Mass Evacuation in Dubai! Flash Flooding Destroys UAE, World is Shocked

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Mass Evacuation in Dubai! Flash Flooding Destroys UAE, World is Shocked

Dubai travel authorities today urged travellers to stay away from the airport after the United Arab Emirates was battered by more than a year and a half’s worth of rain in just a few hours.

#storm #tornado #dubai #uae #flood #naturaldisaster

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  1. The broader meteorological context of this storm affecting the entire Arabian Peninsula is intriguing. It points to larger climate patterns that might be shifting in the region 🙏🙏🙏

  2. The infrastructure impact is massive here—not just the airport shutdown but the complete chaos on the roads and in homes. It's a wake-up call for better flood preparednes 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Madreterra si riprendera tutto..❤povero umano stolto e avido che ha voluto credersi Dio..Madreterra è solo allinizio..questo è nulla a canfronto di cio che accadra🙏🏼🥂💓mi spiace soloper gli animali

  4. Життя людцьке ніщо,а сила Всевишнього є. Тому непотрібно тішатися чужим горем бо спонукає горе і тебе. Коли пітримуєш країну яка принижує народ то за усе приходиться платити.

  5. That was not cloud seeding hence Dubai was not playing with nature .Get your facts right before typing nonsensical messages here .If it was cloud seeding there would not be thunder and lightening..I have been living here for almost 30 yrs now and I know the country better that the the people who
    1. type nonsense just for sake of it .
    2. Who do not live here

  6. Dubai: experience is the best teacher. UAE Authorities are not playing God. Rather God is very happy with them for applying God given intelligence to overcome challenges. However the flooding will enable the authority to quickly plan and overcome it in future. So God is happy and not angry at all.

  7. Nije ovo nusta stace se desiti Kini Sudiskoj Arabiji Indiji i SAD tu je i Francuska ce postati pustinja cak dio italije i spanija rusija c3 biti potopljena a Balkan c3 biti prazan jer ce se plemena kija pricaju isti jezik do zadnjeg poubijati jer zvjer u ljudskom obliku je pocela djelovati njegovi sljedbenici vec cine haus pokolj rade .ti ce trajati sve do 2025 necist mora da ode.

  8. This is a sign that Jesus is on the way coming. I have mercy on once pretty Dubai but now in travail. 😢 To reject Son of God is to invite disaster.

    Wake up, Muslims, and divorce Islam the religion of blackmail by entering the sheepfold of Christ the refuge of safety. 🕍 ✝️ _Zx²

  9. I think they have to focus on their country sewage system rather that financing war here and there. Bc of their prince finace war in may country they make my country hell just like this.

  10. O que se passa no Dubai é um reflexo do que lá se vive. Uma extrema importância aos bens materias, à exuberância e de repente a natureza retribui com o que enviamos pelos nossos pensamentos. Quando uma guerra tremenda está acontecer ao lado e ninguém tem coragem para acabar com ela. Enfim, somos um povo muito atrasado ainda para cultivarmos uma vida de união e partilha entre todos. ❤

  11. In the islamic book, the quran, al lah, the muslim god, said, those who obey him are rewarded with green lands and those who disobey, their lands are barren. That’s where cloud seeding, a western invention, came to save the day for muslims and their god lah… but it wasn’t too long before nature let them know it wasn’t okay to mess with it.

  12. Indians were forced to get discouraged due to the Kaargil debacle. They paid for the costs Kaargil brought to USA.
    Although USA didn't suffer due to Kaargil before the 911 attacks but were loopingly hi-jacked after 2001.
    India and UAE are both over with these two shots!

  13. Como ?no era la maravilla del mundo? Los rascacielos con restaurantes carisimos que eran 6 estrellassss y bla bla bla…todos querian ir a dubai como construyeron la ciudad de la nada jeques super millonarios cientos de autos que ahora estan fllotando a la deriva …todo duro muy poco para tanta inversion una burbuja mas del capitalismoooo!!