Minister Claims UFO Pilots are Black Men – 31.04 – MU Podcast

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Minister Claims UFO Pilots are Black Men – 31.04 – MU Podcast

The UFO topic, already inflamed with controversy, has some suggesting a greater cover-up in progress. We venture into the unusual and contentious beliefs of an obscure cult-like group. They claim that the UFO Phenomenon’s Extraterrestrial Hypothesis is a deliberate fabrication by the U.S. Government and that Reptilians, Greys, and Nordics are…



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  1. One Question…A Black African left Africa and mated with Neanderthals….how did the offspring end up being Blonde 👱‍♀️ Blue Eyed and only 2% to 5% NEANDERTHAL?

  2. Oh what a time to be alive the heathen going to shocked world flipped up side down when a group of black people it of of those so called ufos

  3. To watch these two YT men sit up here and make fun of the fact that the aliens are actually Black people and they are angels is frustrating to be honest. When this theory is not only stated by Black people, but by other supernatural theorist as well whom are white. There is a credible NASA employee that said that NASA has pictures of Black people coming out of UFOs spaceships and has not released them, the fact that these men are just snickering at this in a usual white way ruffles me. I guess everyone will find out very soon

  4. Great stuff as usual guys. Thank you for broading my horizons once again. Ive learned a ton from you guys over the years, still you surprise me with stuff. I had no idea. I barely heard of any of that stuff before.( I consider myself well versed in religion and the occult. 😂 Perhaps I should reconsider.)I don't think the nation of islam has a heavy presence in the boonies of Canada where spend most of my time. One thing did strike me though, & that was the similarity's between the Mona Lisa moon landing video and the U.F.O. piolets seen by russians in space, as described by the speaker from the nation of islam. Moon Gods, who knows? The moon does seem like a great eternal crypt for an advanced pre diluvian civilization…?..No?

  5. Can somebody please help me?
    The Mysterious Universe gentlemen use a word for an entity that only exists because humans give it energy. Like a doll could create one of these if enough human energy is sent its way but if humans stop sending it energy it disappears.
    I always know what it means when they say it but I am trying to remember it and I am having trouble recalling it.
    Does someone know what it is?

  6. I had this problem and put copper pipes orthogonal to water flow face upwards hidden outside building between plants to mark flow direction and disperse building accumulation of energy and redirect energy etc etc… Also round stones parallel to energy flow.. plus your building is probably made of steel so it drains the orgone energy out into ground, that is awfull.. I imagine insects die immediately there.. putting a carpet under your desk and at least 1 kilo of non fluoride salt under it helps a lot, the pipes are more complicated to sence..