Making Of “This Is Who I Am “Ahmed Soultan feat Wiyaala
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Making Of Afrobian track “This Is Who I Am” from Ahmed Soultan’s upcoming album “MHNB” (Music Has No Boundaries / Musi9a Bila 7oudoud) featuring Ghanaian Star “Wiyaala”. (english/arabic/sisala/amazigh/french) Recorded in Casablanca Hiba Studio, Morocco .
Additionnal Magic : MarcShadow,…
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Africa (Continent)africa (official video)AfrobeatAhmed Soultan (Musical Artist)ahmed soultan achkidAhmed Soultan livebent nassdizzy dros dj van manal bk muslim & shayfeen - mantsayadch (clip officiel)IdunneLenoMorocco countryMTVEMAmy jailerNigeria (Country)nti o anarhimourock my bodytinamba nyitous les memesWiyaalawiyaala angelwiyaala livewiyaala mamawiyaala songsya salam
ahmed est ce que ce bruit peut faire bouger ta tête ?
slm M.Ahmed 3ndi lik wa7d talab
Of course ila bghiti
great spirit 🙂
Ayùz nek (y)
Go go soultan
So proud of you #soultanahmed
Go shine even brighter my star
(y) 😀