Life for Native Americans before and after European arrival
We examine what life was like for Native Americans prior to European arrival. Following the arrival of white settlers, it’s estimated that the Native American population was reduced by 90-95% in 100 years.
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The loss of these cultures and their knowledge is one of the greatest tragedies in human history.
Funny, you didn't mention the waring between tribes. There was a lot of that too.
Can you imagine if some peoples from 10,000 years from now landed here. That's what it was like for the Indians. Reading, writing, scientific method, the wheel, horses, English Common Law, medicine, Christianity, etc.
Native American agriculture feeds the world.
Why is there a protective wall around their homes? Where they constantly being attacked by neighboring tribes?
Four words about Europe invasion. Indoor plumbing, you’re welcome.
We still here 0:17 they lying to you lying 🤥 I tell you. 2 races in 1 body today a lot are mixed today. Most weren’t mixed back them just some, and some are still having the original face but are reclassified as African or Black American, dark copper skin straight hair are considered Africans and the fro haired ones were renamed as well 🤯
aku isnan
aku isnan
They are great looking people, it must of being a beautiful land back in those days.
Im going back to my Roots and I don't have to follow the Laws of the European white people living in America and I don't have to live or think their own ways of thinking about Life because Yahweh said so,
Keep his Law's commandments statues and judgement and obey them and you will live 💗🎉🎉🎉
This goes for everyone do you guys know about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior? Philippians 1:6
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
Why were they so underdeveloped?
Should have fought for your land then. A deals a deal. You traded the land. Why are we going back in the deal now😂.
So we're not gonna talk about how they were all killing each other even before the europeans arrived
I'm the last few of a dying culture 😢
Kick the settlers back to Europe!
They cease to exist after the invasion of anglo nazi Fundamentalists
If only the European would’ve remained in Europe 😢
Wars between tribes? Headhunting? Cannibalism?
God bless native American
I'm more amazed how people on comments don't see the cruelty and the wrong of killing and the occupation of others lands and more worse writing history by pretending to bring a better life and system and freedom to these people or any another occupied places in this world.
You forgot to mention they regularly waged war on each other even before europeans arrived
…. repeats totally demolished "90%" lie. Mann et al told a Big Lie, and this drone gets paid to smash it into the brains of Americans stupified by public schools. Answer this ……….. if 90% were killed by disease, how were so many alive when the Removal took place?
100 to 300 in villages. How many villages?
You mean. Before anglos arrivals
Well at this time the name native American didnt exist that name didnt come around until the nativist party. American indians are actually vrown skinned people and many lost their name and culture and became african Americans some how
they say arabs are the root of all evil ,but look at this LMAO , who wiped out native americans and native australians ?who did horishima ?
So world's first terrerists European
the Native Americans are your stereotypical Native, but Native Canadians? they’re the peaceful ones. They barely fought each other too, mainly because they were so far apart from surrounding tribes and when they did come into contact, they went straight to trading.
Now look how nice we made this place think god we took this land
im here for my social studies homework
I see romanticism here- Indians were killing each other over the lands, multi different tribes killing one another when the Europeans arrived. Also, the entire world was built based on invasion and wars. There’s no hero or saint in history! It’s just part of the creations of a new civilization.
Yo, nativeAmericans, sorry about the germs!! just saying this on behalf of all Europeans :/
Research Jamestown Massacre of 1622. Native Americans came to Europeans to trade and once invited the Indians sneak attacked them mass murdering White Men, Women and Children. Killing a total of 347 people.
If I were Native American, I don't know what era I would love live in, before Europeans came, during Europeans, or years after Europeans arrived.
90 to 95%=2/3??
I hope no one is here for math..