Morning Glory | The Independent Republic of Mike Graham | 03-May-24
Morning Glory | The Independent Republic of Mike Graham | 03-May-24
A full-throttle run through the day’s breaking news with the King of Common Sense. Join ‘Morning Glory’ with Mike Graham from 6:30am-10am every Monday to Friday.
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Tory’s won’t be having the GE Before 2025!
They should call the bloopers “Morning Hiccups.”
The political and judicial system was forged hundreds of years ago in order to maintain the elitist system of rule and to control the masses below them. Giving the people the vote was in the full knowledge that the people were voting to maintain the elitist system and nothing else .The fact that we keep changing one tribe for the other should make the pointless act of voting obvious. So obvious that i can make an easy prediction in that Labour will win the next election with the usual use of political rhetoric and to be honest out and out lies. There will of course be unpleasant higher bills for the people in order to match the corrupt promises of the manifesto. The Conservatives seeing the civil unrest due to the continuing inflow of illegal immigrants and state of the economy will reform into a more far right party, as has happened throughout the E.U. If the will be a war between is an unknown.
Talk TV was going down the pan when 'that man' kept repeating his interminable interviews with people said to be difficult: night after nigh, same three or four people. Then the screamers – women who knew it all and gave it over every guest. I'd had enough.
Virgin have taken talk tv off ? Why ?