Marry single mums reaction video to Phrankleen

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Marry single mums reaction video to Phrankleen

This is a reaction video to Phrankleens misguided and unfounded advice to men not to marry single mums. I debunk the myth of single mums as drama queens with poorly behaved children. Single mums are made not born. The are hybrid women and mothers who can weather the storms of life for their children supernaturally what they need is super men…



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  1. Well, he (Phrankleen) was just expressing attitudes/beliefs of most Nigerian men and Nigerian women too. Thanking u 4 this video. BTW, 99.9% of Nigerian marriages r unhappy: very unhappy. This is not an exagerration. Been there, done that. Have u also noticed that Phrankleen's viewership numbers have dropped tremendously since posting that video?

  2. Phrankleen is a looser. He talks about people going to Nigeria and all the so called opportunities yet he is still in London or wherever. Now he has become a cyber soothsayer claiming to give people direction. That's what he is selling. He is a misogynist big nosed pig I would only laugh at but never listen to

  3. It's a shame to know that such misogynistic thinking still exist! It's as if these women became single moms on their own not even taking into account some of the heartless cowards called "fathers" who left the single mom and his children on their own. Just as I commented in Phrankleen's video, these same men bashing single single moms would have no problem sleeping with these same single mom's but they consider it wrong to marry them?!?! If I could show you my Facebook inbox/PM from guys MARRIED Engaged and Single who try to hit on this single mom you'd be surprised!!🤨😢

  4. Blah blah blah blah. I will never ever marry a single mother. I will never take care of another man's kids. Why marry a woman with kids when you can start afresh? Why continue someone's saved game when you can start afresh? It's funny how every woman, especially single mums, takes offence at Phrankleen and personalise his message. Funny how every single mum who take offence at Phrankleen present themselves as virtuous, empathetic, the top breed of women, and whatever just to beat down every reasonable argument on why single mothers are not the best fit of women.

    Phrankleen doesn't care if you follow him or not. He just say things as they are. Deal with it.

  5. You are an exception but if you come to US especially within the black and Latin American community, dating or marrying a SM is a dangerous idea to play with. The good ones don’t put themselves out there so it’s hard to meet them.

  6. For some reasons whenever anyone talks about single mothers; most single mothers go on to personalise the discussion; I am not like this and I am so different and I am super single mother and I did not choose to be in the situation or men are not worth it. I did not listen to the whole of Phrankleen's topic on his advice for men not to marry single mothers but he made a lot of salient points. Single guys marrying single mothers can be fraught… I am divorced and older and now married to a single mother but I get Phrankleen because there is a lot of baggage that I have to deal with. By the way, I do not personally have those baggages (not because I am special and not a woman) but because I am older, my own child is grown up and I have lived independently for a long time and I am very solvent…

    You do not have to defend all single mothers! The topic itself give away some of the issues that a man might faced if married to a single mother – we say single mothers; mothers tend to put their children first and in this case, the woman has children from a previous and maybe more from the current – the mix can be difficult for the man to deal with…

  7. The world is generally unjust in their judgement and stereotype comments. The word single mum comes sometimes because a man impregnated a woman and refuse to shoulder his responsibility as a father. The woman then is labelled single mum and the man? No body talks about him. He goes on with his life and can even join to say- do not marry single mums. God is watching, it is really unfair how women are labelled because they are the ones who will incubate the child.

  8. You have spoken very well and your points are very reasonable, especially with objectivity and personal experience. You throw some light that make a good addition to Phrankleen's views. None of you are completely wrong; Phrankleen might just have been a little too extreme with his views, and I am sure he will be happy to learn from your exposition, and maybe tamper his position. Both of you advance legitimate and informed positions from which we all learn. Keep it up.

  9. I get your point madam but you can't speak for all…just as one cannot paint all single mother with one brush.

    But are you suggesting that only super men can date or marry single mothers?

  10. You are totally bias. I can see that you've learned from your past mistakes during your first marriage. Now you are a submissive wife to your new man. Something you could've done to your former husband and you would've enjoy it for the rest of your life.

  11. Out of curiousity, if you have a daughter, would you recommend she becomes a single mother? Would you recommend that all your female offspring siblings and cousins etc become single mothers?

  12. Mo you're being subjective.. putting it fairly, single mums are the most difficult people to love… Most men wants to enter marriage without the drama from single mums.. You can rant all you want… But phrankleen talks bitter truth… I accept there maybe exceptions.. If you're lucky to be a less drama person and you find a GODLY and STRONG man.. good for you!… But all you've said here is sentimental and subjective as shit!. No man comes to earth with a mission to love a "single mum"… If anyone has decided to love you.. Praise God and stop being this Proud and Subjective.. you were just lucky and Graced by God… She even said men have to be more talented and emotionally intelligent to love single mum's.. 😂😂😂

  13. Some people dont want to assume another man's responsibility.
    Some men dont want another man hovering around the house on the basis of your wife also had kids for them.
    Its not always about men seeing themselves as this lofty prize a woman should aspire to.

  14. Wow!! A fake unicorn. Yr delusional to think a man is lucky to be selected by a single mom. Only desperate men with situational life journey pick single mom . But a man of means, kingship & discipline creates and take care of his own family for the next generation. Not raise another man seed.

  15. you’re truly an Exceptional woman, actually a Lady! Franklin is right in the overall, but I wouldn’t ever generalize! There are not the many like you who have a genuine soul, and note you had just your son out of wedlock.. it’s truly a test of your moral standard! you didn’t go on to populate the Earth with random men!
    I’m a Nigerian American living in Las Vegas Nevada USA 🇺🇸, & have being through two failed marriages! I have two twenty-something son & daughter that are successful with an ex-girlfriend not with my ex-wives!
    ~ your inner core Shows from your speech, your intelligence and I’d say your obvious heart surrender to Adonai Elohim!
    ~ hey if I’d met a woman like you back when I still craved marriage, and if we connected heartily I too would’ve Married you!
    ~ but please know most Single women with kids play “dirty” and lack the moral compass and sensitivity to bring the Best out of the Dogs they run with!🤣👍🏽✅

  16. What about single dads. Oh yeah I forgot. Obviously they are heros and rolemodles. Even a man with a dog gets more respect and understanding. But a woman caring for children alone.. Na we don't want her. She like a desease they're scared of catching. There are good women and bad women. Even he says this. So there are bad single mums and great single mums. Maybe her ex was really bad and she had to leave after trying for so long. But can see he is abusing her patience. Even Phrankeen says to leave toxicity because you can't tell your children later that you stayed for them. Women can never win.

  17. On the other hand as in life there are divergent opinions a ying and a yang! See the following video by Pastor Shola another Nigerian man's perspective on the same topic. Although I agree with most of it I don't believe that single mums are men although we do have to perform some duties that are considered more masculine like providing for and protecting our families! Ha ha! We are still women ohh!

  18. Dear Fam please read this letter from a single mum from Kenya. Pamela Nduku, 43.

    I’m raising two girls, 18 and 15. I have been a single mother for 11 years now and I can tell you that raising children alone is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Because you are everything and being everything is never enough.

    Three years ago I broke down. I couldn’t take it, I was tired of being strong and being everything. I wanted to get away to be alone but I couldn’t afford a holiday. So I called my sister in Canada crying, I wanted to just go somewhere and be weak and to cry and talk to someone who couldn’t judge me.

    So I admitted myself in hospital. I was tired of paying bills and raising my children, of thinking about their future and my future and I had ran out of anything to give. I was empty. I cried everyday, I slept, I allowed someone to take care of me and listen to my vulnerability. I wallowed in weakness and it felt great.

    I spoke to counselor, a first for me. After a few days I was discharged and the world became clear. I quit my job where I was a senior brand manager. I joined public service, taking a pay-cut while at it.

    I also realized that I wasn’t going to spend my life just raising children. There was more to life. I was a person, I needed to think of myself more. As a single parent you never want to tell your children no, but i now dont feel guilty when I tell my children no. I don’t feel any lesser as a mother and I expect them not to feel any lesser as my children. We haven’t been on holiday in two years and I don’t feel that Im failing them. We will go when we go.

    I have rid myself of anything in my life that doesn’t bring me joy. My happiness is first, I’m taking care of me.

    I want to write a book about my journey in life, the bad decisions that led to me to a bad marriage, raising kids, career, life. It’s going to be a story about standing in weakness, and the courage to step out of it. I want to write a book I would buy.

    #PrideInn #Bikozulu #BikozuluMasterclass

  19. There's many single mum that happened through circumstance maybe lost of husband and many single mum are very good, humble and nice but many become single mum because of welfare system and western culture especially many Nigerian single women are very bad because they kick their men out which I knew few of them. I'm not pray for my boys to married single mum but at the end of the day it's their choice.

  20. What you say is true #not making assumptions however, in Phrankleen's defence, he made exceptions. I remember him particularly mentioning widows in that video! As a single man what I got from his video was that if I was going into a relationship with a single mum. I should be sure I knew what I was getting into (more responsibilities).