It’s also why so many white, young women are literally doc shopping for a diagnosis for their perceived mental illness. I’m white, my mums was a psychiatrist, so as a white woman, I can not deny what you’ve said. However, knowing how far white women go around and around docs, I’m pretty sure that this clogs up the mental health system. For these women, being diagnosed with ANYTHING is like a badge of honor for these women. So, as I said, I’m talking about white, young women, because that’s who I see and recognize this in. I can not speak to the experience of a different race, due to the fact that I don’t have firsthand knowledge of what other races experience.
…the last thing i want for my doctor to use to diagnose me is culture. Stick to medical science.
It’s also why so many white, young women are literally doc shopping for a diagnosis for their perceived mental illness. I’m white, my mums was a psychiatrist, so as a white woman, I can not deny what you’ve said. However, knowing how far white women go around and around docs, I’m pretty sure that this clogs up the mental health system. For these women, being diagnosed with ANYTHING is like a badge of honor for these women. So, as I said, I’m talking about white, young women, because that’s who I see and recognize this in.
I can not speak to the experience of a different race, due to the fact that I don’t have firsthand knowledge of what other races experience.
I wish you well and have a great weekend! ❤