MSNBC's Black Men in America Preview: Voting, Mental Health, Accountability & Economics

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MSNBC's Black Men in America Preview: Voting, Mental Health, Accountability & Economics

Ebro sits down with correspondent Trymaine Lee and civil rights attorney Charles Coleman Jr. for an in-depth conversation surrounding Black Men and their power to vote in the upcoming 2024 election and beyond.

The three discuss various topics including Mayor Adams, Mental Health, the impact of racism across America, police and protection, our…



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  1. I absolutely love this conversation between black men hammering out the issues. We spent so much time listening to black women speak for us we let our voices and true opinions take a backseat….until now.

  2. 0:42 missing in so many spaces? There’s nothing but forced diversity in literally ever profession, most of which aren’t ran by anyone but non-whites. To say that they’re missing is straight up lying and also feeding into black stereotypes which hurt us. You DONT speak for all of us, some of which have learned that the less of “our culture” is removed the better society is. Go to any white neighborhood, it’s ALWAYS nice. I can’t imagine why in EVERY single instance when blacks move in the crime immediately sky rockets. No one is forcing us to commit crimes and sling dope, but you might actually be right, it’s the “culture”. A culture that’s incompatible with whites entirely.

  3. What if all your assumptions about Trump and Conservatives are wrong?

    What if only 1% of the population was actually racist?

    What if Trump is your path to success?

    What if Trump actually gave our community upward mobility until COVID?

    What if Trump released thousands of our brothers and sisters from prison bc of unfair sentences?

    What if Trump was investing 150 Billion dollars into our community until we voted him out?

    What if Biden took that 150 Billion dollars from our community and gave it to Ukraine?

    What if everything I just said was true?

    What if these weren't questions but facts?

  4. Where is there a great time to wear your pants down below your butt. What the hell is this all about. If we are not going to tell the truth and hold each other accountable, just stop.

  5. This MSNBC show was not what was described on Hot97. They had crazy ideas like changing the definitions of crime would lead to stopping crime! Man how disappointing! Definition change only allows more crime! Basically it was a show to promote narrowing your personal view to align with the Democratic Party. Nothing was proposed from an Independent or Republican Party point of view or solutions. Super sad to see them try to manipulate the viewer. Democrats will lose on all side in 2024 in my opinion.

  6. MY only demand is "Don't commit an obscenely disproportionate amount of violent crime." Apparently that's too much to ask! I hear Liberia has warm weather year round

  7. And they recently talked to Al Sharpton about how to make all crime stop immediately. The idea? Change the laws. Remove things like theft and robbery from the laws because apparently it is in their DNA. If a white guy said that they'd be blasted by every woke outlet in the world. Please black people, wake up, stop following these racebaiting turds and follow people who actually want you to succeed.

  8. The description of the Documentry, did not meet with the actual Documentry that aired. I was disappointed that it didn't focus on the average brothers and their views other than well known brothers who we experience their views on almost a daily basis. It just seemed like this was not Mr. Lee's work but more a watered down network production. Although I enjoy Jeezy's and Bennie The Butcher Music music, I would have preferred to hear more from Black Brothers like the Barber. The format that you are doing on these Brothers podcast advertising for the Documentry should of been used in the actual Documentry. With Love my Brothers, it seemed like more thought went into your dress than the content.

  9. New your daily news has article on 90 city schools failed to pass a single black student on state tests. In math or reading. You need to look up some facts.
    I lived in NYC. Moved out because of all the crime. Unbelievable.

  10. So you’re voting for democrats like always. You have generations of black families on welfare and HUD. 😅😅😅
    My rich democrat boss who is big in real estate says hell no to reparations. He says “GET A JOB”. 😅😅😅. Never will happen.

  11. More of this. Please. Sad that there are not many brothers talking about these issues on any platform. Just a bunch of odd conspiracy nonsense, talking points, or crappy relationship pods.

  12. Please just let the gentleman with the brown hat talk. He’s speaking logically. Ideology- your philosophy what do you believe- what are your standards – what governs your life and how does policy reflect your philosophy. You make your demands and then you get something. We have never been in the position to make a demand because we vote 95+ percent for one party. Just like the older guy said he’s gonna be good regardless, so he can vote blue, no matter who for the rest of his life, but the rest of us cannot afford to do that. Just like the gentleman who works for MSNBC can’t listen to him because of who pays his check. You can only speak freely and be open and honest with your people if you’re committing it all. Like Malcolm. I wish they would explain specifically how this administration has benefited our communities. Biden’s had a pen for over 40 years in politics, and he used that pen to destroy our communities. The reason most people don’t vote is because of lack of knowledge. What you don’t understand you can’t really participate in. The other ethnic groups have people working and speaking for them. What is the CBC doing for us? Al Sharpton and the like are totally irrelevant to our future and progress moving forward. Both parties are racist!! Both parties are overt racist! PERIOD! Know your history! With knowledge how can any black person belong to either party and not be an independent? I’m not voting for you just because you have melanin and look like me identity politics, propaganda, loyal to a fault to a party which no longer serves our community, they build statues,repetative subconscious advertising to subliminally convince us to vote blue no matter who, not giving us REAL RECEIPTS but fear tactics always, they throw concerts they talk about hip-hop they dance insulting our intelligence like they cannot talk to us about politics about policy, they dummy us down with foolishness every four years. All they have to do is scare us and we go running, they give holidays, street naming how does that change the lives of those in our community. Does the mass of Black communities even understand what Democracy really is? Anyone over the age of 55 👀 need to stop talking, move out of the way they are stumbling blocks to the future of our coming generations. WOOW! Jungle means jungle. Joe Biden’s mentor was a known segregationist and kkk. You can’t clean up someone’s past. The over 55 generations have had their chance to make a difference they have failed. Those other two is the reason why we haven’t moved the needle since Malcolm and MLK.. No absolutely not the majority of us are not listening to mainstream media .. other than the younger generation (those listening to their parents and grandparents) are NOT watching mainstream media. MSNBC and the like I always ask who’s signing their checks? If it’s the norm I don’t listen neither do I watch then because they have restraints on the truth and they have to sell the narrative of the people who are signing their checks. Just like these other two gentlemen would not speak honestly about the Biden administration. The younger generations are watching to:
    Phillip Scott Podcast
    *African Diaspora News Channel
    *Dr. Shonna Etienne
    *Yvette Carnell *Breaking Brown
    *Antonio Moore *Tonetalks
    *TD Media
    *Mechee X
    *The Black Authority
    *Prof Black Truth
    *Dr. Claude Anderson
    *Boyce Watkins
    And many others who are picking up the mantle Truth without restraint!
    Harriet Tubman, 1000 slaves she could’ve freed 1000 more if they only had known that they were slaves I’m sure that her heart hurt when she had to walk away from those who were scared and afraid of massa to the plantation of slavery. Using manipulation shaming tactics on someone who is exercising their right to vote for whomever they choose to vote with that right that has been afforded to them is not doing anything wrong. Nowhere in the civil rights sack does it say that we are supposed to be loyal to a fault totally committed to a particular party if you listen to the speech that LBJ gave when he signed the civil rights act he told Black people what they should do educate themselves and to vote for their best interest, and that of their country go listen to it, know your history so you don’t repeat it.