Meet South Africa's youngest millionaire only at 23
Meet South Africa's youngest millionaire only at 23
The Foreign exchange market is the biggest financial market in the world. At least four trillion dollars is traded on currency markets on a daily basis. This market is known for its volatility and high risk nature, which is why it is mostly traded by banks and big corporate. However a young South African trader has managed to crack it. …
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Most people today have been experiencing many failures in forex and crypto due to poor guidance and incompetent experts. 📉 ❌
This didn't age well
How much is he worth?
I traded well on my Demo account but when I invested in to my main account i lost all my funds. Please i need an expert to assist me with my trading. It's frustrating how people loss funds in this trading, I really feel so bad.
he is well spoken
Well welll😂😂
Lol Serch for his name now and check his latest story, a bit sad but …
From a nigerian the pronounciation of ELUMELU was perfect
I wish him the best😊
It's clean smells good beutiful thanks money
this didnt age well
I used to believe that all investors suffer during inflation, but I learned that some investors can actually make millions of dollars. I used to think that everyone stopped working during the Great Depression, but some people started new businesses. Some people feel sad while others make money. It all depends on how you think. I have saved $250,000 to use for investments in the future, but I don't know much about investing.
Money invested is far better than money saved, when you invest it gives you the opportunity to increase your financial worth.
And now he’s wanted by officials
This is more than nice
Well this hasn’t aged well 😂
Well this hasn’t aged well 😂
More like South Africa's youngstest conman and scammer!
Turned out he's a scammer
Now look he’s wanted😂😂😂😂
It shows you how people with money can con the normal guy in the street. People must wake up and do their homework. If its too good to ve true, it is
He is allegedly a fraud. He was on Devi show. Peoples money gone. Don't invest with him. Another fraud allegedly
This guy is a super conman
It's 2022 and he never stops being dragged in court for fraud
Big up my brother
What an inspiration 🥺.
Its way better to program your own cryptocurrency and market it instead of investing in crypto. If you don't know how to code… then that's a problem
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