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  1. I’m not a Taylor fan but this is an impersonator of Taylor F’tart! I wouldn’t be star struck, I don’t worship celebrities especially they don’t pay my bills, and they truly don’t care about their fans. I have better things to focus then to idolize celebrities that don’t give two flying F’s about their fans. However I love my money and work too hard to help celebrities get rich while the world is struggling. Now let the sensitive fans talk crap to my post. Let’s them rich 😂

  2. i HATE people who dress up as taylor swift cause for how many fans thats gonna make them really disappointing so i say thqt people shouldnt be able to dress up as taylor swift let alone any celeb but i understand if its a hallaween costume cause i was taylor for Halloween so i understand that but otherwise u shouldnt be albe to dress up as a celeb