Mexican Rapper Says She Will Not Be Treated Like A Guest In Hip Hop

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Mexican Rapper Says She Will Not Be Treated Like A Guest In Hip Hop

Demetra Kaye reports on a Mexican rapper saying that she will not be treated like a guest in Hip Hop.
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  1. She was never invited, never wanted, never will be “ like us”. I wish these groups would stick with their culture. Their language is Spanish, rap was not created in Spanish and hip hop was not created in a Latin or Hispanic country. There is and never was a relationship with these people but some how they got too comfortable but that time is up. We are not your people and you are not mine

  2. WE BOTH MINORITIES. WHAT MAKES U THINK WE DONT GET THE SAME MISTREATMENT? Ain’t they putting Mexicans in cages? DONT GO UP THERE AN SAY I CHOOSE THE FUN STUFF , this career choice is anything but fun . Try it

  3. Eminem says it every time that he is a guest and he is okay with that, you're a nobody claiming you're not a guest? I swear the Hispanic community be more hateful towards our skinfolk than white people.

  4. the irony of this video is hip hop/african americans have appropriated our cholo gang culture thats over 130 years old, everything from our lowriders (cars & bikes), gang tats, cholo style & you call us guest. gang culture has historically influenced "hip hop," with bloods & crips having the biggest influence from a gang perspective. bloods & crips are nothing but black cholos. this video is ignorantly funny.😂😂😂

  5. With her nasty arrogant attitude, nobody will sponsor her, nobody will play her music on radios stations and she will be blocked from any music perks and awards on black awards shows….

  6. Hip Hop is Black…always was, is and always will! Truth is I never, like many others, seen anything interesting about their culture which is why she’s tryna Bogarde her way in. Another one representing another group of sheer ignorants. They don’t know what hiphop is because they don’t know what being Black is. Her skin tone??? She must think she’s white and had she not opened her mouth and let all that ignorance fall out she might’ve made it in unnoticed like Niki and Cardi did hell even DJ Khalid