and yelling at me to be in a group lol .I believe God used that very thing to deter me. This was very good, keep opening people's eyes . God bless you both, praying his covering over you for exposing the devil. I knew your guest was from Atlanta 😊.

  2. Thanks Taylor, I enjoyed every words you said from the beginning to the end. I am 62 years old by CNN listening to your powerful testimony I felt so much joy in my heart. Having a relationship with God is the key of spiritual deliverance. I will continue praying for you Taylor. Don’t give up and don’t give in. May the Lord continue blessing you.🙏🏽❤️

  3. I denounced DST in 2019 after 10 years of battling with Jesus about it, and it was THE BEST decision I ever made in my life. Turned in my letter, got baptized again, and have been working on my relationship with God ever since. All kinds of chains were broken…anxiety, anger, sadness, and shame. I forgive the organization and myself. I thank God every day for His grace and mercy and for never taking His hands off me! 🙌🏽 I serve Jesus Christ alone!

  4. The Most High is amazing!!! He is doing a new thing & time is winding down! Blessings to LaLa for being faithfull & Taylor for standing on the Holy Scriptures!!! This Word was for more than those in idolatrous greek letter organizations! After 32 yrs in AKA & a former legacy, I renounced /denounced in April 2024!

  5. Glory to God I renounced in 2020 and shared my testimony in my YouTube even after being told to take it down. I began speaking publically in 2022 and I'm so glad God is using us all to share our testimonies. More Grace and peace WOG for this platform. I enjoy sending people prayers and wise counsel as they take that bold step to get rid of idols amen ❤

  6. How is she having an abortion from a toxic relationship then saying “it’s wrong”. I wish peoooe could speak without bringing God into it and used their own brains becuase sometimes they sound weird and judgy when they want to talk about they’re different.

  7. Although, I am not affiliated with any sorority, I am surrounded by family and friends that are. This was the most informative video on one's experience; so thank you for sharing. Yes, I am a graduate of a major University and graduate of a major Law School, so I am highly educated. During my hay days in school, I was often approached to join "Delta", more persuaded to pledge AKA, either way my personal/ inner intuitive light was protecting me not to offer serious consideration to either. "Me Fi Me" was always my answer! My belief was that were bought here as a unique gift from GOD, not to be used as pawns to be mistreated and misguided to coddle the idiosyncrasies of the insecure. Peace!

  8. I am grateful for my parents who taught us how to stand alone and know we are somebody, independent of any organization or group. I thought about pledging during college and also as an adult. There has always been a ?. These testimonies solidify.

    Thank you all for your testimonies and I am grateful for your love of the Most High.

  9. Bible thumpers thinking they are in a position to lead someone is hilarious! They're the most gullible, brainwashed people out here. 😂 😃 😄

  10. This was so good!! Love how Taylor broke the scriptures down with so much zeal and conviction! I came out of DST and will continue to stand on the Word!👏🏾🙌🏾💕💕

  11. Uggh….THANK YOU MS. TAYLOR!!🥺🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️ God Bless You Ma’am! I was Too Blessed.

    “Did you Ask The Lord?” Very Important. There are some things that The Lord wont be able to show to us UNLESS WE PRAY. I agree, Thank you.
    Praise The Lord!

  12. Right, we must make a choice on whom we will serve! God is a jealous. God is a God of mercy BUT His Mercy will not always strive with Man

  13. Preach Taylor Treience We gotta come out of this GRACE PEACE, thinking we can continue to walk, talk, think, see, hear and live in our FLESH but we must repent, which means to "turn away from" and have a RELATIONSHIP with the Lord!!!

  14. I went to an HBCU and desperately wanted to pledge but I got sick the semester before and had to sit out. When they found out they “refused to pledge” me b/c I was a “haz…. liability.” I was heartbroken. All of my friends were chosen. Looking back that rejection was God’s protection. I love God so much and would’ve been heartbroken to have put another god (little g) before him. Great series sister ❤️🙏🏾

  15. When she started on the scripture, she ripped it up and gave the word like no other. And when she read and spoke on Matthew 10:34-39 hit me the most, it had me tear up. Praise you Jesus! God Bless you.

  16. No judgement against anyone in fraternities or sororities but I’ve always wondered what the attraction was? We are African American, how could this be our legacy? We are not greek so why would we proclaim these rituals as our own? Mind you I’ve never gone to college. But just from I’ve seen in the arrogance, rudeness, ruthlessness, superiority complex, belittling, etc exhibited from so many affiliated with these groups of ppl.

  17. AWSOME word, your explanation based on the word and showing the standard was excellent!!! God bless you and I hope God gives you great blessings and a deeper anointing

  18. Being from Daytona beach, this is an ear full of about the rituals, but my grandfather owned a bar (safari lounge “Mr &Mrs Payne ) the soriety girls do act a way unnecessarily ☺️

  19. This was an amazing testimony! However, I’d like to say that being a Hebrew Israelite isn’t a New Age tradition. God’s chosen people are the Israelites who come through the line of Jacob who was later named Israel by God. His was renamed Israel due to the fact that he fought with God. (Genesis 32:22-32) I myself understand that Hebrew Israelites is a topic of discussion that has been given bad connotations but just like learning about these sororities/idolatrous actions through getting into your word, it’s just the same. Get into your word and read it as if it is speaking of you, because it is! It’s not about race but a curse that was place over a specific nation and that’s us. Read Deuteronomy 28 and tell me who it sounds like it’s about.

  20. The Truth Will Set You FREE-That’s Was A POWERFUL TESTIMONY 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Praying Everyone Gets Eternal Life With GOD🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾